Clean and Preserve Sand Dollars

Collecting sand dollars on the beach can be a fun and exciting activity, but they often look dull from all their time spent in the salty ocean water. Learn how to carefully clean and preserve these delicate treasures and turn them into interesting decorations or gifts.


Cleaning Sand Dollar Shells

  1. Choose your sand dollars carefully. Don't collect living sand dollars. It's considered inhumane and illegal in some places, to kill sand dollars for the express purpose of drying them out and using them as decoration. Always be conscious of the amount of shells you take, and do your part to preserve the sand dollar species by leaving living creatures in the ocean, or tossing them back if they have mistakenly washed up on shore. Sand dollars that have washed up on shore and are whitish or pale in color are most likely dead. These are the ones you want to collect.
    • Never dig sand dollars from the ocean floor. Sand dollars burrow beneath the sand of the sea floor to protect themselves from predators and debris. If you dig up a sand dollar underwater, there's a good chance that it's alive.
    • Check them before you take them. Gently turn the sand dollar over and look for tiny, centipede-like feet or hairs on its bottom side. Brush the hairs with your hand. If the hairs move, the sand dollar is alive. Place it gently back into the ocean. If the hairs don't move, feel free to take the sand dollar home.
    • If a sand dollar is moist or solid in your hand, there's a good chance that it's alive or recently deceased, even if you found it washed up on the beach. Exercise your best judgment, and consider returning a sand dollar to the sea if you aren't sure.[1]
  2. Collect the dried-out exoskeletons that wash up on the beach. These empty shells called "tests" may be difficult to find, which makes them even more precious and meaningful.
    • In many states, it's illegal to collect living sand dollars, and you may face a fine if you're caught in the act.[2] If you're not sure about the law, or if you care about preserving fragile littoral ecosystems, don't take sand dollars directly from the ocean.
    • Many beaches and coastal authorities restrict the number of sand dollars that you can collect in one day. Research local beach-combing rules and restrictions before you set out for the day.
    • Before you take a shell from the ocean, make sure no organism is still living inside it. The ocean is a delicate ecosystem and can be dramatically disturbed by over picking, even if you only take "a few" shells.[3]
  3. Soak the sand dollars in fresh water. Your freshly collected sand dollar shells might have a slight marine odor, which can be caused by small organisms and algae living on the shell. Fill a bucket with clean fresh water and submerge your sand dollar shells inside. Allow them to soak.
    • The water in the bucket may become discolored or start to smell bad. If this happens, retrieve your shells from the bucket, dump out the water and fill the bucket with clean fresh water. Replace your shells and soak them again.
    • Continue to soak the shells until they no longer cause the water to discolor.
    • Soaking your shells in fresh water after collecting them helps to prevent decay.
  4. Gently brush the shells (optional). During the soaking process, you may see small pieces of debris stuck in the crevices of the shells. In this case, use a soft toothbrush to gently dislodge and debris.
    • Avoid brushing the shells aggressively. These shells are very delicate and vigorous brushing can cause them to crack.
    • You can also use a toothpick to gently pick at spots of debris.
    • Soaking your shell for a longer period will help loosen pieces of debris.
  5. Soak your shells in bleach. Once your shells are completely clean, take them out of the fresh water and lay them on a towel to dry while you prepare a solution of half fresh water and half bleach. Soak your sand dollars in the solution. Set a timer and only allow your sand dollars to soak in the bleach for 10 minutes or less. Soaking your shells for longer can cause the shells to disintegrate.
    • If you're cleaning a number of sand dollars, fill a baking tray with the bleach-and-water solution. This will allow you to spread a number of sand dollars evenly over a broad surface.
    • Make sure that there's enough solution in the tray to cover the entire sand dollar. You can also use a bowl, a bucket, or a Tupperware container.
    • If you're only cleaning one sand dollar, find a small bowl, lid, or another container. You won't need much bleach to get the intended effect.
  6. Rinse the shells. Remove your shells from your bleach solution using rubber gloves or metal tongs and rinse them under fresh water. Rinse all sides and crevices of the shells completely to wash all of the bleach off.
  7. Let your shells dry. Once you have soaked your shells and rinsed them clean of bleach, lay them onto a towel to dry.
    • For the best results, lay your shells in the sun. This allows them to easily air dry.

