Create Incredible Fan Fiction

Have you been dying to create a fan-fic based on your favorite manga, anime, TV show, movie, or video game, but you just don't quite know how to go about doing it? Fear not, for this article will help you on the road to writing a great fan-fic!


  1. Choose the anime/manga/book/TV show/video game/movie you want your fan-fiction to be about. If you want, you can even do a crossover where two worlds collide! It's best to write about something you have a good bit of knowledge about. Don't try writing a fan-fiction using an anime you've only seen the first episode of, or it will likely be a failure. Choose something you have seen all (or at least most) of, or a game you have beaten or are close to beating.
  2. Come up with a Get-Ideas-for-a-Story. No good fan-fiction could exist without a storyline. The great thing about fan-fiction is, you can completely change what really happens (the "canon") in the show, movie, story, or game. If there was an event that you didn't like, you can always leave it out or alter it in your fan-fiction. Think about what must have happened after "THE END" appeared on the screen or page. Fan-fictions can stray from the story's actual happenings. However, don't be too outlandish when coming up with your storyline. The best thing to do is get a piece of paper and write down your ideas. After you've listed as many possible ideas as you can, chose the ones that you think would make your fan-fiction story as interesting as possible without going overboard.
  3. Compose your opening paragraph. This is very important in creating a good fan-fiction story. The opening is what draws the reader into the story. If your opening is not dull, people will want to continue reading your story. A good opening will get the readers attention and make them want to read more. One good example is to start your story off with an exciting event that will set the plot for the rest of the story. Another good example is the introduction of a new character. Just be creative and you'll come up with something eventually.
  4. Add a new element to your story that makes it unique and interesting. Nobody wants to read something that isn't special or exciting. Adding something unique to your story will make it stand out and be more memorable.
    • One thing you might do is create a brand new character to add to your story to mix things up a bit. Be descriptive about your new character's appearance, skills, and personality. This will make it easier for readers to imagine your character. (It's also good practice in how to create a good character for your original, non-fan-fiction writing.) You could even add yourself and/or your friends to the story! Be descriptive.
      • But be careful when doing this, avoid creating a Mary Sue or a perfect character. Nobody wants to read about the most beautiful, talented, kindest, most perfect person saving the day or ending up with the main character (usually of the Original Work) These stories can be subject to Flames (or mean reviews).
    • If you don't want to add a new character there are many other options for making your story unique. You can set your story a few years before or after the original plot. You could also try a new setting, or reversing the roles of the characters. Another thing you could do is take a minor character from the original story and make them you fan-fiction's main character. Most mangas, animes, books, shows, and movies have many minor or supporting characters to choose from. There are so many things you can do, it just takes a little imagination.
  5. Add more details. Every once in a while, go back and reread what you have written or typed so far. If there is anything that could have more details, add them! Instead of "It was sunny outside." you could add more details and have something like, "The bright afternoon sun shined brightly upon the town." Not only is this more interesting, but it gives readers a better idea of how you were imagining things as you wrote the story. It may be a nuisance, but it's worth it!
  6. Further develop the story. Don't let one thing drag on and on. Add new conflicts or challenges. This will keep your story fresh and exciting, and will open doors for new ideas. But be sure not to move too quickly, or things may become too confusing. Move at a steady pace and things will flow smoothly. Many animes, manga, books, shows, movies, and games have very slow paced or non progressing plots, and that can become very boring, so be sure to keep things fresh and exciting. (This is very important!)
  7. Come up with a conclusion. Once you've progressed the story as far as you want, end the fan-fiction adventure with a memorable conclusion. Something cliche like "It was all a dream." or "They all lived happily ever after." is a definite no-no. A good conclusion is almost as important as a good opening. Some writers actually think up the ending and write it first and then go back. Unless you are planning a sequel, don't leave the readers hanging. If you aren't planning a sequel, be sure to tie up any loose ends.
  8. Reread your entire fan-fiction. Check for spelling and grammar errors as you go along. If there is anything you think needs to be added, removed, or changed, go ahead and do so. Make sure everything makes sense and if anything doesn't, do what you can to fix it. Try to see your story from a readers perspective. They don't know everything you imagined in your mind while writing this. Any changes you made to the anime/manga/movie/book/show/game's characters or plot needs to be explained.
  9. Share your work with others. You've worked hard on your fan-fiction, don't let it go unnoticed! If you typed it on your computer, upload it to a site like or enter it in a contest. If you wrote it by hand on paper, show it to your friends or even scan it to your computer and upload it! The more people who read your story, the better, right?
  10. Take constructive criticism. Learning from it to improve your writing will help you when you write the sequel to your first fanfic. You can learn a lot from what other people have to say, and it will help you greatly!


  • Don't make it a happy story where only good things happen. Instead create drama and sad plot elements to make it more interesting.
  • If you get stuck, take a break. You can't expect to write your entire fan-fic in one sit-down with no road blocks whatsoever.
  • Write your fan fiction as if you're writing a real story, ie one for an exam or to be published. This will make your story better, more believable, and overall nicer to read.
  • Find a beta reader. No writer is perfect at everything, try to find someone whose strengths are your weaknesses. For instance, if you aren't good with spelling and grammar, find someone who is and ask them politely to read your work and point out errors. Thank them, and if they write fan fiction also, offer to beta read their next work for them.
  • If you can't think of what will happen next, try role-playing some experiments in your mind when it's bedtime or when nothing is going on.
  • Remember when characters have amazing powers they usually also have limits. This makes the characters and story more interesting.
  • Don't go too crazy! It's best if the new characters sort of fit-in with the existing ones -- don't make them too wild unless the original manga, film, or whatever was wild too. Also be careful of new characters overshadowing canon characters.
  • Read other fan fictions for inspiration. Don't copy someone else's ideas or entire storyline, but use them to come up with your own ideas.
  • Sometimes it's good to completely rearrange your storyline, as most readers like to see something new and suspenseful every now and again.
  • Don't change it too much from the book, people will not like it if its not believable in any way (The characters should act close to how they act in what ever they're in)
  • If making an original character the main character in your story, be aware that the story will receive fewer reviews than stories without original characters. This is because of the overuse of perfect characters, Mary-Sues. However, if you do it just right, even the ugliest of original characters can be accepted.
  • Sometimes it's good to just put a song or two in and also have suspense. A lot of readers like that.
  • Have fun writing your fan fiction!
  • Avoid using any copyrighted material in your fan fiction.
  • First write in a relaxed way, then you will find a lot of time for editing.
  • Jot down ideas, if you come up with a good idea at some point of the day write it in a notebook or make a note of it on your phone.
  • Always give credit to the actual author, or director.
  • A lot of people read fanfics to see the original characters, not new ones. Don't make your character overshadow existing ones.
  • After finishing your fan fiction, step back for a day or two. Reread your work after your break and you may find more errors and/or better ways to rephrase certain sentences or even paragraphs.
  • Feel free to create background information for supporting characters and make sure that you have friends on the account where you post your fan fictions so they will be able to read it.
  • When writing a fan fiction, remember to do it on a story you're interested in. You don't want to suddenly stop your story because your bored of it.


  • Not everybody is going to like your fan-fiction story. Some people might hate it, but others will love it! You have to accept that people aren't always going to like what you do.
  • Ignore people who are rude or mean. Some of your audiences may decide to call you a "poser" or "nerdy" or trash your work completely. Take this all in graciously. What don't they like? Are they the only one who doesn't like it? Keep this in mind. Don't get discouraged!
  • However, listen to logical criticisms.

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