Clean Laminate Floors Naturally

Laminate floors can be quite beautiful and durable. To keep them looking good using natural products, start by mixing together a homemade cleaning solution. Place this mixture into a bottle and lightly spray your floors. Wipe up the excess with a microfiber mop and continue going over the surface until it is dry. If your floor is particularly dirty, consider seeking out the help of a cleaning professional.


Choosing a Cleaning Product

  1. Make a vinegar solution. Get a bucket or spray bottle and mix together a 50-50 distilled water and vinegar mixture. Shake the bottle or stir the liquid in the bucket a bit. Add a few drops of natural dish soap or essential oils, if you like. Apply the solution to your flooring until it is damp, but not soaking wet. Wipe to dry thoroughly.[1]
    • Many people don’t like the smell of vinegar, so a few drops of an essential oil, such as lavender, helps to reduce that acidic odor.[2]
    • Using distilled vinegar also has the added benefit of sanitizing your floors while getting them clean.
  2. Make a tea-based cleaning solution. Add a black tea bag to one cup of water and complete a brew cycle. Allow the tea to cool and then pour it into a spray bottle. Lightly spray the laminate floor with this mixture and then wipe it dry with a mop.[3]
  3. Apply jojoba oil to tough stains. If you notice one spot that stands out on your floor, pour a few drops of jojoba oil on a towel. Place this towel on top of the stain and hold for a few minutes. Wipe away any residue with water.[2]
  4. Apply a baking soda paste to food stains. For tough food stains, mix together baking soda and distilled water until they form a heavy paste. Cover the stain with the paste. Wipe it away after a few minutes. Repeat until the stain is gone.[2]
  5. Apply rubbing alcohol to tough stains. This cleaning method must be used carefully, as lengthy exposure to alcohol can strip some floors of their protective coating. Get a cotton ball and dip it in a bit of rubbing alcohol. Wipe the stain with the ball and wait a minute or so. Rinse the area with distilled water.[2]
  6. Use warm distilled water in cleaning mixtures. Whenever you add water to a cleaning mixture make sure to only use distilled water, as it will not leave additional deposits on your flooring. Also, warm water is better at pulling up stains and dirt. As you clean, make sure to refill your water mixture as often as needed.[3]

Applying the Solution

  1. Vacuum up any dirt or debris. Place your vacuum on the bare floor, or wood floor, setting. Go over your floors a few times. Picking up any dirt on the surface will make it less likely that they will stick to your cleaning solution and the floor.[2]
    • As you vacuum, try to move in the direction of the floor panels or grooves. This will make it easier to pull up any debris from the crevices.[4]
  2. Shake the cleaner bottle. If your cleaning solution is in a spray bottle, then give it a quick shake. Watch to see if the various liquids appear to be mixing. If your solution is in a bucket, use a long-handled spoon to give it a quick stir.[5]
  3. Apply to a test area. Before you do a general application of your cleaning solution, spray a small bit in an obscure area of your floor. Then, watch to see if your floor is discolored or warped as a result of the solution. This will give you an idea as to how the rest of your floor will respond to this cleaning process.[6]
  4. Spray the cleaner onto the floor. Hold your spray bottle a few inches above the floor and coat the surface with a fine mist of cleaning solution. Your goal is to get your floor damp, not overly wet. It is best to do this in sections, so that you can follow up by drying your floor quickly. If you see any standing puddles from the solution, make sure to wipe them up immediately.[7]
  5. Dry immediately. Get a microfiber cloth or mop and run this over every damp surface on your floor. Repeat this process until you have picked up all of the moisture that you applied. This is very important as any moisture left on your floor may cause warping.[8]
    • A microfiber mop has the benefit of preventing back strain, while also providing a very even dry. Some people prefer to use the mop for the entire process, wetting down one pad to apply the cleaning solution and then following up with a dry one.[4]
  6. Rinse and reuse the pads as necessary. If you choose to use a mop, be aware that you may need to remove soiled pads and replace them with fresh ones as you wet down your floor or dry it. It is important that the pads are clean, otherwise you are just moving dirt around.[4]
    • Most pads can be rinsed off the sink and left out to dry. Or, place them in your washing machine under a “quick wash” setting.
    • When washing your floor pads or microfiber cloths, make sure to not use a fabric softener or laundry sheet. The chemicals from these products can damage the fibers in your cleaning cloths.[9]

Keeping Your Floor Clean Over Time

  1. Wipe up any spills right away. If you see a large spill sitting on your floor, grab a paper towel or clean cloth and wipe it up. Keep going until you’ve picked up all of the liquid. If the stain is sticky, follow up with a damp cloth.[4]
  2. Stick to a cleaning schedule. Try to vacuum your laminate floor at least twice a week. This will help to remove any dirt or grime that could scratch your floors. Every two weeks or so, do a deeper clean with a solution and mop. Of course, if your floor looks particularly dirty, it never hurts to clean a bit sooner.[10]
  3. Call in a professional. Do an online search for a floor cleaning specialist in your area. Let them know that you have a laminate floor and provide any information that you have regarding the manufacturer. Specifically request that they use only natural products when cleaning. They will then visit your home, clean your floors, and set up a future cleaning schedule with you.


  • To keep your floors cleaner longer, use floor protectors under furniture and do not wear shoes while inside.[8]
  • If you have to remove something stuck to the floor, apply a cleaning solution and then use a flat-ended tool to pry the substance up slowly.


  • Do not use abrasive cleaners on laminate floors, such as ammonia, on laminate floors as they can leave streaks and dull patches.[2]

Things You’ll Need

  • Black tea bags
  • Distilled water
  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Essential oils
  • Dish soap
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Spray bottle
  • Bucket
  • Mop and pads

Sources and Citations


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