Develop a Can Do Attitude
A can-do attitude can help you in work, school, and social situations. If you look at situations in a positive light, you can open yourself up to new opportunities and challenges. Develop a sense of motivation by looking at every situation with a sense of enthusiasm. Keep your thoughts positive by using positive language and challenging negativity. Work on tweaking your lifestyle habits. Daily practices like meditation can help keep you grounded, granting you the energy to have a can-do attitude.
Becoming Self-Motivated
- See fear as a positive. How you look at fear can severely affect your sense of motivation. Rather than seeing fear as something to slow you down or hold you back, see fear as a challenge. If you want to have a can-do attitude, work on consciously altering your attitude regarding fear.
- Fear is based in the unknown. In any given situation, there's always a chance you could fail or lose. Being unable to know the outcome can make you bulk at a new opportunity rather than take it.
- However, see the unknown as something to be embraced rather than feared. There is a chance something could go wrong, but there's always a chance it could be a positive experience. The more chances you take, the more you increase your likelihood of success.
- The next time you feel fearful in the face of a new challenge, remind yourself you could succeed. Remember the unknown is not always bad and, worst case scenario, there will be other chances in the future.
- Reward yourself for completing tasks. Self-motivation is key to a can-do attitude. One great way to motivate yourself is to reward yourself for pushing yourself. Success can take a long time to achieve, and you often have little control over external rewards. Therefore, learning to reward yourself can help. This will teach you to work for your own personal sense of accomplishment and pride, allowing you to take new opportunities as they come. This will foster a can-do attitude.
- Rewards are a bigger motivational factor than many people realize. Rewards may actually account for about three quarters of the reason people do things. However, you're unlikely to get rewarded every time you said "Yes" to something at work, or each time you check an item off your to-do list.
- Therefore, reward yourself. Give yourself a small treat or reward. You can, for example, allow yourself to spend a night out with friends if you agree to take on an extra task at work that week.
- Have a sense of urgency about every situation. Procrastination can kill a can-do attitude. Many people live with the mentality that there is always tomorrow to get things done, take chances, and embrace opportunity. Successful people, however, do not think about tomorrow. They live in the here and now, and are eager to get things done as soon as they can. If you want a can-do attitude, try to live with that same sense of urgency.
- Do everything you reasonably can do each day rather than putting it off. Remind yourself you don't know what will happen tomorrow. For example, you find yourself thinking, "I don't need to proofread that report now. I can do it tomorrow morning during downtime."
- Counter this thought with something like, "What if I don't have downtime tomorrow? What if there's an issue in the office I need to take care of?" This will motivate you to proofread your report right now.
- Remember the big picture. People with a can-do attitude don't see small tasks and opportunities as minute obligations or details. They stay focused on their larger goals. Instead of focusing on your short-term wants and emotions, remember your long-term goals.
- For example, your boss asks if anyone can stay late to help with a project. You want to go home and relax, as it's been a long week. Someone with a can-do attitude would eagerly say "Yes" to this, but you're exhausted and want to go to bed.
- Instead of thinking about how you feel now, look to the future. Yes, you will probably have a bad day today, but think about the positives in the future. This will make you look like a hard worker. The next time a promotion comes along, your boss may look to you over other employees.
- Learn from failures. Your Overcome-Failure can have a major impact on whether you can sustain a can-do attitude. If you let every single failure destroy you, you will burn out quickly. You need to learn to bounce back from failures so you can get up the next day and have a can-do attitude once more.
- When you experience a setback, remember your positive qualities. Think about your capabilities and everything you have going for you. Remind yourself one small misfire in an otherwise successful life is not worth beating yourself up.
- See if there's anything to be learned. Sometimes, setbacks are beyond your control. However, review how you acted in the situation. Is there anything you could have done differently? If so, try to see this as a learning opportunity rather than a waste of time and effort.
- Develop your sense of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is when you believe that you can accomplish your goals and influence your situation in the way that you desire.
- Choose-a-Role-Model. Do you know someone who is highly self-efficacious? If so, then this person could be a great role model for you as you work to develop your own self-efficacy and can-do attitude.
- Reflect on your accomplishments. Think back on goals you have accomplished and other achievements that make you feel proud. This can help you to see that you have the power to influence your future.
- Work towards one goal at a time. Trying to take on too much may hider a sense of self-efficacy because you may become overwhelmed by everything you want to accomplish. Instead, focus on just one goal at a time.
- Surround yourself with supportive people. You may also have an easier time of building your self-efficacy if you spend time with people who believe in you and encourage you. Steer clear of people who put you down or who discourage your efforts.
This is an important component of having a can-do attitude.
Staying Positive
- Embrace the fact you control your attitude. Many people falsely believe they cannot control how they feel. This can lead to a defeatist attitude, in which setbacks and problems are internalized. Remind yourself you can control your attitude. You can choose how you interpret your experience. Viewing experience through a more positive lens can help fuel an upbeat, can-do attitude.
