Create a Patio Garden
Patio gardens can add interest to your small apartment patio, or your backyard patio. If you live in an apartment, a garden can make it feel more like you own the place, and thus, make the entire area feel more like home. Regardless, a well done patio garden turns an otherwise droll deck experience into a fabulous extension of your home in which to entertain, or just relax and enjoy the color.
- Observe your patio and figure out towards which direction it is oriented, how much sun or shade it gets and how big or small it is. Decide what colors you like. Dark colors will make a small patio seem a little larger. If your patio is part of a large yard, you may want to choose whites to bring that opposite corner in and make it seem cozy.
- Go to your local nursery. The gardening experts there can help you start your garden. You will need to choose pots to plant your plants in. Choose an array of pots, but make sure they have something to tie the look together. Same shape, different color; same color, different shape; or same shape and color. Don't mix and match too much or you'll have a hodge-podge.
- Choose plants that fit well in the pots you choose. Also, make sure they will survive in the light levels your patio affords. Buy some potting soil. Go home and start your garden!
- When you take the plant out of the container in order to put it in the pot, be sure to break up some of the roots on the bottom. Your plant will grow faster this way.
- Be sure to do your research on how to take care of the plants you choose. Some are hardier than others.
- Use a liquid fertilizer periodically. This will help your garden flourish
- Composite foam pots usually look just as realistic as ceramic pots, are much less expensive, and less breakable.
- Use a slow-release fertilizer. This will also help your flowers grow.
- Do not over or under water your plants. This will kill them.
- Do not use fertilizer every time you water. This will also kill them.
- Some plants may be poisonous to children and animals. Make sure they do not ingest them.