Clean Liquid Laundry Detergent from Painted Walls
You cleaned your walls with Lysol, Hexol, Pine Sol or a similar cleanser, then painted your walls with an acrylic/latex paint and stains come through. You may have to start over. These cleansing products contain pine oil. Acrylic latex paint will not adhere to oil.
- Wash the walls thoroughly with a solution of TSP (Tri-Sodium-Phosphate) or Spic 'N' Span. Allow it to dry.
- Paint a small, inconspicuous, stained area. Let that newly painted area dry for at least 24 hours.
- If the stain re-surfaces, you will need to completely prime the walls (with a product such as Zinser's 1-2-3) (See Tips.)
- Allow the primer to dry and "set" overnight.
- Re-paint the walls.
- When you are shopping at the improvement center or hardware store for primer, discuss your dilemma with the paint department specialist. Have him/her guide you to the primer product that will be compatible with the paint you are using.
- TSP and Spic 'N' Span are strong products. Wear gloves and follow the manufacturer's instructions, warnings and suggestions when using these products.
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