Distinguish Between Japanese and Chinese Cultures

China and Japan are two of the most well known countries in Asia. People in Western society often link the the two nations together (i.e., Chinese and Japanese, etc.). So how to tell the two cultures apart?


  1. Know the different languages that belong to either country. China has many spoken languages such as Mandarin, Wu, Yue (Cantonese falls in this) and Min, but one written system, "Chinese", whereas Japan has only spoken Japanese but three different writing systems.
    • Chinese is a tonal language, where Japanese tends to be more monotone.
    • Japanese kanji is based off of Chinese written Chinese characters. Kanji and written Chinese are very similar, but not exactly the same.
    • Japanese does have regional dialects, with standard Japanese being the Tokyo dialect.
  2. Be aware of how geography has shaped the two cultures. China covers a vast amount of land on the mainland of Asia, whereas Japan is a group of islands.
    • China shares borders with the countries in the Middle East, Southern Asia, Southeast Asia, North and South Korea, Russia, and Mongolia. These land borders allowed for expansive trade networks and for culture to flow back and forth across their borders. As a result, Chinese culture had a wide sphere of influence but had vastly different cultures in northern and southern China.
    • Japan's neighboring countries were limited to North and South Korea, China, Russia, the Ainu people in the North (present day Hokkaido) and the Ryukyu kingdom (present day Okinawa)
  3. Know the different types of dishes that are native to either China or Japan. Knowing the flavor profiles of the two countries will also help you distinguish between the cuisines. Due to Japan being mostly island, seafood is heavily featured in much of Japanese cuisine. Chinese cuisines tend to feature seafood less prominently unless they're from coastal regions.
    • Chinese food varies by region, but tends to have stronger flavors. Northern China is better known for their noodle and grain-based dishes, while Southern China traditionally has been had more rice based dishes. Japanese cuisine is known for its more subtle tastes.
    • Japanese cuisine makes use of a lot of fish stock (dashi), kelp, miso, soy sauce, sake, and rice vinegar. Japanese rice is glutinous short grained rice, which tends to be stickier. Japanese famous food examples include sushi, tempura, and ramen.
    • Chinese cuisine, in general, favors soy sauce, rice wine, and ginger. Chinese food examples include Peking duck, chow mein, char siu (BBQ pork), and yumcha/dim sum. [1] Chinese rice tends to be long grain non-glutinous rice, which tends to lack stickiness.
  4. Know what type of governing body rules the respective nations. Mainland China is is a communist state (the nationalist party fled to Taiwan shortly after WW2), whereas Japan is a parliamentary representative democratic constitutional monarchy.
    • In Japan, the Emperor is the head of state but holds no real power, while the Prime Minister acts as the head of government. Legislative power is vested in the Diet, which consists of elected officials from across the 47 prefectures.
  5. Know the difference between Chinese holidays and Japanese holidays and how they're celebrated. While a lot of Asian countries celebrate Lunar New Year (such as South Korea and Vietnam), Japan does not celebrate Lunar New Year. Rather, it celebrates the Western New Year according to the Gregorian calendar. The way they're celebrated is similar, but different. In both there's a large emphasis on visiting with family and cleaning before the New Year, but the Chinese New Year tends to be celebrated very differently, with firecrackers and red things everywhere.
    • Another major holiday in Japan is the Obon season, which occurs in the late summer. Many people return to their hometowns and families to honor the spirit of their ancestors.
  6. Learn the difference between Chinese names and Japanese names. Chinese names usually only have one syllable. Japanese names usually have about three syllables, and end in a vowel (similar to Italian names).
  7. Know the different religions that are practiced in China and Japan. Being able to recognize the symbolism associated with the different religions will help you identify which religion belongs to which country.
    • Buddhism is an import to both countries (as well as the entire continent of Asia in general) from India. However, mainstream Chinese Buddhism has evolved very differently from its Indian roots. Buddhism was brought to Japan by Chinese monks and developed independently from Chinese Buddhism. Accordingly, Buddhism looks different in China than it does in Japan with different and sometimes overlapping sects.
    • Taoism and Confucianism both originated in China, and both have influenced and been influenced by Chinese Buddhism.
    • Shinto is the indigenous religion of Japan, though both Shinto and Buddhist practices are observed by many Japanese throughout their lives. Zen Buddhism is one of the most well known sects of Japanese Buddhism.


  • China used to be an empire too, just like Japan.
  • As already mentioned, Confucianism is native to China, however, there is a school of Confucianism in Japan as well.
  • Much of the culture in ancient Japan originally came from China via Korea, so don't be surprised at similarities.

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