Convince an Anorexic to Start Eating

If you have a friend with the eating disorder anorexia nervosa, they have a real, medical, diagnosed problem. As their friend, the best thing you can do is recognise the issue and support your friend with the treatment program their medical professional has recommend, and, keep doing all the fun things you are your friend enjoy of course! You may feel compelled to try to convince your friend to start eating, and if you do, here are some steps to help you help him or her start eating.


  1. Encourage your friend to seek professional help from a school nurse, Tell Your Parents You Have an Eating Disorder, Specialist Nurse or General Practitioner, (GP) or physician. If that is out of the question, observe the following procedure.
  2. Take them out to eat snacks. Yogurt, frozen yogurt, milk based drinks like cafe lattes, peanut butter or any favorite food. Patients sometimes restrict their diet to a few items so encourage them to eat the ones they will agree to. Often soothing foods that go down easily, are not vivid and have smooth textures are popular. Something the patient doesn't have to think about before taking a bite.
  3. If this again is out of the question, consult immediately with teachers, or your and your friend's parents, if they are a child. Remember adults have eating disorders too so find appropriate support. Parents tend to be able to get things done.
  4. Recommend that they participate in recovery based support groups.
  5. Recommend to them or someone who cares for them that they go. inpatient for treatment
  6. Since researchers have found a link between eating disorders, adolescent dating violence, sexual abuse and sexual assault you may want to encourage them to participate in an online support group for survivors.
  7. Call the National Eating Disorders Association`s toll-free Information and Referral helpline at 1-800-931-2237.


  • One of the most important things to remember is that many people with eating disorders are facing another kind of problem, and this can be a cry for help. Do not accuse them of wanting attention. It is more likely that they are simply suffering from a psychological condition. Re victimizing them will only increase the eating disordered behaviors. Tell your friend that you think he/she should get help. Be supportive, but don't reward his/her negative behavior. Instead create associations of approval with eating. If you know that they're eating or you see them eat, do something fun without letting them know that it's to reward them. Even though it's somewhat subconscious they will associate you spending time with them and caring with the positive behavior (eating).
  • Remember that you are not betraying your friend's trust if you tell somebody about their problem. When somebody is in that state -- when they are willfully doing something that is damaging their body -- they are not thinking clearly. They need help ... and, deep down, they probably want help, but cannot admit that to themselves. Sometimes they might realise that there is a problem, but not know who to turn to. If the friend is under eighteen, tell their parents or guardians. Even if the friend is an adult, you might want to consider going to their parents. If that is not an option, go to somebody who is close to them, such as a spouse or significant other.
  • Note: You are not a behavioral psychologist. A serious problem must be dealt with by professionals. This is only a tip so that you do not impede their progress with an individual


  • Anorexia is a mental disease with physical symptoms. As someone who has had an eating disorder, you must realize you can't force them or "persuade" them. They will start eating when they're ready.
  • Be careful about making remarks when they gain weight, such as 'you look healthy.' They will take this to mean they look fat and might stop eating again.
  • Showing them pictures and stories on anorexia is unlikely to have an effect on them, as they probably already know all the effects of the disease.
  • Do not tell them they look too thin. They will interpret this as a mark of their success at dieting and a compliment, rather than a warning that have lost too much weight.
  • Do not go and tell their parents right off the bat. Parents tend to either over exaggerate or they will go into denial. Sometimes the parents are factors of development of eating disorders (the have put too much pressure on the patient). If this is correct then telling their parents may cause the anorexia to become worse.
  • Always go to a trusted health professional, whether this is a high school nurse or a doctor, if you feel that your friend is in serious danger.

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