Date a Capricorn
Those born between December 22nd and January 20th fall under the sign of the Mountain Goat, an agile and tough animal which climbs it's way to the top. Ruled by Saturn, these people can be strong, driven with a cool exterior. Ruling the topmost house of the zodiac, the 10th house (Regnum - Kingdom), these folks want to be on the top of any project they undertake. Dating one will definitely be a process -- long and difficult but entirely rewarding. They are dynamic, ambitious creatures that are patient and determined to win. Need some help in courting your Cappy? Here's how to get the relationship rolling.
Attracting Your Mate
- Take it slow. Your Capricorn has a ton going on in their world -- both the world on the outside and the one in their heads. Not only are they doing a million things at once (usually climbing up the career ladder), but they have a million things going on in their brains, too. They're very cautious and practical and need to develop a plan before they take any action. If you spring something on them, they won't feel prepared. Baby steps are the only way to get to their heart.
- Build a foundation of friendship, first. They are incredibly logical people -- if you're not a good match, they don't want to waste time fooling around. They need to know before they get into anything that it'll be worth their while. So show them you're interested, you're in it to win it, and that you're willing to wait.
- Be direct. Sometimes Capricorn is so enveloped in their career or something else going on in their lives that even the most obvious of flirtations can be lost. You might feel as if you've been waiting on their doorstep coquettishly for weeks when you finally ask them out and they seem taken aback. It's because they didn't see you coming! If the ball needs propulsion, you may have to do it yourself.
- Make them feel secure. Capricorns aren't ones for spontaneous actions; if they know it's coming, they'll embrace it. So plan out your date and show them you've put thought into your offer.
- If you're a woman, this is a fine, fine line. Some Capricorn men are very traditional and expect themselves to fulfill the most stereotypical of gender norms. So if he's obviously traditional and not asking, put yourself out there but don't outright ask. You may need to do him the favor of making it clear you're a "yes" before he does ask.
- Make them feel secure. Capricorns aren't ones for spontaneous actions; if they know it's coming, they'll embrace it. So plan out your date and show them you've put thought into your offer.
- Make them laugh. Patient, loyal Cappy is also very stoic, at times melancholy, and almost always serious. To give them the change of pace they desperately want but can't seem to find, make them laugh! Even though they don't seem to be about humor themselves, it doesn't mean they don't crave it.
- Just about anytime and anywhere and anyhow is a good way to go about it. The only thing to keep in mind is not to poke fun at them too much if you're not close; sometimes Cap doesn't pick up on when people are being playfully obnoxious.
- Dress well. Since Capricorn is so ambitious, they constantly are striving toward something a bit better than their current state. To match this drive in them, always show up to the occasion dressed well. If you're dressing like you've spent the last 72 hours in your mom's basement eating only Pop-tarts and playing the Sims, Mr. or Ms. Cappy won't be having it.
- Capricorn, at least on the outside, seems to be into appearances. It can be misconstrued as being shallow and vain, but in reality they just like nice things. They like working for everything, so it's the reward they deserve.
- Be subtle in public. Capricorn is traditional and serious in most situations (at least initially). If you two are out and about, don't expect him/her to be hanging off of you. And don't hang off them either! The place for that is at home.
- Capricorn also responds better to knowing looks than to playful touches. While being physically affectionate is fine, there are more effective ways to work your way into their heads. Master meaningful eye contact and you're in.
Building the Relationship
- Don't give up on seducing them. You know how we talked about Cappy being serious and stoic? Yeah. Makes for a tough time getting them in the bedroom! You might be on your 6th date and you wind up with a gentle peck on the lips and a cab ride home. Don't be dissuaded! Things that come too easy aren't worth it, remember?
- A lack of sexual contact initially does not mean they're not interested. You just have to weasel your way in to get to the good stuff. They're not going to give it away for free, you know! And when you do get in there, it will be way more than you expected.
- Get traditional. Generally speaking, Capricorn views dating in a very traditional sense. In the beginning, you may go to dinner and a movie half a dozen times before he/she suggests something else. While this has its drawbacks, it has its advantages too. You'll experience a traditional courtship that can be very fulfilling and fun.
- Some men will insist on paying the bill, some women will want the door opened for them, etc. This will go away as the Cappy gets more comfortable, but will always be resonant in the smaller ways.
- Understand their lack of emotion. More erratic and unstable signs aren't good matches for Capricorn. They are patient, serious, and often unmoved. If you don't understand that this is just how they are, it'll make for a very difficult relationship. It has nothing to do with you or how they feel about you. It's just how they operate and see the world.
