Clean Liquid Laundry Detergent from Painted Walls

You cleaned your walls with Lysol, Hexol, Pine Sol or a similar cleanser, then painted your walls with an acrylic/latex paint and stains come through. You may have to start over. These cleansing products contain pine oil. Acrylic latex paint will not adhere to oil.


  1. Wash the walls thoroughly with a solution of TSP (Tri-Sodium-Phosphate) or Spic 'N' Span. Allow it to dry.
  2. Paint a small, inconspicuous, stained area. Let that newly painted area dry for at least 24 hours.
  3. If the stain re-surfaces, you will need to completely prime the walls (with a product such as Zinser's 1-2-3) (See Tips.)
  4. Allow the primer to dry and "set" overnight.
  5. Re-paint the walls.


  • When you are shopping at the improvement center or hardware store for primer, discuss your dilemma with the paint department specialist. Have him/her guide you to the primer product that will be compatible with the paint you are using.


  • TSP and Spic 'N' Span are strong products. Wear gloves and follow the manufacturer's instructions, warnings and suggestions when using these products.

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