Create a User in an Oracle Database
Three basic types of users to create in oracle are 1) A read only user, 2) A Developer user and 3) An admin user. Here are examples of each.
- To Create a Read-Only user you do the following two steps:
- Create user Alan_K identified by this_is_my_password;
- Grant connect to Alan_K;
- To Create a Developer user you do the following two steps:
- Create user Alan_K identified by this_is_my_password;
- Grant connect,resource to Alan_K;
- To Create an Admin user you do the following two steps:
- Create user Alan_K identified by this_is_my_password;
- Grant connect,resource,dba to Alan_K;
- These users default to the users tablespace, you can create a user in a dedicated tablespace with:
- Create tablespace data01 datafile '/u01/oracle/oradata/data01.dbf' size 1m;
- alter database datafile '/u01/oracle/oradata/data01.dbf' autoextend on next 500m maxsize unlimited;
- Create user Alan_K identified by this_is_my_password default tablespace data01;
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