Delete a Tinder Account

Tinder is a dating application that allows people to select dates based on a Facebook profile picture. If you want to stop using the service, you can delete your account on your phone and Facebook. This article will show you how.

10 Second Summary

1. Open the app on your mobile device and log in.
2. Tap on the gear icon on the home screen.
3. Select “App Settings".
4. Find and tap the “Delete Account” button.
5. Tap the “Okay” button to exit.


Deleting from a Smartphone

  1. Look for the app on your mobile device and tap on it. Tinder is only available on iOS and Android phones. The app has an icon of a flame.
  2. Tap the “Log in with Facebook” button. Tinder is integrated with your Facebook account. It relies on your real-life social network to provide you with your possible matches.
  3. Tap on the gear icon on the upper left corner of your home screen. You will be brought to Tinder’s Settings screen.
  4. Tap on “App Settings. This is where you configure the apps’ notifications.
  5. Locate the “Delete Account” button. It’s towards the bottom of the menu, so scroll down to find it.
    • A confirmation message will appear, indicating that account deletion will permanently delete your profile, messages, photos, moments, and matches.
  6. Tap the “Delete Account” button to confirm. A confirmation message will appear to confirm that your Tinder account has been successfully deleted and that your Facebook profile has been delinked.
  7. Tap the “Okay” button to exit. You will be taken back to the app’s login screen.

Deleting Tinder on Facebook

  1. Log into your Facebook account from your personal computer. Tinder connects through your Facebook profile, so it gains permission to basic Facebook account information and interaction.
    • When a person conducts a graph search on Facebook, they can view the apps you use on your Facebook account.
    • Tinder is often seen as a “hookup” app, and you may not want it to be listed where potential employers or family members can see. [1]
  2. Click on the Settings icon in the upper right corner of your Facebook profile. It is a small gear icon.
  3. Scroll down to “Privacy Settings. Click on the link. You should see a page that says “Privacy Setting and Tools.”
  4. Select the Apps section in the left hand column. You will access your App Settings.
  5. Find Tinder in the “Apps You Use” list. Click “Edit” to the right of the app.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the app details. Select the link that says “Remove App.”
  7. Choose “Remove” in the confirmation box.


  • If you want to use Tinder again after account deletion, you can do so by logging in with Facebook again. Your Facebook account will again be used to create your Tinder profile. However, all your previous messages, moments, and matches on Tinder cannot be retrieved anymore. You will have to start all over.


  • Beware that Tinder occasionally has security breaches. During these breaches, people may be able to access your geographic location. Update all your Facebook security settings and change your password regularly. [2]

Sources and Citations