Control a Cough

Coughs are a natural response to post-nasal drip and congestion. While they are a natural part of colds and allergies, prolonged coughing can be very irritating and cause discomfort. If your cough persists for several weeks and is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, fatigue, and is productive then you should see doctor to determine if you have a bacterial respiratory infection. Otherwise, you can try to sooth a troublesome cough with some home remedies and over-the-counter medications.


Drinking Enough Fluids

  1. Drink plenty of water. An upper respiratory infection can cause post-nasal drip that can trigger a cough. Staying hydrated will help to thin mucus from an upper respiratory infection. This may reduce the urge to cough from post-nasal drip.[1]
    • Staying hydrated will also help to keep your mucus membranes moist and healthy. This will help dry throat and nasal passages that are common in the winter months due to dry air. Dry mouths and throats can cause an irritation that can make you want to cough.
  2. Drink hot tea with honey. Hot drinks are soothing to a sore, irritated throat from a persistent cough. Honey is a natural cough suppressant.[2] In fact, studies have shown that honey is as effective as cough medicine containing dextromethorpan at relieving night-time cough.[3]
    • Hot liquids will help to thin the mucus in your throat. Choose an herbal tea such as peppermint or eucalyptus to help loosen the mucus and relieve a cough.[1]
  3. Try chicken soup. If your cough is associated with a cold, chicken soup can help to relieve congestion. Researchers have demonstrated that chicken broth contains certain anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve congestion.[4][5]
    • The soup will help to loosen and thin mucus that can cause irritation and coughs.
    • The warm soup will also help to soothe any irritated tissue in the back of your throat.

Trying Natural Remedies

  1. Ask your doctor about herbal remedies. Several herbs have traditionally been used to treat coughs. Because they may interact with other medical conditions or prescription medications, you should always ask a doctor or pharmacist about whether these remedies are safe for you to use. You can find most of these herbs at health food stores or drug stores. Consider the following:[1]
    • Marshmallow. Not the puffy white things you put in hot cocoa, the marshmallow plant contains a substance called mucilage that can help reduce throat irritation. It is commonly available as a tea, tincture, or capsule.[6]
    • Slippery elm. Slippery elm may help stimulate mucus production, keeping it thin enough to avoid irritating your throat. It is available as tablets and capsules, lozenges, tea, and extracts.[7]
    • Licorice root. This isn’t the candy. It is a traditional treatment for coughs and sore throats. The active ingredient glycyrrhiza can have serious side effects, so if your doctor says licorice is safe for you to use, look for deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL). It is available as a tincture, caplet, tea, or extract.[8]
    • Thyme. Thyme may help relieve coughs and acute bronchitis. Do not take thyme oil by mouth, as it is toxic. Instead, brew a tea from fresh or dried thyme leaves and sip it.[1]
  2. Incorporate probiotics into your diet. Probiotics won’t directly treat your cough, but they can help relieve and even prevent colds and flu, and they may also relieve pollen allergies. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are strains to look for. [1]
    • Look for yogurts and other products fortified with probiotics. You can also take a probiotic supplement.
    • People with weakened immune systems or who take immunosuppressant drugs should consult with their doctors before taking probiotics.
  3. Try spirulina. Spirulina is a strain of blue-green algae that may help your body fight allergies by blocking the release of histamine. This may help relieve coughs due to allergies.[1]
    • People with weakened immune systems or who take immunosuppressant drugs should consult with their doctors before taking spirulina.
  4. Try a saline nasal rinse. Irrigating your sinuses with a saline rinse may help relieve your cough by removing postnasal drip secretions that can irritate your throat. You can purchase pre-made saline rinses at most pharmacies or drug stores, or you can make your own.[9]
    • To make your own, combine ⅛ teaspoon of table salt in one cup of warm water. Wet a clean washcloth in the saline solution.
    • Hold the washcloth to your nose and inhale. Alternatively, you can use a Neti pot or irrigating syringe to rinse your sinuses.

Modifying Your Environment

  1. Use steam to loosen congestion. You can do this by taking hot showers or inhaling steam from hot water. This is a safe and very effective method for temporarily relieving congestion.[9]
    • Steam can help a cough by loosening secretions in the nose and airways.
    • This strategy can help to ease coughs from colds, but also those caused by allergies, asthma, and lower respiratory infections.
    • You may find adding a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil to the water, or using a mentholated shower bomb, helps clear your congestion too.
  2. Try a humidifier. Dry air in the home can thicken nasal secretions that cause coughs. A humidifier is a machine that moistens the air in your home. This is a safe and very effective method for temporarily relieving congestion. Putting moisture back into the air can help your cough by losing the mucus in your nasal passages and chest.[9]
    • Don't overdo it though. Too much moisture in the air can encourage mold and fungus growth in your your home. Allergies to these may worsen a cough.
    • Try using the humidifier only at night. Clean the humidifier frequently so mold doesn't build up inside of the machine.
  3. Remove any irritants from your home. Scented products, smoke, and allergens can cause a chronic cough. Some people notice that scented candles, lotions, and air fresheners can cause nasal irritation. This can cause mucus build up, which in turn causes a cough.[9]
    • Cigarette smoke is another common irritant that can cause a cough. Stop smoking, or ask others in your home who smoke to quit or do so outside.
    • If you have a known allergy to pets or mold, be extra vigilant about these irritants in your home. Clean damp surfaces frequently to avoid mold buildup and clean up pet hair.
    • Keep your environment clean and dust-free to help avoid irritation.

