Clean Oil Paintings to Preserve It for Years

Owning a good original painting has always a matter of pride for the owner. And nowadays purchasing modern paintings or original oil paintings have become easier with the popularity of online art galleries. But just as it takes one a long time to find an oil painting which one would like to own, an oil painting also needs a lot of caring and maintenance to retain its beauty for years to come. Professional help can be obtained to clean or refurbish your valuable oil paintings. However you can effectively clean the oil paintings on your own by following these few simple steps.


  1. For cleaning paintings, always make sure that the brush you are using is made of soft bristles. Soft brushes remove the dirt accumulated on the painting without damaging the painting.
  2. For cleaning the back of the painting, first remove the painting from its frame and put it down carefully on a clean surface.
  3. Now with the help of a small nozzle with a brush attachment, vacuum the dirt slowly and carefully.
  4. If necessary, you can place a paper cover on the back of the painting to prevent dust from getting accumulated there.
  5. If the varnish of the oil painting is looking aged, buy a gentle solvent known as ‘conservation liquid’ to clean it.
  6. Before using the solvent directly on the painting, first test the reaction of the solvent by applying it on just one corner.
  7. If the solvent is good, put the painting in an area with sufficient ventilation.
  8. Now apply the solvent very carefully on the surface of the painting with the help of a cotton swab.
  9. For removing the surface dirt, use cotton swabs dampened with distilled water. Lightly roll the cotton swabs on the surface to remove dirt.
  10. In case the painting is showing signs of cracks or loose flakes, carefully dust the surface with the help of an extremely spongy and dry bristle brush such as a baby toothbrush or shaving cream brush.
  11. And if the surface of the oil painting is muggy, dirty or oily use a gentle detergent solution. Mix the solution in lukewarm water and then apply it on the surface of the painting with the help of new fiber cloths.
  12. For recently done modern paintings, make sure that your oil painting is free of built-up dirt, smoke, pet hair, dander, as well as bacteria or any fungal growth.
  13. For cleaning oil paintings covered in dust or yellowed varnish, look for a qualified professional.


  • While dusting an oil painting, do not flex the canvas.
  • Never remove the dirt by bumping the painting.
  • Never sink any part of the painting in water while cleaning it.
  • Avoid placing live plants around paintings, since pests and insects can fly up from the plants and stain the oil painting.
  • Do not scrub or rub roughly to clean the painting.
  • Do not dust any loose, flaking paint as the paint pieces can be swept away and lost.


  • Do not use water, so-called conservation liquid or detergents. Why risk damaging your precious artwork? Leave it to professional conservators who have years of study and experience. Do not experiment; leave it for professionals. Remember that damage is never reversible! So take care of your artwork!

Things You'll Need

  • Well ventilated room
  • Soft brushes
  • Small nozzle vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment
  • Paper cover
  • Conservation liquid solvent
  • Cotton swab
  • Spongy dry bristle brush such as baby toothbrush or shaving cream brush
  • Gentle detergent solution
  • New fiber cloths

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