Discuss Finances Together in a Marriage
Finances are a hot topic when it comes to all relationships, especially marriages. Saying “I do” means more than just sharing a life together, it also means sharing financial responsibility for that life. Whether good or bad, each spouse needs to be open and honest about his or her current financial standing. What’s more, the couple must work together to decide on important financial decisions for the future. Learn the basics for discussing money with your spouse.
Communicating Effectively
- Broach the subject casually with your spouse. The time to start talking about merging your finances is before the wedding, but at least 40% of couples avoid doing so.
- Start the conversation with your action items first. This could mean starting off by talking to your spouse about your desire to look at your own credit score as you prepare to buy a house and suggest that he or she does the same. Say something like “Have you checked your credit report lately? I’ve been wanting to get a good picture of my financial standing. Maybe we can do it together?”
- Things like credit scores for both of you may change how you approach buying a home, for example. You may find if one of you has a higher score than the other, it may be better to buy without both of you on the mortgage. However, things line up, remember you are on the same “team”.
- Gather data to support your decisions. Print your credit reports and any supporting documentation, such as account balances and credit card debt. Financial choices need to be based on numbers not emotion. Make sure you both have a clear idea of what debts came into the union and how you can work to pay those down.
- Early on you are doing this to get on the same page about your individual financial pictures. However, in the future, it may be nice to take time each month to sit down together and look over the numbers. Viewing credit card statements and account balances can be a way to keep you accountable as far as goals and also open the floor for an ongoing discussion with your spouse.
- Be candid about any bad habits. Before you get started, you must be forthright with your spouse about any habits you happen to have that are not apparent on your credit reports.
- An example of a bad habit would include not taking the time to write down purchases made on your debit card so you can balance your check book. When you were single, this may have not seemed like a huge deal, but with two people sharing accounts it can quickly become a problem.
- Other bad habits you need to bring to your spouse would include past blemishes on your credit like having too many credit cards open, being in default on student loans or having bills in collection. All of these issues can impact credit, but they can also be addressed and resolved.
- Refrain from pointing the finger. Placing blame and arguing over money will not make any issues better. If you ask your spouse to be honest about credit challenges and then start the blame game you will probably not get that same level of honesty in the future.
- Listen to understand, not to reply. This means looking at your spouse as he or she is speaking, listening carefully to fully get his or her point of view, and then taking that one step further by confirming what you have heard.
- When you sit down to have a tough conversation with your spouse, you will break the trust if you are not willing to listen. Don’t ask the tough questions unless you are ready to handle any answer.
- The exchange of information should be fair and equal.
Setting Ground Rules
- Decide if you will merge all the money or maintain separate accounts. Even after getting married there are no laws that say you have to merge all your accounts. Having separate accounts does not mean neither of you knows what the other is doing. Both partners should have access to the records of the other since you are sharing a household.
- Depending on the credit scores for both spouses, it may make more sense to keep separate accounts especially if you want to buy a home soon. One spouse alone on a mortgage is going to have a higher chance of getting the loan than two people with mixed credit scores.
- Determine who will be the primary overseer of your money. This will include how you make decisions about both small and large purchases. The person who is most organized and financially savvy may be the best choice for managing the finances. However, both partners should take on the responsibility in some way. So, choose duties according to your individual strengths.
- For example, one of you may be better at saving, so you will be in charge of building an emergency fund and overseeing retirement savings. The other may be in charge of paying monthly bills and balancing the checkbook. Decide based on what’s best for you and your spouse.
- Agree about which of you will handle certain expenses. You will need to know who is writing the check for rent, paying the electric bill and other household bills. You do not want to get into a situation where both of you thought the other paid the electric bill and you learn that it wasn’t paid when the lights are turned off. You also don’t want to pay bills twice and be short money.
- Being upfront about how much both of you make and how you will divide the bills will make things much easier. Some families divide everything I half while others just pool their money regardless of who makes what.
- The use of credit cards versus cash should also be explored as one partner may be used to always using a card and then paying it off once a month while the other only uses cash. This needs to be talked about.