Taking Over-The-Counter Remedies

  1. Use cough drops. These come in many flavors and varieties and will help to suppress a cough temporarily. Try coughs that contain menthol, as it is a natural cough reliever. Menthol can help to numb the back of your throat and will get rid of the irritation causing your cough.[9]
    • If you can't stand the taste of cough drops, sucking on hard candy can also help to relieve some of the irritation from a cough.
  2. Try an over-the-counter decongestant. Decongestants relieve nasal congestion by shrinking swollen nasal passages and reducing mucus. Decongestants will also dry up any mucus in your chest and lessen a deep chest cough.[10]
    • These medicines come in pills, liquids, and nasal sprays.
    • Look for medicines that contain phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine as the active ingredient.
    • Be aware that both of these medications can raise blood pressure, so people with hypertension should take care when using them.
    • Nasal spray decongestants should only be used for 2-3 days at a time as they can cause rebound congestion with prolonged use.
  3. Try a cough suppressant or expectorant. If your cough is persistent and causing pain and irritation, a cough suppressant can help to reduce the amount of coughing. Expectorants help to thin chest and nasal mucus so it is more easily coughed up.[10]
    • Look for a cough suppressant that contains dextromethorphan.
    • Because they can cause drowsiness, only take cough suppressants at night.
    • If your cough is thick with phlegm, try an expectorant such as guaifenesin.

Controlling Coughs due to GERD

  1. Determine if your cough could be due to GERD. GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (sometimes known as acid reflux disease or chronic heartburn), is a very common cause of stubborn, lingering coughs.[9] GERD keeps your stomach relaxed and allows stomach acid to flow back up into your throat through your esophagus, causing heartburn, pain, and coughing.[11] The cough tends to be worse in the morning.
    • GERD, asthma, and postnasal drip are responsible for some 90% of chronic coughs.[11]
    • Common symptoms of GERD include heartburn, sour taste in your mouth, chest pain, trouble swallowing, cough, sore throat, and feeling like there is a lump in your throat, especially after eating.[12]
  2. Maintain a healthy body weight. Being overweight puts pressure on your stomach, which can worsen symptoms of GERD. Ask your doctor whether you are at a healthy body weight. If not, your doctor can recommend a diet and exercise plan that’s appropriate for your health and fitness condition.[13]
    • Getting plenty of aerobic exercise and eating a balanced diet full of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is a good way to maintain a healthy weight.
  3. Avoid tight clothes. Tight clothing can put pressure on your abdomen, forcing stomach acids back up into your throat and triggering a cough.[13]
  4. Elevate your head. Sleeping with your head elevated can help keep heartburn at bay and reduce coughs triggered by GERD. Use a few extra pillows to prop you up, or elevate the head of your bed using blocks or risers.[13]
  5. Eat well before bedtime. Lying down soon after eating can trigger GERD symptoms, including coughing. Wait at least 3-4 hours after eating to head to bed. Remain upright for at least 30 minutes after a meal.[13]
  6. Avoid common triggers. GERD can be triggered by certain foods and drinks. While these may be different for everyone, common triggers include:[13]
    • Tomatoes
    • Chocolate
    • Alcohol
    • Mint
    • Garlic and onions
    • Caffeine
    • Fatty or fried foods

Seeking Medical Care

  1. Know when to see your doctor. A chronic cough lasts longer than eight weeks in adults, and longer than four weeks in children.[14] If you can’t seem to get rid of your cough no matter what you try, or if your cough stays around for more than a few weeks, call your doctor for an appointment.[15]
    • Coughs may disturb your sleep and keep you from feeling rested and healthy. If your cough is interfering with your sleep and night-time cough medicine has not helped, see your doctor.
  2. Recognize signs of a serious cough. Most coughs resolve on their own, or with a little treatment. However, in certain cases you should seek immediate medical attention for a cough. Consult with your doctor as soon as possible, or seek emergency medical attention if you have any of the following along with a cough:[9]
    • Blood in your saliva or mucus
    • Saliva or mucus that smells bad
    • Weight loss
    • Night sweats
    • Fever
    • Breathlessness
    • Fatigue
    • Chest pain
  3. Call your pediatrician about children’s coughs. Many cough treatments and medications may not be safe for use in children, especially infants and very young kids. Many doctors do not recommend giving over-the-counter cough suppressants to children.[16] If your child has a persistent cough, ask your pediatrician for recommended treatments.
    • Humidifiers can help relieve congestion and saline rinses can help clear sinuses. These treatments are usually safe for children.[17]

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Sources and Citations

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6
  10. 10.0 10.1
  11. 11.0 11.1
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4

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