Connect to Your Element

The four elements are very important in the religions of Wicca and Paganism. Everyone is born with a special connection to one of the elements. After finding out which element is for you, how do you connect with it?


  1. Start off by casting a circle. This will draw the positive energy around you, so that there is no chance that any unwanted spirits will interrupt you. Make sure that you have brought something resembling your element into the centre.
  2. Sit down in the middle of your circle, and take the object that resembles your element. The objects to represent each one should be:
    • Water - A cup of water. Works best on full moon.
    • Fire - A lit candle.
    • Earth - A flowerpot of earth.
    • Air - A feather, some incense or a fan.
  3. Run your hands through/over the object that represents your element. Think of how it feels to be consumed by it (e.g. water, underwater, fire, on a hot summer's day, earth, buried underground, and air, in the centre of a hurricane). Imagine it taking care of you, making sure you can breathe underwater, that you don't get too hot, crushed by the earth, or that you don't get whipped away by the wind.
  4. Call the element forth. You could ask it to play with you. Your vision of being consumed by that element may become more vivid. Talk to it, tell it about what makes you happy or sad. Connect with it as you would connect with other people.
  5. Once you have finished with your element, thank it and ask it to return to its normal position in the circle, then close it.


  • Your element doesn't have to be related to your star sign. For instance, some people may be born under a water sign, but may feel a special connection with the air.
  • You could try meditating over your element as well, and spending time outside with it (air and earth), by a stream (water) or by a fireplace (fire).
  • Some people may feel the element with them in the circle (e.g. if someone invoked fire, they might suddenly start feeling really hot). This is rare, but can happen.
  • Don't get frustrated if your element doesn't respond. It may not be the right one for you, so try another one.
  • We are made up of all the elements, you should strive to connect with all the elements. People are just closer with one or two.
  • Some people may have connections with more than one element. Once you've connected one, wait for a while, and then try to connect with another!


  • When trying to connect to another element, you may lose your first connection with your original element. To see if you have another affinity for both elements, try meditating over the second suspected element first. Explain to the first element that you aren't replacing it, you're just broadening your connection with nature.
  • Obviously, this isn't going to give you superpowers with your element. You're not going to be able to make flowers grow when you command, as much as you'd like to. It will bring you closer to nature, though.

Things You'll Need

  • Five candles to represent the five elements. (Blue for water, red for fire, green for earth, yellow for air, purple for spirit).
  • A special object to represent your element with.
  • White sage or witch hazel (to cleanse the room that you will be casting the circle in first)

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