Deal With Being Indoors During an Earthquake
If you found yourself indoors during an earthquake, would you know what to do? Many modern buildings are designed to withstand moderate earthquakes and are relatively safe. However, you are still in danger from falling objects and other debris. To keep yourself safe, you should prepare ahead of time and also learn what to do in case a earthquake strikes your area.
Staying Safe Indoors During an Earthquake
- Stay inside. It can be tempting to run outside when an earthquake happens. After all, nothing can fall on you there. However, you likely won't make it outside before things start falling, so it's better to find a safe place inside than to try to make it outside.
- Take safety precautions. If possible, take safety precautions before the quake gets worse. This step is most important in the kitchen, where what you're doing could cause issues in an earthquake.
- The main thing is to make sure to turn off the stove before quickly taking cover, as it could cause a fire if you leave it on.
- If you're near a lit candle, try to blow it out if you have time.
- Hit the floor. The safest place for you in an earthquake is on your floor. However, don't lie flat on the floor. Instead, get on your hands and knees.
- This crawling position is the best for two reasons. One, it gives you a chance to move if you need to. Two, it provides you with some protection from falling objects.
- Find a safe place. The best place for you in an earthquake is under a table. A table provides protection from falling objects. A desk is also a good option.
- Try to move away from the kitchen. Also, try to get away from your fireplace, large appliances, glass, and heavy furniture, as any of it can injure you. If you can't get under a table, move to an interior wall, and cover your head.
- In a large building, move away from windows and exterior walls if possible. Also, don't get on the elevator. Most modern buildings are built to withstand earthquakes, as they are built to flex. In older buildings, you may be slightly safer on a higher floor, but you shouldn't try to move floors during an earthquake.
- A doorway isn't the safest place in modern houses, as it isn't any stronger than any other part of the house. In addition, you can still be hit by falling or flying objects in a doorway.
- Hold your position. Once you've found a good position, stay where you are. Don't move from that position until the earthquake is over. Remember, many earthquakes have aftershocks, too.
- Make sure to grab onto whatever you're hiding under. It should help provide you with some stability.
- If the furniture you are under shifts, stay with it. The earthquake may move it around.
- Stay in bed. If you're already in bed, don't try to get up. You are safer there than if you tried to move somewhere else, especially if you are groggy. You could easily be cut by broken glass if you try to roll out of bed.
- Grab a pillow, and put it over your head. This step can provide some protection from falling objects.
- You can also try to cover up with a blanket, which can protect you from glass.
- Protect your head and face. Whether you are under a piece of furniture or not, try to use something to shield your head and face. For instance, a pillow or couch cushion can provide some protection. However, don't waste time trying to find something if the earthquake is intensifying. Also, don't leave your shelter to find a face shield.
- Try to stay calm. Remember that the calmer you are, the more rational decisions you will make. When you are flustered or panicked, you will not be able to make the best decisions for your safety and the safety of others. Sometimes remembering that your calm is critical is the key to staying calm.
- You can also try to take deep, calming breaths. For instance, try counting to four as you breathe in, then try counting to four as you breathe out. Deep breathing can help relax you even when the earth is literally shaking around you.
Dealing With the Aftermath
- Don't create fire. While it's tempting to light a fire or candle when the electricity is out, doing so can be dangerous after an earthquake. If your gas line has a leak anywhere, you could cause your house to go up in flames with a spark. Instead, reach for a flashlight.
- Check for injuries. Look at yourself and the people around you, checking for major injuries. Major injuries include head injuries, broken bones, or major cuts.
- If injuries need immediate attention, deal with them first. If they can wait a minute, you may want to check the house first, since a gas leak or electrical damage may pose a threat of more harm.
- Provide first aid as needed. For instance, bandage any wounds according to the first aid booklet you have. If you have injuries you can't deal with, you may need to call 911. Keep in mind, though, that emergency services will be overloaded, so try to take care of what you can.
- Look for structural issues. If parts of the house look damaged, don't hesitate. You may notice walls or floors crumbling, for instance, or cracks forming. If you're not sure whether an area is safe, get out of the house. You don't want to stay in a structure that is unsafe and may come down around you.
- Check the house's infrastructure. Walk around the house, looking for issues. The main things you need to look for right now are gas leaks, water leaks, and electrical problems.
- Make sure you are smelling as you move around the house. Smell is the main way you can tell if there is a gas leak, though you may hear hissing as well. If you smell or hear gas, shut off the main gas valve. You should already know how to do this step if you prepared for the earthquake in method one. Also, open windows, and get out of the house. Call your gas company to tell them about the leak.
- Look for electrical problems. If you see any damaged wires or sparks, turn off the electricity.
- If you see water leaks, turn off the main water supply. If you're short on water, consider alternative sources, such as melted ice cubes, the water from your hot water heater, and water from canned vegetables and fruits.
- Check with authorities about water and sewage. This information will likely be on the radio or television. You need to check if the city's water supply is still safe to drink. In addition, you need to make sure the sewer lines are still intact before you flush a toilet.
- Clean up harmful substances. If anything is spilled in the house that could be hazardous, you need to clean it up quickly. Cleaning supplies, for instance, can become hazardous, especially if they're mixed. Also, clean up any drugs or medicines.
- Try to wear gloves when cleaning to protect your skin.
- Open windows to provide ventilation as needed.
- Stay off the roads. The roads need to be open for emergency vehicles to get through. Try to stay off the roads as much as possible, as that will allow easy passage for emergency vehicles.
Preparing Your Home for an Earthquake
- Stock up on supplies. If you live in an earthquake-prone area, such as California, make sure you are prepared should an earthquake strike. Having supplies is one way to be prepared, so you'll have exactly what you need on hand should disaster strike.
