Clean Discoloured Aluminum Saucepans

If you have discoloured aluminium pots and pans, there is an easy and environmentally friendly way to quickly shine them using apples and the method outlined here.


  1. Obtain an apple or two. The amount will depend on how many pots you are planning on cleaning.
  2. Peel the apple.
  3. Place the peel into the pot with enough water to cover the discolouration on the pan. If you need to fill the pan, add more peel.
  4. Boil. Keep an eye on the boiling process and when you see the discolouration lift and the shine return, the pot can be removed.
  5. Allow the water to cool, remove the peel and pour the cooled out. It is a good idea to reuse the completely cooled water to water plants rather than waste it down the drain.
  6. Rinse and dry the pot.


  • This method is non-toxic. You can throw the used apple peels into the compost bin. Use the peeled apple to make apple pie or crumble. Alternatively, think about cleaning discoloured pots and pans when you bake an apple pie!

Things You'll Need

  • Discoloured pot or pan
  • Apple peel
  • Peeler

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