Cover a Paperback Book With Clear Plastic Film

Want to save wear and tear on your favorite new paperback book? Have an older paperback that needs some TLC? Protect your investment for years to come by making a protective cover for your paperback book. A clear plastic "book film" can keep your books in pristine condition while allowing you to view their covers with ease.


  1. Cut a section of book film the size of your book cover, plus two inches (5cm) in every direction. Also make sure to find/use an acid free plastic.
  2. Fold the film in half and crease the center line.
  3. Cut the paper backing along the center line. Be careful to only cut the paper backing and not the film itself!
  4. Fold the backing away from the center line. Fold it enough to allow for the width of your book's spine.
  5. Lay the book film paper side up with the center strip exposed.
  6. Lay your book spine down the center line and press to get the book film to stick to it.
  7. Pick up the book (with film attached) and press the film firmly against the spine to eliminate bubbles and ensure good adhesion.
  8. Press the film gently over the corner edges, taking care to press away from the spine and leave no bubbles.
  9. Use your "bone" or a hard, straight edged object such as a ruler, slide the book film over the cover while slowly peeling the paper backing off of the film. This will expose only an inch / 2.5 cm or so of sticky surface to the book cover at a time and will prevent unwanted or premature adhesion.
  10. Miter the corners of the film to the corner of the book. Cut the film as close to the corner of the book as possible without actually nipping the book itself.
  11. Fold the edge film snugly over the edge of the book and press firmly onto the inside of your cover.

    • Note: Take special care to not leave "tunnels" of air at the edge of the page. You will need to maintain tension on the film while carefully pressing it against the edge of the cover and around onto the back side of the cover. This is especially critical with paperback books, as that little air tunnel will cause the edges of your paper cover to de-laminate over time. Tiny air pockets can be pricked with a push pin or similarly sharp item to ensure extra air is released.
  12. Repeat for back cover.
  13. Note that top and bottom edges of the book can be done the same way except for the problem of the spine being in the way.
  14. Clip a "divot" out of the film that extends beyond the top and bottom edges of the book to allow for the fact that you cannot fold film down over the spine.
  15. Trim the excess film as close as possible to the end of the spine.
  16. Fold the remaining film snugly down over the top and bottom edges of the book cover. (Same warnings about "air tunnels" applies to these edges.)


  • Keep in mind this will permanently reduce or destroy the book's collector value. This cannot be undone. Be sure you want to cover the book this way.
  • If you do this to a new book and give it to someone, it makes a great present.
  • It is very helpful if you don't want a book to get wet (recipe book)
  • It makes the book clean and comfortable you should try it!


  • Do not perform this technique on rare or potentially valuable books as this may cause irreversible damage and reduce the value of the book. Over time, the pressure sensitive adhesive will ooze out from under the plastic and make a gooey mess affecting adjacent books and will also cause staining. A better way of protecting paperback covers is to create a wrapper or sleeve with plastic such as Mylar or polyethylene and avoid altering the book itself. Custom-fit archival boxes are also an excellent way to protect books.

Things You'll Need

  • Book laminating film (clear, sticky-back plastic similar to "contact" paper, but more durable). It's available from library or school supply companies, craft centers or stationers.
  • Scissors
  • Ruler or other hard flat object for smoothing out air bubbles.

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