Create a Simple Program in C

This tutorial will serve as an introduction to creating a simple C and C++ program on Windows and Linux operating systems. It will cover the following topics: (1) Creating a working directory in order to store your C and C++ programs, (2) Changing into the directory and create and saving your main.c or main.cpp using a text editor, and (3) Compiling and running your program.


  1. Install a compiler. In order to create C and C++ programs you must have a C/C++ compiler installed on your operating system. If you don't have a compiler installed on your system, please consult the appropriate method for installing the GNU C/C++ compiler on your Linux system. If you are on a Windows operating system, check out How to Install MinGW (Minimalist Gnu C/C++ Compiler) on Microsoft Windows.
  2. Write these line of codes in your Turbo C IDE. .

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