Convert to a New Religion

You don't feel right with your religion? You're having doubts of the beliefs you were brought up in? Follow these simple techniques to find and convert to a new religion.


  1. Study, read, and learn! Be open-minded and read everything you can find on religion.
  2. Meditate daily and ask for insight from whatever or whomever you believe in. If you are having doubts about a higher power, then simply contemplate in focused concentration.
  3. Be prepared and ask yourself "is this the religion that's right for me?" Keep asking these questions and you will soon receive answers.
  4. Be prepared for unfavorable reactions from members of your former faith. (In extreme cases, some people have believed that their faiths justified killing or shunning those who left it. This has happened in most every religious community at some point in history.) If all else fails, keep studying and until you find the religion; just call yourself eclectic or nonreligious.


  • If you live near a church/temple that is different than your own religion, you may want to go there and ask questions. The doors should always be open.
  • Use your heart to find out what is right for you, and use your brain to find out what isn't.
  • Try not to be too controversial with your conversion with your friends and family, which could only cause friction.
  • Remember, this will have no time limit, it may take a year to even a decade.


  • Cognitive dissonance is your friend! This is the nagging sense that something isn't right, or an inconsistency between your reasoning and your emotions. It comes about when your inner beliefs clash, such as, "These people are so warm and friendly," clashing with "Why are they telling me I need to give them money to have them pray for me?"
  • Be careful and make sure you follow step one (study) thoroughly so that you know what you are getting into and also so that you can avoid cults. If it is centered on a charismatic individual or overly money driven, if they ask you to move or disassociate with nonbelievers, or if they advocate violent or unsafe behavior, then it may be a cult and you should be extra-careful about this decision.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer or library for research
  • Churches and temples to visit
  • An open mind and a sense of curiosity

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