Cope With a Diagnosis of Diabetes

A diagnosis of diabetes can be a challenging time for many people and may cause you to reflect on your future and your social life. You may find yourself avoiding familiar faces or think you do not have control over your life. However, this fear can be managed and significantly reduced once you take a step back, analyze the situation, and take a new step towards a healthy living.


Reflecting On Your Health

  1. Accept your diagnosis with diabetes. Admit to yourself that you have a condition, but be proud of who you are. You are capable of living a good life.[1]
    • Realize your strengths and accomplishments throughout your life, surround yourself with people who see the bright side of every situation, and take initiative by researching solutions and alternatives to dealing with diabetes.
    • Remember, challenges in life represent an opportunity for growth, so try to maintain a positive mindset, and ask yourself what you can do to help improve the situation.[2]
    • Consider getting a second opinion to confirm your diagnosis. Sometimes, different healthcare providers will have radically different advice on how to best manage a condition.[3]
  2. Focus on your relationships instead of who is to blame. Shame and guilt are very common emotions for people diagnosed with diabetes. Instead of pushing these emotion away, start becoming aware of your feelings and how to address them with friends and family.[4]
    • Come to terms that no one is perfect, including yourself. Instead, consider other situations where you have struggled or failed and remember how you manage to overcome each one.[5]
    • Be patient with yourself if you find that you have become angry or depressed as the result of your diagnosis. Try to channel that into a positive attitude, like being determined to prove that you can take better care of yourself.[6]
  3. Give yourself a day of relaxation. Denying your diagnosis by ignoring the problem can be a strong urge that may take hold of you at first. Instead, take time for yourself and relax your mind, allowing you to understand your emotions and thoughts openly and safely.[7]
    • Meditate on your thoughts and emotions for answers, even if they include sadness or anxiety.[8]
    • Read a book you’ve always heard your friends talking about.
    • Watch or catch up on shows that can be discussed with your friends and family.
  4. Reach out to therapists and psychologists when you need help. If you feel a growing sadness or lack of activities continuing over three weeks, check your insurance company or mental professionals for assistance.[9]
  5. Find people to talk about your condition comfortably. Whether you are with your family or your friends, feel free to discuss your diagnosis that welcome discussion, learning, or even small chit-chat about diabetes.
    • Discover online support groups. With online support groups growing as a strong resource, take an opportunity to search for an organization that may be suited to your needs and join in on a discussion.
  6. Keep in mind that diabetes may be reversible. If you have been diagnosed with adult onset diabetes, then there is a good chance it is reversible. Consider the reasons you may have been diagnosed. These may include lack of exercise, smoking, and increased weight. Drug addiction and bad eating habits can also be causes of adult onset diabetes.
    • Talk to your doctor about getting the disease under control. Remember to maintain a positive attitude and seek to educate yourself about how to beat the disease. Many people have made lifestyle changes and reversed their diabetic diagnosis as a result.

Asking Your Doctor the Right Questions

  1. Review the results from A1c test. The A1c test measures the amount of sugar your blood cells are carrying, also known as ‘glucose.’ Having over 5.7% of this sugar in your blood can not only diagnose your condition, but also tell what you can do to keep everything in check.[10]
    • Know which type of diabetes you have to consider your methods. Be prepared to ask and research about your type, how often you should test your blood glucose and what percentage is an ideal goal.[11]
    • Arrange doctor appointments routinely. By create appointments habitually throughout the year, you will begin to create a stable check-up schedule.
  2. Consider your dietary options to balance glucose. Once diagnosed, you will need to evaluate your diet and consider limiting or discovering future meals. Ask your doctor their opinion on your diet is and what should your diet look like .
    • Recall how often do you eat in one day. Along with new tastes, you may need to keep record of how often you may go to the kitchen every time you feel hungry. Tell your doctor when you eat will provide an incredible amount of information about your body.
    • Most diabetics make the mistake of thinking that only sugar is to blame. Carbohydrates such as white bread, flour, and pasta convert quickly in the body into complex sugars.
    • Alcohol is nearly impossible to take safely in the initial stages of diabetes. The sugar in beer and wine is very high. This is not a life sentence without alcohol, but until you are stable it is best to avoid it.
    • The challenges of a diabetic are mostly felt when eating out. Avoid high calorie and carbohydrate restaurants. Have fun finding new places to eat that offer salads and vegetables. Don’t be afraid to tell the waiter you are a diabetic. You may be surprised at how many people are. They can offer alternatives, desserts, and even sugar-free alcoholic beverages.
  3. Understand your medications. Even with diabetes, your body may react differently to different medications based on previous conditions or family history. Discuss with your doctor any concerns over your medication, whether it be dosage amount or frequency.
    • Read every prescriptions’ side effects carefully. Should you experience unexpected behaviors since taking medication, review your medicine for possible side effects. If you begin to experience unusual symptoms, call your doctor immediately for further consultation.
    • Diabetes is simple really. There are mainly two methods of treatment. One is the oral hypoglycemics and the other is injectable insulin. It is preferable to begin on oral hypoglycemics. However, your doctor will know the severity of your diabetes and make that decision.

Creating A Strong Strategy

  1. Start slowly. Beyond contacting your primary doctor, seek out additional assistance with medical professionals who will assist in forming a new, healthy system.
    • Call your insurance company to find out exactly what they will cover and how often. Most insurance companies may have benefits available to you that cover some of the cost of diabetic supplies and medications.
  2. Create new shopping habits. When you go shopping, you will probably need to purchase several diabetic equipment and medication. Write these products on every shopping list and organize local stores which supplies your needs. The more you perform these actions, the easier it is to form a typical shopping routine.
  3. Exercise your body to reduce your glucose level and keep in shape. Keeping your body active throughout the day will also reduce heart disease, stroke, and cancer while improving your mood and self-confidence.[12]
    • Go jogging, running, or sprinting every morning to wake up.
    • Plan a hiking trip with your friends and family.
    • Search for daily or weekly yoga sessions to create flexibility.
    • Ride your bicycle to work, school, or home instead of using a car.
    • When it is warm, go out for a swim.
  4. Record your blood levels in a small notebook. You will want to write your blood glucose every time you finish a meal to keep on track with your new diet. This small notebook will be handy to gauge your body’s daily glucose levels and keep record of daily meals, phone numbers, or questions you may have for your doctor.
    • Let your family and friends know where to find the notebook. Should an emergency take place, your family and friends will be able to treat you properly with what you have written down.


  • Don't spend a lot of time searching for information regarding your diagnosis on the internet. There's a lot of misinformation out there that can be scary, misleading, or even downright dangerous.[13]

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