Cope With Female Pattern Hair Loss

Although hair loss is typically associated with men, about one third of women will experience hair loss at some point in their lives.[1] While women usually experience general thinning, as opposed to a receding hairline or total baldness, female hair loss can still cause a lot of problems in women's lives.[1] Understanding and dealing with the causes, and effects, of hair loss is important in order for women to cope with the condition of female pattern hair loss.


Treating Female Pattern Hair Loss

  1. Work on the health of your scalp. You want to promote the health and vitality of your hair follicles. Use a soft, multi-tipped scalp massager daily. Scalp massagers are usually found in stores that sell hair products.
    • You can also just use your hands to massage your scalp. Just make sure that your hands are clean and that you massage all over your scalp.
  2. Try hair products made to help with thinning hair. There are several shampoos specifically formulated for thinning hair. None of them are going to work miracles but some do promote follicular heath and therefore hair growth. Others contain protein and fibers to coat the hair shaft and thicken it.
    • Also avoid using hair styling products such as hair spray or gel. This will help to minimize the follicle damage and keep the scalp environment clean.
    • There are a number of botanical or naturally derived hair treatments that help with thinning hair. As with any treatment, do your research and be weary of "review sites" or other sales scams.
  3. Consult a physician. Go to your doctor if you are experiencing severe hair loss. This may be caused by a medical condition that is easily treatable.[2] Your doctor can tell you what kind of hair loss you are experiencing and what the best course of action is for stopping it from advancing further.
    • If your doctor cannot give you enough insight into your condition, ask he or she to refer you to a specialist. A dermatologist should have the specialized knowledge to help you with your condition.[3]
    • There are over-the-counter drugs for hair loss but before using any kind of drug, you should see a specialist.
  4. Look for over-the-counter drugs. The main medication for female-pattern hair loss is Minoxidil.[1] A 2% Minoxidil should be applied directly to the scalp twice a day to dry hair has been shown to improve hair growth. However, always follow package directions.
    • Minoxidil for men and women is different. Male Minoxidil has 5% active ingredient, but it is not any more effective for women than the 2%, and it has more side effects.
    • Before buying the product, check the packaging. If the packaging says that it will not be effective on certain hair loss patterns, and you have one of those hair loss patterns, save your money and don't buy it.
    • If you do try the products, do not expect results for at least 6-8 weeks, and continued use of the product is required to maintain any new growth. Note: check the store brand for the percentage of active ingredients. If they are comparable to the name brand, go with the less-expensive brand as this is an expensive and long-term commitment.

Masking Female Pattern Hair Loss

  1. Style and cut your hair to maximize the hair coverage you have. If it's thick enough in the front but thin at the crown, grow grow your hair longer in front and sweep it back. You can also sweep it up from the sides, hiding the center of the hair, where women usually get the most thinning.
    • For mild to moderate thinning, decreasing the shine of your scalp can even make your hair loss a lot less noticeable. Use a hair powder on your scalp, or use shake-on hair building fibers. Yes, they really do work!
  2. Think about new hair possibilities. For example, if you've always wanted to try a really short hairstyle but you thought it would look bad, try it now and you might enjoy the results! If you feel adventurous, try doing something really crazy with your hair, like dyeing it an unnatural colour, spiking it, or shaving part of it off.
    • Not only will this new cut or style hide any noticeable thinning, people may be more focused on how outrageous your hair is than on if it's a little thin.
  3. Experiment with head coverings. Wear caps, kerchiefs, or hats to conceal your problem areas. There are a huge range of head and hair products that can help disguise your thinning hair. Use headbands, bows, and wraps to cover areas, or use mini-clips to arrange your hair.
    • If all else fails, don't be afraid to use a wig or add hair extensions. While a good wig can be quite an investment, it can be hugely important for keeping you satisfied with your appearance and in good spirits in general. Don't avoid a wig just because you don't want to admit you are losing your hair! It can be a great addition to your look.
  4. Consider embracing your hair as it is. Thin hair does not automatically mean unattractive hair. Worry and concern about how you look can take over your life if you let it, so don't let it! Embrace the hair you have and style it how you always have.

Coping With the Feelings Surrounding Female Pattern Hair Loss

  1. Give yourself permission to feel bad and grieve for your hair.[4] Losing your hair will naturally be traumatic for almost any woman. The key is to feel bad for awhile but then to do something proactive about your problem.
  2. Figure out how to think positively about the situation. One way to think positively is to try to keep your hair loss in perspective. You are the same person that you've always been. What's inside of your head is much more important than what's on top of it! While it won't be easy to remember this all the time, try to keep it in mind when you are having an especially hard moment dealing with your hair loss.
  3. Reach out for support. You can turn to your family or loved ones. They are the people who love you for who you are, not for how thick your hair is. You can also turn to other women who are experiencing hair loss. For instance, there are a variety of support groups for women who are experiencing the loss of their hair, some of which are online.[5]


  • Use only products specifically made for women. For instance, Finastride is not suitable for women because of the potential for the drug to cause abnormalities in the genitalia of male fetuses.[6]

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