Curl Hair with Hair Sticks

Hair sticks are a less painful alternative to curlers and healthier than a perm. They're even easy to use!


  1. Follow the steps in How to Curl Hair.
  2. Choose the right size hair sticks for you. For short and/or thin hair, use shorter ones; for long and/or thick hair, longer sticks are best.
  3. Divide your hair into sections so each one covers about a quarter of the hair stick.
  4. Roll the stick up the section of hair, starting at the end of the hair.
  5. Stop when the stick is close to your head.
  6. Roll the stick into a spiral shape, making sure the hair stays wound around it.
  7. Keep the sticks in all night, and remove them in the morning. You may want to spray your hair lightly after removing them, so the curls stay fresh.


  • Use sparingly because heat can easily damage hair.
  • Wear a thick hair net overnight to keep the rollers from unrolling or getting tangled while you sleep.

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