Create a Zombie Costume
Zombies! Even though they are stone cold, slow-paced horrors from the grave, they are a hot trend right now and a popular choice for Halloween costumes. Fortunately, the zombie costume is also reasonably simple to put together, provided you don't go into deep makeup effects. This easy tutorial for zombifying your clothing and appearance is aimed at readers who are new to the world of zombie costuming and will provide you with a look suitable for Halloween, parties, zombie walks/races or even homemade movies.
- Decide on your zombie type. There are plenty of examples to go by, from vintage movie zombies to modern day versions on the small and big screen, to comic book depictions and YouTube inspirations. Any type can be turned into a zombie––think zombie ballerina, zombie celebrity, zombie footballer, zombie doctor, zombie zookeeper, you name the career or character, it can be zombified. Be creative in choosing your style, era and outfit––generic undead can get a little boring and zombification of your costume opens many great possibilities.
- Find your costume base. Depending on what you have chosen for a zombie look above, you will need either to rustle up last year's costume for a total makeover or make or buy a new one. The number one rule is––keep it cheap because it is going to be destroyed! If you want to turn last year's costume into a zombie costume, make sure you never want to be that sweet princess or wise wizard again. In addition, if you don't want to rip up clothes you already own, get yourself down to the thrift store quick smart to purchase someone else's unwanted clothes to transform into a zombie outfit. Ideas of things to turn into zombie costumes include:
- Exercise gear you no longer like or can stand. Become a zombie aerobics instructor with an 80s bouffant hairdo.
- Tutus or other dance wear. So cute until the zombie gets to wear it.
- Everyday clothing. A good excuse to rip holes in an old pair of jeans and shirt that you were thinking of tossing into the rag bag anyway.
- Old military wear from the army store or thrift store. Nothing like peeved soldiers returning for revenge.
- Old school uniform. The suitability of this might depend on whether your old school is in close proximity––you don't want your former principal pulling you over for a rant over the school's rep.
- Any career uniform. If you were once a nurse, garbage collector, council inspector or whatever else and it came with a uniform that you never returned, here's your chance to zombie it. Alternatively, look for discarded uniforms in thrift stores or online. Your best bet is outdated uniforms, just so someone in charge of the uniforms for that career doesn't get irritable with you about breaching regulations on the misuse of uniforms.
- Party gear. So you were going to a party, all dressed up, when suddenly the zombies took over.
- Anything goes. Really, you can turn any item of clothing into a zombie item of clothing.
- Turn your costume into a zombie costume. Now comes the fine art of zombification of the costume. It's a healthy piece of clothing right now, so you need to fix that. Most all, keep things unkempt and messy––tattered and ripped elements work well with zombie clothing. Always feel free to add more disheveled looking pieces to complete the look. The following steps set forth some ways to zombify your duds.
- Rip the costume. Zombies stumble and catch themselves on all manner of plant life, fences, poles, barbs, whatever and their clothing rips. Moreover, clothing that has been in the ground weakens and tears. When making tears, keep modesty in mind––you don't want holes that reveal parts of your body you'd rather keep under wraps.
- Jeans: Everyone loves a good jeans ripping. Simply insert the scissors here and there over the legs and make cuts. Then pull the threads. You can also use sandpaper. Since this isn't about making a fashion statement, less care needs to be taken than if you were ripping them for style but more details on ripping can be found at: How to rip your own jeans.
- T-shirt: Use the scissors to make a few cuts here and there. Either pull the cuts a bit more or just leave jagged.
- Shirt: Same as for t-shirt but depending on the fabric, you might have more threads to tease out.
- Coats and jackets: Use scissors to make slashes in the arms and various parts of the jacket or coat body. Absolutely only do this to something that's not expensive!
- Skirts/dresses: Same as for shirts, just get the scissors and make cuts, then use your hands to make the rips bigger. There's no harm in making the hem rather jagged and lopsided (use an unstitching pick to help), it'll add to the look. If there are lace trims or other decorative pieces, make them look askew by undoing some stitching so bits hang off.
- Tights/stockings: Simply get your nail and catch it on a few threads and pull. If your nails are too short, sit under a table and gently catch your legs on the underside of the table and let the tights rip.
- Accessories: You can also rip scarves, gloves, socks, hats, etc.
- Add burn or singe marks. Use a lighter to add a few burn or singe marks here and there. However, always know the fabric's flammability level before doing this and only ever do this over a surface that isn't flammable and where flammable items are not nearby. You don't want to burn the house down. For example, a few burn marks on a wool coat (wool resists burning) made over a garage concrete floor in the middle of the garage away from everything else might work well. On the other hand, trying to burn a synthetic pair of tights near paperwork on your carpet is just asking for trouble. Use your noggin.
- Keep plenty of water nearby in case of emergencies.
- This is a job for the adults only.
- Add blood. Zombies are about blood dripping here, there and everywhere else too. Experiment with making fake blood and then adding it to the costume here and there. Some tips on fake blood when applying to costume or body:
- If you're buying blood, it is recommended that you use the darker, more water-based kind.
