Deal With Brace Pain

It is natural for braces to cause mouth pain in the first few weeks after you get them. Usually this is because the braces are affecting blood flow or rubbing against sensitive parts of your mouth. Over time your mouth will develop callouses so that you won’t feel a thing. You will have to endure a bit of pain to get those perfect, straight teeth you want, but there are some ways to ease your discomfort.[1]


Treating the Pain

  1. Apply dental wax. Ask your orthodontist for some dental wax. You can also find it at many pharmacies. This is firm, stretchy wax that you can apply to the tough, metal segments of the braces. This will reduce rubbing and friction against the sensitive parts of your mouth. Apply near painful areas.
    • You will want to roll the wax into a small ball, which makes it softer and easier to apply. Then rub the wax directly onto the part of the brace that is rubbing against your sore.
    • Before applying wax, make sure that your mouth and the braces are dry. If the area is moist the wax might not stick.[2]
    • It can be particularly helpful to apply dental wax at night before going to bed. Thus, if you move your mouth a lot while asleep, the rubbing will do less damage.
  2. Apply a local anesthetic. There are some pastes that are sold over-the-counter which act as local anesthetics in the mouth. If applied directly to sores they will relieve pain for several hours. Examples include Orabase and Orajel.[3]
    • Anesthetics can have side effects, including itching, redness, and rash.[4]
    • Follow directions on box closely to avoid side effects. Do not use more than recommended and do not swallow unless expressly instructed to do so. Measure the dose precisely and apply using a cotton swab or gauze.[5]
  3. Use an oral rinse. These won’t directly relieve pain so much as they will reduce chances of infection and inflammation. If you are developing nasty open sores where the braces are rubbing against your mouth, using these can be a useful preventive measure against future pain and discomfort. Examples of these sorts of products include Listerine and Pro-Health.[3]
    • Untreated, bacteria can extend the life of a sore by more than a week. Using antibacterial mouthwash is the best way to shorten or even eliminate this phase of the sore.
    • Listerine or a chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash such as Corsodyl are the most effective mouthwashes for this sort of treatment. Dilute the mouthwash by half or one-third by adding water to the cup. Swish it in your mouth for 30 seconds, several times a day.[6]
  4. Try a new toothpaste. There are some toothpastes that are designed for sensitive teeth. Brushing your teeth can be one of the most uncomfortable parts of brace pain. These pastes, together with a more gentle brushing strategy, can go a long way to making it more livable. Any store that sells toothpaste should sell these pastes and box should clearly indicate that they are for sensitive teeth.
    • Toothpastes that include potassium nitrate will numb the area slightly. Those with strontium chloride added a protective layer to the teeth.[7]
  5. Find a painkiller that works for you. Your first recourse should always be a basic, over-the-counter painkiller like ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, acetaminophen, or aspirin. Find one that works for you. Consider any history of allergies or past discomfort with painkillers before deciding which one is right for you. Take as directed on the bottle.
    • Ask your doctor what they recommend. It is likely your orthodontist will make a recommendation even without your encouragement.
    • Some anti-inflammatory painkillers have been shown to slow tooth movement. While the effect will be small, you probably want to know that you’re getting the most out of your braces when you’re suffering! Tylenol (acetaminophen) was not shown to have this effect, so it should be your first choice if you have had a good history with it.[3]

Easing the Pain Naturally

  1. Eat soft foods. One of the most important things to do when you first get braces is to avoid hard, crunchy foods. Avoid chips or fries, for example. For the first few days, consider not eating any solid foods and try a mostly liquid diet. It is also advisable to chew as softly as possible to reduce friction.
    • The bright side to your discomfort is that you now have a good excuse to eat ice cream. Ice cream is soft and because it is cold it can help reduce inflammation. Though not as exciting, soup can also be a good choice for a sore mouth.[8]
  2. Brush softly. This means in part that you should use long, slow, gentle strokes when brushing your teeth. But it also helps to have the right toothbrush. A soft bristle tooth brush will make it much easier to clean your mouth without aggravating any sores. They are readily available at most stores and clearly identified on the packaging.
    • Brush gently from the top to the bottom of each individual tooth.[9]
    • It is important that you still brush multiple times a day after getting your braces and always check in the mirror for any food particles or plaque.
  3. Rinse with warm salt water. Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can help heal any wounds in your mouth and ease pain from shifting teeth. Combine warm water from the tap or a tea kettle with salt from a shaker and mix using a spoon. Use 1 teaspoon salt for each cup of water. Rinse three times daily.[10]
  4. Use ice. Put ice in your mouth for a while and suck on it. The cold will reduce swelling. The principle is similar as that of the ice cream, only less fun, but probably healthier. But be careful if you bite the ice this might result in your braces hurting more or a broken bracket![8]
  5. Distract yourself. Dealing with pain is also a question of mind over matter. If you fixate on it, it will get worse, whereas if you pretend it is not there, it will get better. One of the best ways to forget about it is to focus on something else. Find something to do that will distract you. Anything that is engaging — either because you enjoy it or it takes a lot of effort — should help take your mind of the pain.[11]

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