Crave Water

Staying healthy is a struggle for many people, especially when it comes to liquid calories. It's understandable to crave sweet-tasting beverages like soda. However, if you're trying to drink more water, this can be frustrating. Luckily, there are several tweaks you can make that will make you crave water. Add things like fruit and spices to water to make it tasty. Tweak your routine to make water easy to access. Lastly, find ways to combat unhealthy cravings. With some small changes, you'll find yourself craving a refreshing glass of water over a soda when you're thirsty.


Making Water Appealing

  1. Add fruit to water. Fruit gives a water a mild sweet taste that makes it more appealing, especially for those with a sweet tooth. For delicious water, add things like melon, blueberries, apples, and other sweet-tasting fruits to a pitcher of water in your fridge. As you get used to sweet-tasting water, you may find yourself craving that over soda.
    • Some water sold in stores comes enhanced with natural fruit flavors.
  2. Add a tart flavor. For a tart twist on water, try adding lime or lemon juice. You can also chop lemons or lime slices and submerge them in your water to flavor it. This will give the water a mild citrus flavor that may make it more enjoyable.
  3. Find a temperature you enjoy. Not everyone loves an ice cold glass of water. If you find yourself turning up your nose to water, experiment with different temperatures. Water may taste better to you lukewarm than cold, for example, or you may prefer your water only slightly chilled. If you have a sensitive mouth especially, ice cold water may bother you. This can result in you rarely craving water when you're thirsty.
  4. Add vegetables and herbs. Vegetables and herbs can give water a savory taste. If you crave savory beverages like beer instead of water, try giving your water a savory flavor by enhancing it with veggies and herbs.[1]
    • Add some fresh basil and tomato to your water to mimic the flavor of a Caprese salad.
    • Chop up some fresh mint and add it to your water. This will give your water a refreshing, minty flavor.
    • Add some cucumber to your water for a mild, fresh flavor. To add some extra flavor to your cucumber, mix in some bell peppers as well.
  5. Try a dash of cinnamon. Cinnamon is a naturally sweet spice that will not add any unwanted sugar or calories to your water. Mix a small amount of cinnamon into your water for a delicious, sweet taste that you will come to crave.[1]
    • If you want some added sweetness, add apple slices as well. This can give your water the taste of an apple pie.
  6. Splurge on fancy water. You can purchase flavored waters at the store. People have a tendency to crave foods and drinks they spent more on, as you unconsciously want to get your money's worth. If it's within your budget, spending money on fancy brands of bottled water or carbonated water may make you crave water more.[2]

Making Water Part of Your Routine

  1. Drink a glass of water in the morning. If you start off the morning drinking things like coffee or tea, this can set the tone for the day. You will prep your tastebuds for more flavorful beverages. To set a healthy precedent, drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning.[3]
    • Your body becomes dehydrated in your sleep as you're not taking in water for eight hours. If you replenish first thing in the morning, this can lessen thirst later in the day. You may end up skipping your usual glass of orange juice with breakfast if you've quenched your thirst with water.
  2. Use straws. Sometimes, simply making a drink easier to consume can make you crave it. If you can casually sip water through a straw while you work, you may find yourself reaching for your water without thought. Add a straw to a glass of water and keep it near you at all times.[3]
  3. Pick a water bottle you like. You tend to crave more water when you start noticing its positive effects. If you have a water bottle on you at all times, you'll sip more water throughout the day. As you get used to feeling hydrated, you'll start to crave water more often. Find a quality water bottle that you like and make a habit of carrying it with you at all times.[3]
    • Pick a water bottle that meets your personal needs. If you love your water cold, for example, pick an insulated bottle that will keep your water chilled throughout the day.
    • Choose a bottle that you're comfortable drinking from. If you prefer not having to tip the bottle back, for example, pick a bottle that comes equipped with a straw.
  4. Keep water in sight. If you see water around a lot, you're more likely to start craving it. Just like being bombarded with ads for fast food can make you crave a burger, seeing water can make you want to drink it. Try to have a glass of water near you throughout the day. This way, when you start to feel thirsty you'll crave the water instead of a glass of soda or juice.

Cutting Down on Other Beverages

  1. Recognize your triggers. A good way to avoid any unhealthy craving is to recognize your triggers. This way, you'll know how to avoid triggers in the future. Think about situations where you crave unhealthy beverages. Find ways to avoid your triggers or prepare for them ahead of time.
    • For example, maybe you're used to sipping on soda while cooking during the evening. To distract yourself from soda, try to have a glass of water that's naturally sweetened with fruit on hand during this time.
    • Other triggers can be avoided altogether. For example, if you tend to drink unhealthy alcoholic beverages during happy hour with coworkers, try skipping out on happy hour once in awhile.
  2. Distract yourself when you feel a craving. If you feel a craving come on, find something else to do. Go for a walk or run. Watch a movie. Paint your nails, take a bath, or indulge in another self care routine. If you're occupied with something else, this can prevent you from grabbing unhealthy drinks.[4]
  3. Remove unhealthy drinks from your home. The best way halt unhealthy cravings is to get them out of your sight. Go through your refrigerator and purge all the unhealthy beverages. This way, when you're thirsty at home, water will be your only option.[5]
  4. Indulge in moderation. It's okay to have a glass of juice or soda now and again. If you try to quit bad habits cold turkey, this can backfire. Try to plan days or occasions where you can indulge in an unhealthy beverage. Small indulgences once in awhile will help you stay away from unhealthy drinks in the long run.
    • For example, every Friday, treat yourself to one glass of wine.

Sources and Citations