Crochet a Dress Without a Pattern

If you crochet, you've probably been in a position where you want to make a complex piece, like a dress, but didn't have a pattern. It's surprisingly easy to make a dress without a good pattern. All you need is a hook, some yarn, and a little imagination.


  1. Gather the things you'll need. They are listed below.
  2. Make a chain long enough to fit around wherever you want the seam between the skirt and the bodice to be. If you'd rather work it all in one piece, make the chain to fit just above the bust. Join with slip stitch to make a circle.
  3. Decide what stitch to use for the bodice. Double crochet or half double is probably your best choice, because single crochet is stiff and treble crochet is too long and will get caught on knobs and other things, making the wearing of the dress more of a hassle than it needs to be.
  4. Work the bodice. If you want to make it fitted, you'll need to increase and decrease some to make it work. This will take some experimentation, just keep working at it until you find something that works.
  5. Figure out and work your neckline and sleeves. If you want a curved neckline, you'll need to adapt the way you were working. This dress will be much easier without sleeves, but if you want sleeves, you can make them by just working rounds until they reach a good size.
  6. Pick a pattern stitch for the skirt. You don't have to make the skirt with a pattern stitch, but a dress made entirely from double crochet isn't very interesting or fun to make.
  7. Work the skirt. Keep working until you've made it the desired length.
  8. Finish, work in yarn ends, and add finishing touches.


  • Try to pick a pattern stitch that doesn't have too much math involved. This way, it'll be easier and more fun because you don't have to deal with numbers.
  • Be creative. These steps are guides, not rules.
  • If you do pick a pattern stitch with numbers involved, don't fret if the numbers aren't right. just fudge it a little and no one will notice.
  • Some yarns will be too heavy. Be wise in your yarn selection.
  • Make sure you wear an under dress. Crocheting naturally has holes and you'll need something under it, or else you'll be showing everyone things they don't need to see.
  • If when working the bodice you find you've chained too many, you could rip it out, or you could just do a series of decreases to make it tighter.
  • Make your sleeves with the pattern stitch if you want. It looks nice.
  • Instead of starting with a chain, you could start with a foundation single crochet instead for a stretchier base. 


  • Follow proper care instructions. We don't want your dress to get ruined.
  • People might mock your dress. Just ignore them.
  • Scissors, needles, and hooks can be sharp. Be careful.

Things You'll Need

  • Lots of yarn
  • Scissors
  • Crochet hooks
  • Knowledge of crochet stitches
  • An under dress
  • Other crochet accessories (yarn needles, stitch markers, etc.)

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