Perserving Sand Dollar Shells

  1. Prepare your solution. Use equal parts water and equal parts school glue to create a watered down mixture. Line a small bowl with plastic wrap or wax paper to protect the surface of the bowl and mix your solution with a disposable utensil.
    • Mix as much solution as you think you'll need depending on the size and amount of sand dollar shells you have.
  2. Lay your shells on wax paper. Like a baking sheet or large plate with wax paper and lay your dry shells on it. Place your shells with the rounded side facing up. Make sure to space your shells an inch or so apart.
    • Using wax paper allows for an easy clean up.
  3. Paint glue on your sand dollar. Use a soft paintbrush to paint the rounded top side of your shells first. Try to avoid touching the shell with your fingers, this can leave smudges in the glue. Allow the glue to completely dry before flipping the shells over and painting the underside.
    • Painting your shells with this glue mixture will harden the shells, which will help them last longer.
    • Maintain a clean work area to ensure dirt and debris don’t get stuck to the sand dollars.
    • This method will create a dull natural finish for your sand dollars.[4]

Creative Sand Dollar ideas

  1. Make Christmas ornaments. Use paint, fabric, and cotton balls to turn your sand dollars into fun and creative ornaments. This can be a great craft idea to work on with children. Paint eyes and a nose on a sand dollar and use cotton balls to make a beard. Cut a Santa hat out of red fabric and glue it on top to create a jolly Santa ornament.
    • Take care when decorating sand dollars with children's. Even though the shells have hardened with the glue finish, they can still be very brittle and delicate.
    • Use a permanent marker to write the year the ornament was made and the name of the creator for future reference.
  2. Make a glittery sand dollar. Take some glue, glitter, small rhinestones, and a brush to dazzle up your sand dollar with sparkles. Use a glue dispenser with a nozzle tip to draw creative patterns and cover them with glitter. These can make great gift ideas for parents, relatives, and friends.
    • Dazzle up a small sand dollar shell and glue it to the edge of a picture frame. Frame a picture of your friends and family together on your beach vacation.
  3. Make mermaid jewelry. If you have some sand dollar shells that are relatively small and light, you can string a chain or leather cord through one of the shells natural holes and turn it into a unique pendant necklace.
  4. Get as creative as you want. There are tons of fun ways to get creative with sand dollar shells. Turn them into beautiful works of art or decorations for your home. Here are some more creative suggestions:
    • Display your shells with an assortment of your other favorite shells and stones.
    • Use a brush and watercolor paint to make them pop with color.
    • Put your favorite seashells in a large glass mason jar and display it in your home. #*Loop a strong through the holes in the sand dollars and create a wind chime or tie them into a dreamcatcher.
    • Find your own fun ways to decorate and display your precious treasure.


  • Most beach visitors don't realize that taking live sand dollars threatens the species and is illegal in many parts of the United States. You can take the sand dollar's skeleton (called a "test"), which is usually white and found on the beach.
  • Handle sand dollars carefully, especially smaller ones, as they are easily chipped or broken.
  • Most sand dollars are found along the seashore. Alive, they burrow into the soft sand of the sea floor. Dead or dying, they wash up onto the beach and dry out in the sun.
  • If your shells are not as white as you'd like, soak them in a weaker bleach solution. Try reducing the amount of bleach to about 25% and soaking for 5 minutes.


  • It is illegal to collect living sand dollars in some jurisdictions. Do your research and be humane.
  • Be mindful when collecting. Pick only a few shells. You don't need to take them all.
  • Be careful when handling bleach. Don't get bleach in your eyes, and don't swallow the solution. Wash your hands with soap after any contact with bleach.

Things You'll Need

  • Empty sand dollar shells
  • Bleach
  • Freshwater
  • Buckets
  • Wax paper
  • Rubber gloves
  • School glue
  • Brush

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