Cook Artichokes

The artichoke is a flower that grows mainly in the Mediterranean region and in California. Artichokes require a bit of preparation before they are cooked, but they contain a lot of flavor and many nutrients. They are full of antioxidants, vitamin C and a good source of potassium, and possibly aid in the prevention of some cancers. Here are a few steps on how to cook artichokes.


Choosing Fresh Artichokes

  1. Select artichokes that are weighty for their size, have very closed leaves and are a deep green color. If the leaves are open, the artichoke may not be as fresh.
  2. Buy artichokes throughout the spring for the freshest crop.

Preparing Artichokes

  1. Prepare a large bowl of cold water and squeeze a couple lemons into it, and then set it aside.
  2. Rinse your artichokes in cold water to remove any excess dirt or sand.
  3. Trim the stem of the artichoke, but do not cut off the entire stem because it is edible and flavorful.
  4. Peel off any small leaves that accumulate near the stem of the artichoke.
  5. Chop about 1 to 1 1/2 inches (2.5 to 3.8 cm) off the top of the artichoke, or you can use kitchen shears to trim off the thorny edges of the leaves if you prefer.
  6. Place the trimmed and cleaned artichokes into the bowl of water to prevent them from discoloration.

Cooking Artichokes

Boiling artichokes

  1. Boil the artichokes for the most traditional method of cooking them.
    • Put a large pot of water on the stove to boil and add salt.
    • Drop the artichokes carefully into the pot once the water begins to boil and leave them to cook for 30 to 45 minutes.
    • Drain artichokes with the stem up before serving.

Steaming artichokes

  1. Steam your artichokes for less cooking time and to preserve more of their nutrients.
    • Place a couple inches (4 cm) of water into a pot to boil with a steaming basket on top. Add some lemon juice and salt to flavor the water if you prefer.
    • Drop the artichokes into the pot once the water begins to boil and steam for 15 to 20 minutes.
    • Drain artichokes with the stem up before serving.

Grilling artichokes

  1. Grill the artichokes after steaming or boiling them for even more flavor.
    • Slice the artichokes in half lengthwise.
    • Discard the choke, which is the inedible part of the artichoke just above the heart that looks like a bunch of tiny hair.
    • Drizzle or brush the artichoke with olive oil and place it on the grill carefully, turning it once to get color on both sides.
  2. Finished.


  • Cooked artichokes will last about 1 week in the refrigerator, or several months in the freezer. Do not freeze fresh artichokes; they will only become brown and bitter.

Things You'll Need

  • Sharp kitchen knife
  • Large bowl
  • Lemon juice
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Large pot
  • Steaming basket
  • Grill
  • Olive oil

Related Articles

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Sources and Citations

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