- Don’t make big purchases without your spouse’s blessing. Regardless of who makes more money, a big ticket item should be bought together. This is a good time to set boundaries about how much either of you can spend without talking to your spouse. This can be as simple as saying you have a spending limit of $100 without checking in since that is a low amount in your budget and won’t overdraw the account.
Overcoming Money Troubles
- Build a household budget. This budget should include all the household bills, ongoing needs and bills that were outstanding from before you got married. The budget needs to be realistic and something you both commit to. Consider these tips:
- Tally up every single monthly expense and plan for them in advance.
- Include separate and joint goals.
- Include long-term goals like saving for a down payment on a house.
- Negotiate with ongoing bills to cut down interest rates or get rid of fees.
- Automate whatever you can so that you don’t miss paying bills and acquire late fees.
- Go back and revise your budget as needed.
- Start building an emergency fund. If you didn’t already have an emergency fund before getting married, now is the time to build one. An emergency fund acts as a cushion in times when unexpected expenses pop up or one of you is out of work.
- How big your emergency account is will depend on you and your spouse. Many families tuck away enough money for at least 3 to 6 months of expenses. This provides greater security over the long haul.
- This savings account would be for true emergencies only, not impulse buys. Take the time to set boundaries as to what qualifies as an emergency.
- Some households use a credit card for emergencies like car repairs. Make sure you both agree if this is a good use of your credit cards and leave the available balance for such an emergency. If either of you has problems with managing credit cards, this may not be the best option for your household.
- Know your debt situation and decide on a strategy to pay it off.
- It can also be helpful to get financial advising or attend a debt reduction course for couples. If you have a significant amount of debt—or have no idea where to start to pay it down—it may be practical to involve a professional who can assist you.
Both of you should have a very clear idea of the other person’s debt as well as your own. Don’t fall prey to the idea that it’s your spouse’s problem—it’s not. Both of your debt is usually considered during major purchases, so working together to shrink each person’s debt is ideal.
- Plan for your retirements. Talk to your spouse and come up with a plan that suits both of you for retirement and start saving. Keep in mind, that men and women often have varying opinions when it comes to retirement, so be willing to compromise and consider your spouse’s perspective.
- Include payments to 401K and other investments as a part of your budget. Part of this process also includes changing the beneficiaries for each account now that you are married.
- If you don’t already, you also need to draw up life insurance policies to secure your spouse and your family in case of a tragedy.
- Money troubles have ended more than a few marriages. If you are both responsible, open and honest about money, it will make for a stronger marriage.
- Be mindful that some people are sensitive about discussing money. To some, money means power and control and these are very volatile subjects. Handle with care.
- It can be a difficult and uncomfortable transition going from being a single person in total control of your finances to being part of a couple. If your partner is resistant, give him or her time. If you can show them that you are interested in working as a team with no judgments, your spouse will eventually come around.
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- http://time.com/money/3612739/how-to-talk-money-with-boyfriend-girlfriend/
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/04/marriage-finances-_n_4179498.html
- http://www.bankrate.com/finance/smart-spending/tips-merging-finances-newlyweds-1.aspx
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/04/marriage-finances-_n_4179498.html
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/04/marriage-finances-_n_4179498.html
- http://time.com/money/3612739/how-to-talk-money-with-boyfriend-girlfriend/
- http://time.com/money/3612739/how-to-talk-money-with-boyfriend-girlfriend/
- http://finance.yahoo.com/news/10-money-mistakes-ruin-marriage-095503587.html
- http://www.bankrate.com/finance/smart-spending/tips-merging-finances-newlyweds-1.aspx
- http://time.com/money/3612739/how-to-talk-money-with-boyfriend-girlfriend/
- http://www.businessinsider.com/budgeting-slideshow-2012-1?op=1
- http://couplemoney.com/saving/building-up-an-emergency-fund/
- http://www.clearpoint.org/blog/debt-and-marriage/
- http://www.bankrate.com/finance/retirement/planning-retirement-married-couples.aspx