- Sticky "edible" or corn-syrup blood can be uncomfortable to walk around in, and can give you a more cartoon-ish look.
- To apply fake blood to the costume: Set aside an area, preferably outside, where you can get messy. Put down newspapers or plastic to prevent damaging any furniture. Go nuts! Use your hands and mess up that costume. Go for hand prints, random splatters, and even create a fine mist of fake blood by flicking the end of a paint brush at your costume.
- Liquid latex can make torn skin or wounds. Apply in a wound shape, and then add dabs of red, brown, and purple acrylic paint to color the wound. For added freshness, dab some fake blood inside the wound. To get more of a texture feel get oats and nude color jell-o. Melt the jell-o for about 10 to 15 seconds and mix the oats in. Apply to the face and let dry.
- Add dirt. Zombies have emerged from the earth, so rub some soil onto your costume and dirty it up here and there.
- Move on to make-up. One of the most crucial steps, make-up can make or break your costume. The two best types of products to use for zombies are grease paint and water-based airbrush make-up.
- If you want a gory, messy zombie, stick with greasepaint. It's heavy, easy to apply, cheap, and can create some good effects.
- If you want a cleaner, grey "freshly dead" ghoul, stick with airbrushing. Airbrushing is great to apply a light layer of color and contour features, sinking in the face. Apply at least two coats of white water-based make-up, adding some light blue make-up on fleshy areas and dark blue make-up wherever the skin needs to appear hollowed out. Add fake blood to both looks and you're done!
- For a shriveled look, stuff cotton balls on the inside your cheeks, then cover the skin with liquid latex. Let the latex dry, then remove the cotton balls. The latex will dry into wrinkles and you'll look dead!
- Colored contacts can also be used for an extra effect, and are relatively cheap online. Don't forget to add make-up to your neck, hands, and any other exposed areas. Swish a little edible fake blood in your mouth and give your teeth a nice finish.
- Add some special FX make-up. Special FX make-up can add a lot of quality to your work. You can start from scratch by using liquid latex, or buy premade effects at your local party stores. Remember: You can use special effects on your body, too! Gashes on your legs and arms, fake nails going through your hands; be creative! If this all sounds like too much work, skip this step.
- Fix the hair. Hair is just as important as the rest of your costume. Done well, it can add a lot to your zombie look. If your hair is long enough, tease it and get some knots going. Smear fake blood, dirt, leaves, and anything else you want through your hair. Try adding something wacky, such as fake insects or mice to ad to your character.
- If you don't want you hair to be ruined, go for a cheap wig––it's also easier to turn the wig into a mess by simply sitting it down in front of you (on a dummy head if possible) and gluing all the elements to it.
- Get into character. What good is a zombie without a limp and a groan? Get into character by channeling your inner zombie, adding twists depending on your character.
- Are you a classic, slow zombie? The typical foot-drag and moan for human brains will suffice.
- Are you a "28 Days Later" zombie, running around with rage? Try some shrieks and wide-eyed stares.
- Is your zombie a vegan, protesting human rights? Try shouting out "Grains!"
- Finished.
- Experiment with fabrics and make-up beforehand, giving yourself plenty of time to prepare and fix mistakes before an event.
- Hair-spray with blue or grey colored spray after you tease it and add baby powder, makes your hair look dead.
- Putting conditioner into your hair will make it look greasy
- Zombie prosthetics can be purchased from the costume or party stores.
- Do your research on different kinds of make-up, materials, and contact lenses to choose which will work best for you.
- If you want you should add about a handful of conditioner to the top of your hair to make it look greasy.
- Moisturize and shave skin before adding latex products.
- Group costumes or funny parodies work best for those looking for a casual good time.
- Use oats and jell-o for a texture feel. Melt the jell-o in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds, then mix the oats in. Apply on the face and let sit. This makes it look like you have gotten into some zombie fights or had a bad case of getting turned into a zombie
- Be careful if using fire and follow all safety precautions mentioned above.
- Test any products on a small section of your skin beforehand to make sure you're not allergic. Avoid using latex products if you are allergic to latex.
- Do not touch anyone while participating in a zombie walk or other public event.
- Be aware of how scared others are. Watch out for small children who may frighten easily. It may be fun to scare adults, but be well-spirited and keep the fun going for everyone.
- Colored contacts should only be used with a prescription, even if it is a plano (non-corrective) lens.
Things You'll Need
- Old clothing
- Scissors and sewing unpicker
- Lighter for singeing clothing (use with great care) (optional)
- Soil for dirt rubbing
- Makeup (as outlined in steps above)
- Fake blood
- Wig (optional)
- Leaves, soil, twigs, etc. to dress up hair/wig
Related Articles
- Look Like a Zombie
- Use FX Makeup
- Add Blood to Clothes for a Zombie Costume
- Make Fake Blood
- Plan and Execute a Zombie Walk
- Walk Like a Zombie
- Apply Zombie Makeup
- Make a Zombie Cheerleader Costume
Sources and Citations
- Howcast, – research source, shared with permission.