Control Your Lustful Actions

It is bound to happen! Rather you're searching the Internet when no one is watching you, and you Google a raunchy website. Or you look at the magazine section of the book store when your eyes come across a model on the front cover of "Playboy". Eventually, you will come across a moment in your life when you fall into sexual temptation. This article will give you a few tips on how to overcome your lust, and teach you some things that you need to know about it!


  1. Learn that sexuality is completely natural! Believe it or not, a vast majority of human beings on this Earth have sexual desires! However, some people have allowed their sexuality to become such a huge part of their lives to the point where it is corrupts them. This is especially common in teenagers who are just being introduced to the world of sexuality. If this is you, then don't worry! There is a solution to your problem.
  2. Try to control your eyes. A key to control your temptation is to keep your eyes away from the parts of people which might invoke lustful thoughts, or keep them off of certain people in general. This is especially important to do in environments such as the beach or the gym; where there are often people who are in skin-tight and very revealing clothing. If you can keep your eyes clean, then eventually your thoughts will become clean. So when you're looking at someone, try to keep your eyes focused above their shoulders.
  3. Try to get help from someone else if you can. Think of temptation like a sumo wrestler. Every time you fall into temptation and do what it wants you to do, it will be like giving it food. It will become bigger every single day until it's uncontrollable. Then when you realize you need to get rid of that sumo, you can't defeat it by yourself. What you need to do is to have someone you can trust help you with your lustful thoughts. You may even find out that they went through the same things you went through! [Image:Control Your Lustful Actions Step 2.jpg|center]]
  4. Find other things to do. Often times we commit lustful actions when we are alone or have nothing else to do, so it's best to do other things to keep your mind off of lustful thoughts. Some good examples include hobbies such as games and sports, or socializing with other people.
  5. Realize that you are not alone. You are not the only one who is struggling to control your lust. These problems are especially common in teenagers who are going through puberty and are discovering their sexuality. But many people who struggle with lust tend to forget about this, or don't even know this fact at all! So not only is what you're going through natural, especially if you are a teenager, you are also not the only one going through this! You'll lose that "guilty conscience" once you do, and find the strength to overcome your lust!


  • The main key to overcoming any strong temptation is to get help from someone else. You are the most vulnerable when you are, or are in the mindset of being, alone.
  • Remember; your sexuality is completely normal! You are suppose to have it! Just do not let it be the thing that controls you; control it instead!

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