- It's easy to mistake the Capricorn as melancholy. While this is obviously a feeling they're capable of, it's not necessarily so when you detect it. They're just in their brains, figuring out the best plan to action, weighing out logic and rationale, and devising a plan.
- Help them maintain their image. Capricorn does not have time for someone who's really just an obstacle in their way to success. If you're a deterrent to what they want to achieve, you'll be ousted. Help them rise to the top like they're inclined to do and you'll be a necessary part of the action.
- A huge part of this is simply understanding that their motivation and ambition is an integral part of their personality. Encouraging their laziness or enabling them to slack off is not what they're looking for in a partner.
- Get over those trust walls. You've probably picked up on the fact that Capricorns aren't easy to get to know. They're not into displays of emotion and they can seem pretty uninterested and stoic at first glance. But this goes away! One day a light bulb will turn on and you'll wonder where your dream goat went. Only to get replaced by someone who's even more incredible.
- At some point in your relationship, it'll click. Once they've determined that you're the real deal, that you'll be around for the long haul, that you're worth being let in, you're golden for forever. They're yours to keep!
Complementing a Capricorn Personality
- Be ambitious. As if it wasn't already crystal clear, Capricorn has drive and is determined. Though they say opposites attract, this is not one of those times. Those who are laid-back need not apply. Cappy needs someone who can fuel their drive, not question why they're trying so hard. If you have it going on too, they'll be all that much more motivated.
- Capricorn isn't looking for someone who's only focused on their relationship. If you're getting into deep waters with yours, be sure to keep an eye on your career, your friends, and your hobbies. You shouldn't lose yourself and your dreams -- it's what Capricorn was drawn to in the first place!
- Be stable. The one who's temperamental, mercurial, and erratic will not be a good fit for patient, rational Capricorn. If you're quick to anger or tears, Capricorn just straight up won't get you and will get exhausted. Be stable mentally and Cappy will know who they can lean on.
- Those with addictive or insecure personalities don't really have a place in Capricorn's world. If you're boozing away the weekends or spending days wrapped up in a pity party, Capricorn will not be having it. They desperately want life to be on an even keel at all times. Why do you think they plan everything out ahead of time?
- Be classy. If you're poised and classy, Capricorn will see you as a boost to their image and someone who's just as driven and motivated as they are. They want the best. So stop the gossip, the drunk texting, the selfies, and bring out your inner Kate Middleton/Michelle Obama/Cary Grant. (All Capricorns, by the way!)
- This doesn't mean the richest, most lavish things. Carrying a Louis Vuitton purse doesn't make you classy. Being sophisticated is an inner maturity and grace and not what's strung on your arm.
- Be open-minded. This, however, is one of the times where Capricorn needs an opposite to juxtapose their personality. While Capricorn is rational and logical, they are often stuck in their ways because of it. Since they're usually right, they find it hard to open their minds to others' opinions. They can be very stubborn and relentless. You'll need to work with them!
- It's because of their extensive planning that they can be so firm in their convictions. Since they've weighed everything out (or they think that they have), they see no need to budge. So if you can do the budging for them, the both of you will be better off.
- Be patient. This will come in handy for two reasons: 1) Since your Cappy is so patient, being frazzled is something they won't tolerate and 2) they operate on a slower wavelength sometimes (like how your relationship progressed). It's also good for you and your stress level!
- Basically, it's important to be patient in your world and in your relationship. You'll be calmer, more relaxed, and be more willing to see things through till the end. It may take a while to break your Cappy down, but once you do, you'll be glad you were so willing to wait!
- Capricorns are very serious fellows most of the time. But once you get past that face they put up you'll find they can be fun-loving (though will prefer to act that way in private).
- Capricorns need space, so be ready to give them some alone time. Capricorns are known to enjoy solitude. Don't take it personally if he/she is avoiding you. Be patient; they'll return.
- Capricorns tend to seem to be a bit depressed; this is something you will have to work through. You'll find out it's just how they see the world.
- Capricorns love to learn and challenge themselves; museums, beaches, and hiking trails are good ideas for activities.
- Capricorns tend to have long attention spans; don't think you're boring them.
- Aggression can be a good or bad thing for Capricorns, younger ones will think that you won't offer security but older ones will love the thrill of being chased.
- Capricorns vary from all the other signs in a very unique way. They age in reverse, younger Capricorns will act like they are old, but the older they are the more childlike they will be.
- Capricorns hold grudges. If you hurt them do not expect forgiveness on their end until you can show them that you understand the error of your ways entirely.
- Take this with a grain of salt -- some Capricorns are different.
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