Clean Stainless Steel Naturally

Shimmering stainless steel can quickly become covered in fingerprints or other smudges. In fact, this is a common problem for many people who own stainless steel appliances. It’s just as easy to clear away these unsightly spots using products you have around your house. You can clean your stainless steel naturally by clearing them away with products such as vinegar and then polishing them with different oils including olive oil.


Using Proper Cleaning Techniques

  1. Read the owner’s manual. Some stainless steel items are treated with materials that require special cleaning procedures. Follow any instructions the manufacturer provides so that you don’t damage your stainless steel. You can also call the manufacturer to ask if natural products are safe on your stainless steel.[1]
  2. Use a clean, lint-free cloth. Gather two clean and lint-free cloths to clean the stainless steel. Paper towels, microfiber cloths, and even old pieces of clothing are good options. This can clean your stainless steel without scratching it or rubbing around any grime.[2] Old terrycloth towels also work.[3]
    • Use a nylon scrubbing sponge or old toothbrush for tough grime or smudges. Use gentle pressure so you don’t scratch your stainless steel.
  3. Wipe with the grain. Like wood, stainless steel has a grain that runs either horizontally or vertically. Look closely at your stainless steel and notice which way this grain runs. Follow this each time you clean or wipe your stainless steel.[2]
  4. Avoid abrasive cleaning materials. Stainless steel can stain despite its name. It’s important to avoid certain products and cleaning implements that can damage your stainless steel. Steer clear of the following things when cleaning your stainless steel:[3]
    • Hard water, which can leave brown stains
    • Chlorine bleach
    • Steel wool
    • Steel brushes

Using Natural Cleaners

  1. Wipe daily with water. Start wiping down your stainless steel anytime you use it. Rinse a washcloth with clean, warm water and wipe it across your item. Dry it off with a clean and dry towel or cloth.[3]
    • Use distilled water on your stainless steel if your tap water is hard. This can prevent more marks or staining.[2]
  2. Spray on a solution of vinegar and water. Vinegar is one of the best natural cleaners for stainless steel because it cuts through oils from cooking and even fingertips.[4] Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a clean spray bottle. Mist your stainless steel item with the vinegar and water and then wipe it off with a clean and dry cloth.[2]
    • Mix vinegar with distilled water if your tap water is hard and leaves stains.
    • Use undiluted vinegar for heavy staining or marks.[3]
  3. Create a baking soda paste. Vinegar may not cut through especially tough spots. Mix water and baking soda until it forms a paste. Apply this to the stain(s) and let sit for 15-20 minutes. Scrub with a nylon scrubber or toothbrush and then wipe away the paste with a damp, clean, and lint-free cloth.[5]
  4. Lift stains with club soda. Pour club soda into a clean spray bottle. Spray down your stainless steel with the soda water. Wipe dry with a clean, lint-free cloth. Follow the grain of the stainless steel, which will give it additional luster.[6]
  5. Rub on a lemon slice. Lemon is another mildly acidic substance that can cut grease on stainless steel. Rub a lemon slice on your stainless steel to remove stains and grime. Wipe down with a damp, clean cloth.[5]
  6. Dissolve grime with rubbing alcohol. Dab some rubbing oil on extra tough stains. Gently rub over the stain until it disappears.[7]
    • Avoid using rubbing alcohol on ovens or other appliances that conduct high heat. It is flammable and can cause fires.

Polishing with Natural Oils

  1. Buff with olive oil. Oils are a great way to give your stainless steel a beautiful shine after you’ve cleaned it. Dip a clean, soft cloth in some olive oil. Rub it along your stainless steel with the grain until you notice a shiny luster.[2]
    • Use just a dab of oil to shine your stainless steel. Dousing the cloth in olive oil may dull the shine and attract dust and other grime.
  2. Get serious shine with lemon oil. Pour a few drops of lemon oil on a clean cloth. Rub it into your stainless steel using gentle pressure. This will create a beautiful shine on your cleaned stainless steel.[7]
    • Avoid using lemon oil on ovens or other appliances that conduct high heat. It is flammable and can cause fires.
  3. Add shine with mineral or baby oil. Another household oil you can use to polish your stainless steel is mineral oil. You can find this most often in baby oil. Put a small amount on a clean cloth and rub it onto your stainless steel until it glimmers.[8]

Sources and Citations