Create a Webcast for Free Using Broadcam

Ever thought you'd like to make your own live TV show to broadcast over the internet, or have a number of home videos saved on your PC you would like to share with family and friends around the world, but don't want to bury them with large email files? We'll show you how you can stream them over the web for free with BroadCam Streaming Video Server.


  1. Download BroadCam Streaming Video Server and install.
  2. Once you have installed the application open it and click the Settings button from the main interface toolbar. Here you can set up your live inputs (webcams etc) and your pre-recorded video files.
  3. You will also need to set up your connection to the outside world so that potential viewers can access the video playing from the server. This is where it may get a little tricky. If you connect to the internet via an Internet Service Provider you will most likely have a dynamic IP address (also known as DHCP) so you will to go through the routing information provided. If you are little wary about this step then simply ask a friend who is good with computers and modems.
  4. Once you have the routing figured out you can then click on the Connect button from the main interface and a web page will open in your browser with the links you need to post on your website for your listeners to click on. BroadCam will provide links for your broadband listeners and dial up connections as well as an option to display jpeg images.
  5. Unless you are confident with video compression you can let BroadCam handle all the finer details for you.
  6. Now you are ready to start your live, or recorded, webcasts.


  • Get friends to test your connections from a computer at a different location.


  • The freeware version of BroadCam requires you to link back to NCH Software.

Things You'll Need

  • Webcam (for live broadcasts)(or a camcorder)
  • A Windows PC
  • A microphone (for live broadcasts)

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