Develop a Creative Mind

Having a creative mind can help ensure that you have a great personality. Here are some ways you can train yourself to be creative. Identify your area of interest , what do you like or love, in terms of your passion.


  1. Be dependent on yourself, rather than on anyone else. Don't take this to mean that you should disobey your superiors--just start learning to do tasks on your own. This can be a little tough if you try to do it all at once. Start small, and work on becoming more independent each day.
  2. Keep thinking. In fact, try to designate some time each day purely for thinking. Start at about ten minutes a day, and increase it as you feel more comfortable. Situations such as traveling in a vehicle also give you plenty of free time that you can use just to think.
  3. Don't get angry or upset. This is an important step in developing a great personality because it will help you interact with others in a more positive manner.
  4. Be creative at all times! This means that you should do some creative things in your free time. Things like painting, drawing, sculptures, or writing will help.
  5. Learn a new language. This will broaden your horizons beyond that which you have known since you were just a few years old.
  6. Get a good night's sleep. Your brain needs plenty of rest (around eight hours for an adult) to sort through all of the things it learns throughout the day. Getting a proper amount of sleep will keep you alert, but overdoing it will just make you groggy.
  7. Utilize your dreams in an effective manner. Set goals for yourself--think about things you have always wanted to accomplish, and work towards them. This will give focus to your creativity.
  8. Enjoy life. While there is no need to be decadent, the purpose of this article is to improve your life experience. If you need to alter it to suit your own personality, that will help you benefit from it even more.


  • Perform exercises which are meant to increase creativity.
  • If you're having trouble coming up with something to think about, just look around you. Find something interesting in your surroundings, or ponder your day so far. Allow this to snowball into a full-fledged philosophical session!


  • Do not insult other people's personalities. While you may feel that this article has improved your own personality, no one has any right to claim that one personality is better than another.

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