Cope With the Fear of Fire

To a certain extent, fear of fire is natural and understandable. Yet for some, fear of fire can become overwhelming, and occur so frequently that it interferes with their lives. Pyrophobia is the medical term for such persistent, irrational fear of fire. This fear may manifest in different forms, but the fear is always disproportionate to the real danger of the situation. Understanding the causes and symptoms of pyrophobia will help you cope with your own fear of fire, or help you support someone close to you suffering from such a fear.[1]


Recognizing the Symptoms of Pyrophobia

  1. Notice apprehension in the presence of fire. The most evident symptom of pyrophobia is a profound sense of fear and apprehension in the presence of fire, whether around a campfire, using a gas stove, or simply being near a lit candle. This fear usually manifests in physical and emotional tension, although the specific symptoms may vary. Here are some examples of physical and emotional symptoms to watch for:
    • Difficult, quick, or shallow breathing.
    • Rapid heartbeat.
    • Upset stomach.
    • Signs of nervousness like sweating, fidgeting, or shaking.
    • Feeling an urgent need to move away from the fire source.
    • Feeling dissociated, detached, or unreal.
    • Feeling out-of-control, "crazy", or close to passing out.
  2. Monitor the severity of your fear response. While a certain amount of fear around fire is normal, pyrophobes will routinely respond to even carefully controlled flame sources with "over-the-top", disproportionate degrees of agitation and fear that do not go away until they are out of the presence of fire. You may even be aware that their response is irrational, but feel powerless to stop it. [2]
  3. Recall traumatic experiences with fire. Some instances of pyrophobia may be associated with a traumatic incident involving fire.[3] Examples would include a house fire, or a cooking or camping accident involving fire. If such an incident is in your past, your fear of fire may indicate pyrophobia.<
  4. Watch for avoidance behaviors. One of the primary symptoms which separates pyrophobia from normal fear of fire is the presence of avoidance behaviors. The pyrophobe will often go to great lengths to avoid exposure to fire. The pyrophobe may make excuses to avoid situations involving fire, or may simply refuse to take part.[4]
    • Avoidance behaviors will be especially visible in households where fire is a necessary part of daily life, such as a house where gas burning stoves or furnaces are installed.
  5. Be aware of the impact and consequences of fear. If you use fire to cook, or enjoy camping or other activities involving fire, pyrophobia can make your life stressful. This can drain your confidence, and distract you from your work, family or social life.[5]
  6. Monitor the fear's persistence. Unlike an ordinary fear, a phobia is persistent in nature. This means that it affects an individual consistently across an extended period of time. This period could range from as short as six months to as long as an entire lifetime. Repeated instances of fear of fire over such an extended period may indicate the presence of pyrophobia.
  7. Consult a mental health professional. If you think that you are suffering from pyrophobia, it is important to seek help. Phobias are serious psychological conditions which will benefit from treatment by an expert.
    • If you're having trouble locating a therapist, talk to your doctor for a referral, or contact your medical insurance provider for assistance.

