Choose the Right Garden Hose

A garden hose is an essential piece of outdoor equipment, whether your lawn stretches across several acres or you have a simple patio garden to manage. There are many purposes to a garden hose, including watering plants, rinsing off backyard toys and washing your car. Most hardware and home improvement stores have entire aisles devoted to garden hoses, so there are many options. Choose the right garden hose by deciding what you will use it for the most, and purchasing one that fits your needs.


  1. Decide the length you need the hose to be. Garden hoses measure from 10 feet (3 meters) to over 100 feet (30 meters) in length.
    • Determine how far you will need the water to reach to decide on the length you need.
    • Get a standard size of 25 feet (7.6 meters), 50 feet (15 meters), 75 feet (22.8 meters), or 100 feet (30 meters), unless you have distant watering needs.
  2. Decide how thick you need the hose to be. Most hoses are 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) in diameter and can provide about 9 gallons (34 liters) of water per minute.
    • Get a thicker hose to deliver more water. They can be 5/8 inches (1.6 cm) or even 3/4 inches (1.9 cm) in diameter. The thicker the hose, the less water pressure you lose over distance.
  3. Select a material based on your climate and watering schedule. Most garden hoses are vinyl or rubber.
    • Choose a vinyl hose if you live in a mild climate and have only light watering to do. Vinyl often costs less.
    • Choose a rubber hose for more durability and to handle extreme weather conditions. They are heavier and may cost more.
    • Look for a hose that is reinforced with several layers if you need extra resilience. If your yard has a lot of equipment, furniture or sharp objects that you may drag the hose over, the right garden hose might be one with a mesh covering on the outer layer, which can help protect against snags and punctures.
  4. Consider your budget. A standard hose that is reliable, easy to use, and 50 feet (15 meters) in length will cost between $25 and $50. You can find a less expensive hose for around $10, or a more expensive hose for up to $100, if that is what you need.
  5. Know your nozzle options. Water pressure is controlled from the hose with a nozzle attached to the end. The nozzle can be twisted to produce a fine spray or a strong stream of water. For the most flexibility in your watering, choose an adjustable nozzle.
    • Choose a brass nozzle if you want something less prone to leaks or damage.
    • Choose a plastic nozzle if you want something that tightens onto the hose easily and creates less wear and tear on the hose.
  6. Look for a hose that you can easily store.
    • Roll the hose up and hang it on a reel to store it when you are not using the hose.
    • Choose a wall mounted reel, or a cart or wagon style that can move through the yard with you.
  7. Pick a hose with antimicrobial protection. Some consumer groups and testing agencies have detected carcinogens in some of the recycled materials used to make garden hoses.
    • Prevent bacterial growth with antimicrobial protection if you have children who will drink from the hose, or you are using the hose to fill up a swimming pool for kids.
  8. Select a 'Flexogen' hose if you want something with a lifetime guarantee. Made with a 6-ply construction and a reinforced cord, this is a power hose that has foam inner layers in order to maintain flexibility. It costs about $18, and if you do not use it for commercial purposes, you will never have to replace it.
  9. Look for an industrial hose if you have some heavy duty watering projects to complete. Constructed of rubber, including a rubber covering that is resistant to abrasions, this hose offers a high burst strength and can be used with extremely hot water.
  10. Use a sprinkler hose or a soaker hose for regular lawn watering. A sprinkler hose can be left on the ground in one place, and provide a light watering, through a series of holes, to the surrounding garden or lawn. A soaker hose lays on the ground or just beneath the ground, and allows water to saturate the soil.


  • Talk to experts at home and garden centers, or hardware stores. Explain what you need the hose for and what kind of yard you have, and the associates there may have recommendations.
  • Read customer reviews online to find the right hose for you. Other users can provide insight into how a particular hose works, and help you decide what to avoid.

Things You'll Need

  • Hose nozzle
  • Garden reel

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