Cure Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a common form of periodontal disease that causes the gums to become inflamed, irritated and red. If it isn't treated promptly, it can lead to more serious gum diseases, so it's important to act right away if you notice the symptoms. Read on for brushing and flossing habits that cure gingivitis, as well as tips on what you can do to prevent it from returning.


Easy Gingivitis Treatments

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day. Gingivitis is caused by the buildup of plaque, an invisible sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth after eating sugars and starches. When the plaque sits on your teeth long enough, it hardens into tartar, because the minerals in the saliva stick to the plaque and form a rocky deposit. These substances irritate the gingiva, the part of the gum at the base of your teeth, and produce bone resorption, exposing the root of your teeth. You can prevent plaque from building up by brushing it away at least twice a day, and brushing regularly is the first step to curing existing gingivitis.[1]
    • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush, and replace it every 2-3 months. It is possible that electric toothbrushes are more effective at removing plaque and tartar, so you could consider using one instead of a regular toothbrush.[2]
    • Don't go to bed without brushing your teeth. Particles from the food you ate during the day are sure to stick to your teeth, and letting plaque form on your teeth and sit there overnight will irritate your gums even more.[3] Brushing before going to bed is the most important activity that keeps your teeth healthy and reduces bacteria in your mouth.
  2. Brush the right way. Spend at least 2-3 minutes brushing your teeth. Focus especially on the parts of your gums that are irritated, since that's where the bacteria has built up. Brush in a circular motion, which removes plaque better than brushing from side to side.[3]
    • Don't let irritation, pain or bleeding stop you from brushing your teeth. Neglecting them will only make things worse. If you brush using the proper technique at least twice a day, the gingivitis should start clearing up in a week or so.
  3. Floss once a day. Brushing doesn't reach the area of your gums between your teeth, which is one of the easiest spots for bacteria to start collecting. To cure gingivitis, it's necessary to floss every day. Use a waxed piece of floss or handled "flossers" to get the job done.[4]
  4. Floss the right way. Make sure you use the proper flossing technique. Pull the floss up to your gum, then use a scraping motion to remove the bacteria from the area before pulling the floss back out. Use different parts of the floss for each gap in your teeth.[3]
    • Your gums may bleed excessively if it has been awhile since you've flossed. Keep flossing every day, and within a week or two they will heal and stop bleeding every time.
  5. Use mouthwash. Antiseptic mouthwash removes bacteria from the tiny crevices that can't be reached with a toothbrush or floss. Choose a sugar-free mouthwash and rinse for at least thirty seconds at least once a day, after brushing and flossing. [4]
    • Gargling the mouthwash can help clear bacteria out of the back of your mouth and throat.
  6. Drink more water. Drinking water frequently throughout the day gives your teeth a rinse and helps prevent the buildup of plaque. Try to get 8 glasses of water a day for the best results.[5] Staying hydrated helps saliva generate a protective coating for your teeth.
    • Carry a water bottle with you during the day and refill it often to make sure you're getting enough water.
    • Replace sugary drinks, coffee, tea, and alcohol with water as often as possible.
    • The drinking water in most cities and townships in the U.S. is fluoridated, which helps strengthen tooth enamel. Avoid drinking bottled water to ensure you are getting plenty of fluoride.[5]
    • However, you should check with the local authorities and see exactly how much fluoride is in the water. Too much fluoride can be toxic and can even cause cancer.

Intermediate Treatments

  1. Use oral irrigators. Dental professionals recommend oral irrigation as a great way to really clean teeth and gums. Brushing and flossing will not get under the gums where the bacteria have set up housekeeping. Oral irrigators get what tooth brushes and floss don’t, so plaque and tartar never come back.
    • Oral irrigators flood the mouth with a jet of water under pressure to flush offending food particles and bacteria from the mouth.
    • They can remove any debris leftover after brushing. They also give you a good gum massage, which improves blood circulation and prevents inflammation.
    • Oral irrigators, such as Oral Breeze or WaterPik can now be found that attach to your shower-head or your bathroom sink faucet and are very easy to use.
    • Oral irrigators should never be used as a replacement for flossing.
  2. Avoid eating sweets. If your diet is heavy on sweet sodas, candy, and other sources of sugar, try cutting back on these foods to decrease the buildup of plaque on your teeth. Even fruit juices have enough sugar to cause plaque to grow, and starchy foods like pizza create the same problem.[6]
    • When you do eat or drink sugar, follow it with a glass of water. Swish the water around in your mouth before swallowing to clean off the sugar.
  3. Brush after meals. Consider brushing your teeth after a sugar or starch heavy meal, even if it means brushing three times a day instead of two. Carry a toothbrush in your car, office or bag so you can use it each time you feel a film start to form on your teeth. [7]
    • Be aware that brushing your teeth immediately after meals can potentially help to erode the natural enamel on your teeth, so make sure you only do this after eating meals that will contribute to bacteria buildup.[7]
  4. Eliminate acidic foods and drinks. There are some foods that have high acid contents. These acids wear away the enamel of your teeth and promote the growth of bacteria, putting you at higher risk of forming gingivitis. Some foods and drinks that are high in acid are:[8]
    • Citrus juices and fruits
    • Alcohol with a high phosphorus content
    • Certain types of meats, like corned beef or turkey
    • Some cheeses, like parmesan, are also high in acid content

Difficult Treatments

  1. See your dentist for regular cleanings. Once plaque has hardened into tartar, it's almost impossible to remove just by brushing or flossing. Get a cleaning every six months at the dentist to make sure all traces of plaque get regularly removed. As long as plaque remains on your teeth, your gums may stay inflamed with gingivitis.[9]
  2. See your dentist for gingivitis. If you see your dentist while you have gingivitis, he or she will do a thorough cleaning and recommend an effective hygiene plan for you to follow at home. Since gingivitis clears up with proper hygiene, no drugs or other treatments are administered.[2]
  3. Follow your dentist’s regimen. As stated above, dentists will be able to prescribe a daily hygiene routine to keep your gingivitis from coming back. It is critical that you practice the dentist’s recommendations routinely in order to keep a clean, healthy mouth between dental visits.[9]
    • In some cases, a dental fitting in your mouth, such as a cap or a permanent retainer, may be preventing you from cleaning your teeth and gums effectively. Talk to your dentist about tools you can use to clean your mouth and prevent gingivitis.
  4. Return for checkups. With dental care, it is critical that keep a consistent routine and pattern to ward off bacteria and plaque that cause gingivitis. Make sure you schedule and keep all appointments with the dentists, even if just for routine checkups. A quick cleaning or brief examination of your teeth and gums can help to stop problems before they even start.[10]
  5. Stop smoking. Smoking increases your risk of gum disease, including gingivitis. As with so many other health related issues that are exacerbated by smoking, if you want to take serious steps to correct the problem, you need to quit smoking first.[11] If possible, cut back on smoking or eliminate it entirely.
    • Other tobacco products like dip and chew are equally harmful to your gums. Quit chewing tobacco as soon as possible to cure gingivitis and other mouth ailments.[11]
    • When you do smoke or chew, brush your teeth immediately afterward to help prevent gingivitis from coming back.

Sources and Citations