Coping With Your Own Fear of Fire

  1. Talk to someone honestly about your fear. The fear and agitation associated with pyrophobia can be overwhelming. It may even seem impossible for you to control. Having others nearby who understand your issues are a valuable resource, and will make coping with your fear much easier.[6]
    • Don't be ashamed to admit to a fear of fire. Your phobia is not your fault. You deserve the help and support of those around you in dealing with it.
  2. Get informed. Educating yourself on how fires are started, how they function, and when and how they are dangerous is important. It can help you battle your irrational fears with facts. Remind yourself often that fires are simple reactions between oxygen, fuel, and a source of heat. If these three factors are closely monitored and controlled, a fire is of little danger.[7]
    • Many resources are available to help you understand fire. Try starting with a simple internet search for "fire science". You can also try searching "fire triangle", which is a useful model for understanding the key components of fire.
  3. Practice good fire safety. Being prepared to safely deal with or escape a dangerous fire will help you feel less anxious. Find a book or internet resource on effective fire safety practices, and spend some time familiarizing yourself with some techniques. You can even practice them, if it is safe to do so. Some examples of good practices to research and master include:
    • Storing, maintaining and using a fire extinguisher effectively.
    • Placing and testing smoke detectors.
    • Making a plan to safely exit your home or place of work in the event of a fire.
    • Basic first aid for burns.
  4. Practice relaxation techniques in the presence of fire. If you find yourself panicking in the presence of fire, try to focus inward and control your breathing. Don't focus on the fearful thoughts themselves, which can be very difficult to control. Instead, focus on maintaining a slow, deep pattern of breathing. This will slow your body's physiological response to fear. Counting slowly from 1-10 is another useful technique to help calm anxiety.
  5. Recognize and challenge irrational thoughts. You are probably already aware that the fearful thoughts that you experience in the presence of fire are not based in fact. Part of the process of correcting your fear involves recognizing these irrational thoughts when they appear, and using facts and reason to challenge them. When you experience an irrational, disproportionately fearful thought about fire, ask yourself these questions:
    • Is my fearful thought based on facts or evidence?
    • Am I applying my knowledge of fire safety to my present situation, or is my response purely emotional?
    • What could I do to help promote fire safety in this situation?
    • What steps could I take should the fire actually get out of control?
    • How would you explain to another pyrophobe that they are not in danger from the fire?
    • Have you felt this way before while near a fire and, if so, were your fears warranted?
  6. Expose yourself, gradually, to the presence of fire.[8] The key to treating your phobia in the long term is to carefully acclimate yourself to the presence of fire. This will increase your confidence, and reduce your fear response over time.
    • Start by looking at pictures of fire. Look at different fires, and different types of fires (campfires, stove fires, etc.). Monitor your responses. If you feel panicky or overwhelmed, simply put the picture out of sight and focus on controlling your breath.
    • Once you are comfortable looking at pictures of fire, you can move on to videos of fire, preferably featuring sound. From there, you can start exposing yourself to small, controlled flames, such as candle flames. Start from a comfortable distance, then work your way closer. Move on to larger fires, and closer proximities.
    • Take a step up in intensity only when you feel calm and stable.
    • Only attempt this exposure with the help of someone you can trust. A therapist or counselor is the best option, as they are trained to deliver exposure therapy.
  7. Seek help from a mental health professional. If your phobia is interfering with your life, and you are finding it challenging to deal with on your own, seek out a mental health professional to guide you through the process. For more extreme cases your doctor may even recommend cognitive behavioral therapy or medication to assist you in dealing with your condition.

Supporting a Pyrophobe

  1. Talk to the pyrophobe about their fear. It is important that you calmly remind them that their fear of fire is disproportionate to their real danger. Be supportive, and encourage them to explain the feelings associated with their phobia. Ask them about their history with fire. Try to understand when and how their fear manifests itself.[9]
    • Avoid shaming the pyrophobe. Make it clear to them that you sympathise with their suffering, and know that their condition is not their fault.
  2. Encourage a realistic perspective on fire. Explain to the pyrophobe that, while fires may seem dangerous or harmful, they are usually not. They can be controlled with relatively minimal expertise and effort. Encourage them to get educated regarding fire, and fire safety. Offer to help them practice techniques for containing fire, escaping hazardous fires, and treating fire-related injuries such a burns.
    • Remember that a pyrophobe's fear of fire is not rational, and they may continue to show signs of agitation even if they understand rationally that they are in no danger. Be patient: continue to sooth the pyrophobe. Help them remove themselves from the presence of fire if possible.
  3. Soothe a pyrophobe in the presence of fire. Guide them through basic self-soothing techniques like taking long, slow, deep breaths. Help the pyrophobe feel safe by pointing out safety features nearby, such as fire extinguishers or water sources. Remind them that everything is under control.
    • Don't encourage the pyrophobe to remove themselves from the presence of the fire unless they can't be calmed by any other means. Running away is only a temporary solution.
  4. Display appropriate behavior near fire. Seeing someone they trust behaving normally around fire will help the pyrophobe calm down. It will remind them they aren't in danger. Be appropriately cautious and careful, but don't encourage anxiety by being overly focused on safety precautions. Remind the pyrophobe that you are aware of the fire, but not afraid, since you have taken all appropriate steps to remain safe.[10]
    • Cooking over flame, making a campfire, or other useful or recreational activities involving the use of controlled fire are a great opportunity to show appropriate care and behavior.
    • Always be cautious. Only work near or around fire if you are sure you are competent enough. Fire-related mishaps are dangerous, and witnessing such a mishap can severely and negatively impact a pyrophobe's state of mind.
  5. Encourage the pyrophobe to speak with a therapist. Only a mental health professional can diagnose someone with a phobia. In addition, many of the most effective methods of treating the condition (such as exposure therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy) can only be performed by an expert. Consulting with a counselor, psychiatrist or doctor is therefore crucial for treating pyrophobia.

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