Determine the Gender of a Grasshopper
Even the most unskilled nature lover can work out the gender of a grasshopper with a quick, and painless check. Your greatest problem might be catching the grasshopper, but if you succeed in that, you'll be able to delight your outdoor guests with this fun and easy identification exercise.
- Find and catch a grasshopper.
- Pinch the grasshopper gently between your fingers.
- Look at the very end of the body to determine the sex.
- The male grasshopper has a more rounded abdomen which turns upward. It is not tapered as with the female.
- The female grasshopper has a tapered abdomen. This ends with a pointed egg laying tube, known scientifically as the "ovipositor". The image shows what the end of the female looks like.
- Wash your hands to remove any germs. That's it.
- If you don't have a bug net, the best way to catch them is to cup your hands around them and be sure they don't get out!
- This is something that can potentially impress an outdoors person. They might not admit that they like it, but they'll tell someone about it later.
- Do not hold your grasshopper by the legs as these are very delicate.
- Grasshoppers sometimes spit "grasshopper juice" on those who catch them. it's a little nasty, so be careful and always wash your hands afterwards. Keep your eyes safe.
- Grasshoppers can give you a small bite.
Things You'll Need
- Grasshopper
- Insect catching device (optional)
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Sources and Citations
- – research source