Create an Origami Puppy Finger Puppet

Ever want to have an easy origami puppet show? Well, now you can! With these easy instructions, you can make an origami puppy finger puppet. What a tongue-twister! You can do dozens with easy-to-find around the house materials.


  1. Take a square piece of paper and fold it in a diamond shape.
  2. Fold it in half, from tip-to-tip; make a crease; unfold.
  3. Fold it in half from the other tip-to-tip; crease it.
  4. Fold the top two corners down to the tip to make a smaller diamond.
  5. Fold the top layer up (forms the ears).
  6. Fold the next top layer up (looks like a mouth).
  7. Flip the paper over.
  8. Fold a tiny bit of each side inwards.
  9. Fold the last layer up.
  10. Fold a little bit of the top down.
  11. Tape the little bit down.(optional)
  12. Flip the paper over.
  13. Fold the ears down.
  14. Draw a face on the puppy.
  15. You and your new puppy finger puppet are ready to play!


  • Then you can work your way down in size,then you can have a family!
  • On your 1st try,you might want to start on a big piece of paper.

Things You'll Need

  • Different sized,square pieces of paper
  • Markers(black or colored)
  • Tape(optional)

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