Do Cheats on Windows Pinball

Ever wanted to get lots of points or cheat on Windows Pinball? Well now you can whenever you like! It's very easy to do. You can open Windows Pinball right now and follow along if you wish. Let's get started on those cheats!


Cheat 1: Hidden Test

  1. Type in "Hidden Test" without any caps or quotes.
  2. Click & drag the mouse to control the ball!
  3. You have to type it fast.

Cheat 2: Bmax

  1. Type in "bmax" without any caps or quotes.
  2. When you lose, the ball flies out of the wormhole when you lose the ball!

Cheat 3: Rmax

  1. Type in "rmax" without any caps or quotes.
  2. Your rank will increase!

Cheat 4: Gmax

  1. Type in "gmax" without any caps or quotes.
  2. You will be able to get the gravity well!

Cheat 5: Points

  1. Type in "hidden test"
  2. Go to the paddles
  3. Now just keep moving your mouse side-to-side


  • You may use bmax before hidden test and they will both work.
  • You may not use hidden test and bmax at the same time.
  • If you want lots of points, do lots of missions.

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