- You’ll want to have a fire extinguisher, a battery-powered radio, a flashlight, and extra batteries.
- It is also good to have plenty of non-perishable food and bottled water, in case power is out for a while. At a minimum, you should have enough food and water for 3 days on hand.
- The CDC recommends keeping 1 gallon of water per person per day. Don't forget to think about your pets, as they will consume food and water, too. Also, check the food and water you store for emergencies at least once a year to use up or throw away food and water that is near or past its expiration date.
- Buy or build a first aid kit. In an earthquake, injuries can happen. Having a first aid kit on hand can help you deal with minor injuries, especially since emergency rooms will likely be overloaded. You can buy a kit ready-made, or you can gather supplies to make your own.
- The American Red Cross recommends that you have the following items in your first aid kit: adhesive bandages (25 in various sizes), adhesive cloth tape, absorbent compress dressings (2 5-by-9-inch dressings), 2 roller bandages (1 each 3 inch and 4 inch), sterile gauze pads (5 3-by-3-inch pads and 5 4-by-4-inch pads), and 2 triangular bandages.
- You'll also need things like antibiotic ointment, antiseptic, aspirin, cold compresses, a breathing barrier (for CPR), hydrocortisone, non-latex gloves (in case of latex injuries), an oral thermometer, tweezers, a first aid booklet (available from places like the Red Cross store), and an emergency (space) blanket).
- Learn first aid and CPR. If you, a family member, or friend are injured during an earthquake and can’t get help, you will be grateful that you know how to take care of basic injuries. First aid and CPR classes teach you what to do in an emergency if someone is injured.
- Learning first aid can teach you how to deal with injuries such as cuts, bruises, head injuries, and even broken bones. CPR helps you learn what to do when someone is choking or not breathing.
- Check with your local American Red Cross to find first aid classes in your area.
- Learn how to turn off the gas, water, and electricity. Though these are common comforts of daily life, during a natural disaster they can be life-threatening. Gas can leak; electricity can spark; and water can become contaminated. After an earthquake, you may need to turn one or all of these off.
- To turn off the gas, turn the valve a quarter turn, using a wrench. The valve should now be perpendicular with the pipe. If it’s parallel, it means the gas line is open.
- Some experts recommend keeping the gas line on unless you smell a leak, hear hissing, or notice the gas meter is running up quickly because once you turn it off, you will need to bring in a professional to make sure it is safe to turn it back on.
- To turn off the electricity, find the circuit box. Turn off all the individual circuits and then turn off the main circuit. The power should remain off until a professional confirms that there are no gas leaks.
- To turn off the water, find the main valve. Turn the handle clockwise until it is completely closed. You should leave the water off until you know it is safe to turn it back on. Your city should update you on whether the water is safe to drink or not.
- To turn off the gas, turn the valve a quarter turn, using a wrench. The valve should now be perpendicular with the pipe. If it’s parallel, it means the gas line is open.
- Secure your water heater. In an earthquake, your water heater can tip or be damaged, causing a huge pool of water. If you can protect that water and keep it from leaking out of the water heater in the first place, you can use it as a source of clean drinking water even if the city water isn't safe. Therefore, it's important to secure your hot water heater before an earthquake hits.
- Start by checking how much room is between the water heater and the wall. If you see more than an inch or two, you need to add a strip of wood to the wall using lag screws. The strip of wood should go down the length of the water heater, so it can't tip backwards.
- Use heavy-gauge metal strapping to secure the water heater to the wall at the top. Start at the wall. Wrap it around the front and then all the way around the heater again. Push it back to the wall. You now have an end on either side to secure to the wall or the wood at the back.
- For wood, use lag screws with oversized washers. The screws should be at least 1/4" by 3". For concrete, you need 1/4" expansion bolts instead of screws. You can also by a commercial securing kit that has everything you need.
- Add another round of strapping to the bottom, and secure it. It's also important to take out the rigid copper and metal pipping. Instead, use flexible connectors for both the gas and water, which are less likely to break in an earthquake.
- Decide where to meet after an earthquake. When earthquakes happen, phones can go down. You may not be able to reach your loved ones. Therefore, it's important to decide beforehand where you will meet if one happens.
- You could say, for instance, that everyone comes home once the earthquake has passed, or that you meet at a nearby safe spot, such as a church.
- Also, consider designating a person who's not in the same area as the contact person. For instance, you could designate one of your parents as the contact, so that other out-of-state people have someone to call to hear news. That way, you can deal with the emergency while your family can still hear news about you.
- Earthquake-proof your home. If you live in an earthquake-prone area, consider moving heavy objects from high shelves and anchoring heaving furniture to the floor. During a quake, these objects can fall or move, injuring you or others in your home.
- Books, vases, rocks, and other decorative items can fall off high shelves, crashing into people below.
- Move them so they are below head-level. Below waist-level is best, where they can do less damage.
- Try to attach heavy furniture, cupboards, and appliances to the walls or floor. Attaching objects to the walls or floors keeps them from moving or falling over in an earthquake. You can use nylon stripping or L-brackets to anchor furniture like china hutches or bookcases to the studs in the wall, though stripping will cause less damage to the furniture. You can also use nylon straps or velcro to secure items like televisions to their furniture.
- If you're in an apartment, talk with your landlord about emergency preparedness.
- Learn the earthquake plan at your school or work so you know what to do should you find yourself there instead of at home.
- If you are in a wheelchair, lock the wheels and protect your head and neck with a pillow, your arms, or a large book.
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