- Remember that people view situations differently. One person may see missing the last train to work as an opportunity to enjoy a nice walk before a long work day. The other person may see it as a disaster.
- You can choose which of these life views to embrace. Opting for positivity over catastrophic thinking will be more energizing. You will be more eager to say "Yes" to new opportunities and experiences as you won't be as emotionally drained.
- Do not think about why you can't do something. When an opportunity is presented, many people immediately think of the reasons they can't do it. Your mind may immediately make a running list of your limitations and the reasons something can't be done. Work to block out these thoughts as they occur. If something simply needs to get done, you can't indulge in worrying over whether it can be done.
- Challenge your knee-jerk excuses. For example, your boss asks you to make a presentation at a big conference. Your immediate thought is, "I can't do this. I don't have time. I don't know enough about the subject."
- Stop immediately. Do not think about why you can't do the presentation. Instead, focus on the ways you can could conceivably achieve. For example, instead think, "This will be a challenge, but I can do it. How can I make time for this? What should I do to learn more about this subject?"
- Avoid negative people. Other people can really affect your own attitude. It's hard enough to stay positive and work against your own negative thoughts. You don't need negative people encouraging such thoughts. Try to limit your contact with chronic complainers.
- You will learn to filter out negative people fast. You may know someone in your office who's prone to complaining about all their setbacks. You may find when you share positive news with that person, they respond with disinterest or disdain.
- You don't want someone else's negativity to rub off on you. Instead of sharing good news with this person, talk to someone who's generally positive and encouraging.
- Use positive language. How you use language throughout the day can affect your mood. If you want a can-do attitude, talk as if you already have one. This will alter your thinking, gradually allowing you to develop more motivation and positivity.
- Avoid negative phrases. When you catch yourself saying, "I can't" or "It's impossible," try to rephrase. Instead, say something like, "Sounds like a challenge."
- When people ask you how you're doing, phrase it in a positive way. Respond with something like, "I'm doing great. How are you?"
- If you do need to express negative emotions, work on tapering your expression. For example, don't say, "My mom really made me mad today." Instead, say something like, "I'm a little annoyed with my mom right now."
- Challenge irrational thoughts. Negative thoughts are often irrational, and can inhibit a can-do attitude. Negativity can convince you that you can't do something. When you feel an irrational thought creeping in, stop and challenge it. Acknowledge the thought is not a true reflection of your capabilities.
- When you think poorly of yourself or a situation, pause. Think to yourself, "What is a better way to view this situation?"
- For example, you have a lot of deadlines coming up at work. You think to yourself, "I can't do this. It's too much." Pause and think, "What's a better way to look at this?"
- Figure out a better way to view this situation. Instead, think something like, "This will be a challenge, but I know I'm a capable person."
- Develop-Your-Resilience. Being resilient can help you to bounce back more quickly when something does not go your way. This is important for a can-do attitude because you may sometimes have to deal with setbacks. Some things you can do to become more resilient include:
- Maintaining good relationships with supportive friends and family.
- Looking to the future to feel better about your current situation.
- Working towards your goals regularly, even if you can only do something small.
- Looking for opportunities to learn more about yourself.
Changing Your Daily Habits
- Express gratitude every day. Gratitude is key to maintaining the positivity necessary for a can-do attitude. Gratitude can help with your overall life view, giving you the energy you need to say "yes" to more opportunities.
- Keep a gratitude journal where you write down specific thing you're thankful for. Remember to avoid generalizations. Do not say, "I'm grateful for my friends." Instead say, "I'm grateful for how caring and supporting my friends are."
- Try to even be grateful for negative situations. For example, think something like, "It's too bad Claire and I broke up, but I'm grateful I got out of a relationship that wasn't working."
- Smile more often. It's a small change, but it can have a big impact on your mood. Work on smiling more throughout the day. Smiling sends feedback to the muscles in the brain, which then trigger feelings of happiness. Work on smiling periodically. You will end up feeling more motivated and happy as a result.
- Practice meditation. Meditation can help you reduce stress and increase energy. A can-do attitude requires a resilient attitude and high energy. Daily meditation can help you stay grounded enough to keep embracing new opportunities.
- Strive for at least 7 minutes of meditation each day.
- You can take a meditation class. You can also find guided routines online.
- Adopt a healthier lifestyle. How you're feeling physically can have a big impact on your overall emotional state. If you want a positive, can-do attitude, you need to embrace a healthy overall lifestyle.
- Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains.
- Strive to get some exercise in each day.
- Make sure you get enough sleep each night.
- If you need inspiration, try looking up motivational quotes or videos.
- It might be helpful to consider why you don't currently have a can-do attitude. There may be something in your past that's holding you back.
- If you enjoy using your imagination, you might want to picture yourself being someone who is successful at your goal.
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