Do Tree Braids

Tree braids are a natural type of hair extension that is increasing in popularity. Unlike other types of hair extensions, tree braids don't require heat, chemicals, or needles in order to add length to your hair. Instead, it is a way to use cornrow braiding to add extensions, with a series of braids and knots used to hold the hair extensions in place while your natural hair is protected underneath in neat cornrows.


Preparing to Have Your Hair Braided

  1. Find someone to braid your hair, or find someone that you can practice your tree braids on. Unless you are VERY skilled at braiding, it would be very difficult to do this technique on yourself.
    • If you want someone to give you tree braids, offer to do a trade with them. Suggest that you can give them braids if they do them to you as well. This way you both get practice and a new hairstyle.
  2. Gather all the materials you will need. In addition to a comb and some clips to hold back the hair that's not being braided, you will need to acquire hair extensions to complete your tree braids. The extension hair should be loose, also called bulk, but can have any other properties you like.[1]
    • There are a wide variety of extensions out there, with a ton of different colors, lengths, textures, and types of hair, from real to synthetic, available. These choices are up to you! Remember, however, that the length you choose with need to be twice the finished length you want, as each extension will be folded in half when applied.
    • Ask a hair care professional or employee at the beauty supply store you buy your extensions at how much hair you will need. There may also be suggestions of how much to buy listed on the packaging of the extensions you choose.
    • After your braids are completed, you will need a sleeping cap to protect them while you sleep and you will also need a combo conditioner and detangler to keep your extensions healthy and shiny.
  3. Wash your hair and then lightly dry it. You don't want to dry your hair completely after washing. Creating tree braids with wet hair is easier and provides better results. You don't want to have your hair dripping wet but you do want it to be pretty damp.
  4. Brush or comb out your hair. Make sure there are no knots or tangles in your hair. Tangles will cause problems when you are dividing your hair into rows and when your are actually making your braids.
  5. Lay out the hair extensions in a place you can reach them easily. It might be a good idea to divide them into small sections that are just thicker than a piece of yarn.
    • You can also have the person who is getting their hair done divide the extension hair up as you go. As they sit there they can have pieces ready for you to attach. This will make the braiding process go much quicker.

Braiding Your Hair

  1. Section off a portion of your hair that is approximately 1/2-inch wide. The first section should be taken from the hair closest to one of your ears. Work from the front to the back of your head, using the front point of your comb to separate a strip of your hair.
    • Use a ponytail holder or duckbill clip to secure the other hair in place away from the section you just made.
  2. Pull one small pieces from the front of the first section of hair you are working with. These pieces should be the same size as you would use for a normal cornrow braid.
  3. Place the middle of one of the small bunches of hair extension against your head, in front of the section of hair being worked with. The extension should effectively be folded in half, with the middle point being the point of attachment to the scalp.
  4. Begin braiding the three pieces of hair. Braid the extension piece in with the piece of your natural hair that you separated. Combine the natural hair with the extensions, maintaining the three equal pieces.
    • Do one full rotation of braiding, in other words fold all three pieces over the top, before pausing.
  5. Pull one section of extension out of the braid, pulling it out and away from the line of the braid. You will only be pulling out one side of the extension, the other side will get pulled out on the next cycle. Pulling pieces out will repeat like this, with one half of a piece getting pulled out in one cycle and the other half getting pulled out in the next. This way the hair extensions all come out relatively the same length.
    • It's great if you can hook the length of the extension your pulled out onto the hair you have pulled away with your clip.[2] This will keep it out of further braiding, as it will be the first piece of extension that will form the body of your hair.
    • Make sure you are only pulling out the extension hair, not your natural hair.
  6. Do one more rotation of braid before adding in another piece of extension. This will insure that your braids do not get too thick and that the previous extension is locked in place.
  7. Add another section of extension into your hair. Place it directly in front of where your braid currently stops, folding it around the outside and underneath before incorporating it into the next braid cycle.
  8. Continue this process until the braid has reached your desired length, adding an extension in one cycle, taking a piece out in the next, doing another regular cycle, and then adding the next piece of extension in the next. Ideally, you should continue braiding like this until you are past the endpoint of your natural hair and are working only with hair extensions.
  9. Finish the end of each line of braid. Using the outer two sections of hair, secure the braid with a knot. Allow the middle section of hair to fall through the braid. Use these two sections of hair to tie another knot, further securing the braid in place.
    • It is important to avoid tying off the braid until you have reached the end of the natural hair. Tying a knot in your real hair can be very damaging to the hair. In addition, the security of knots tied with natural hair versus extensions is unsatisfactory.
  10. Repeat this process with small sections of hair until the entire head has been covered with tree braids. It is a good idea to go halfway up one side of the head and then switch to the other side, working your way up the same amount. This way you will be able to more easily assess that your tree braids are symmetrical on both sides.

Maintaining Your Tree Braids

  1. Cut and style your hair. Once the extensions are in, the hair can be cut to give you layers and body. Simply cut your hair as usual, except that you need to keep your comb away from the completed braids at the scalp.
  2. Protect your hair at night. Put your hair up into several buns or braids, or simply put it into a ponytail. Then cover it with a cap or head scarf. This will minimize the risk of pulling out your extensions or creating frizziness.[3]
  3. Apply detangler and conditioner every few days. This will help your extensions to remain clean and shiny, as well as avoiding large tangles.
    • You can also shampoo your hair, but do it gently. This works best if you are using synthetic extensions, but natural hair can also be gently washed as well.[3]
  4. Oil your scalp, especially at the front. This will help your scalp health, aiding your natural hair growth. It will also help you avoid a dry, itchy scalp.[3]
  5. Be gentle if you need to brush your hair. Vigorous brushing or combing can pull the extensions out of your hair.[4] In order to avoid this, keep your hair detangled by protecting it at night and applying a detangled. If at all possible, simply comb through your hair with your fingers, not a comb or brush.
  6. Retighten your braids. If one of your rows is loose or out of shape, but the rest of your braids look great, take it out and rebraid it.
    • If you had a professional do your braids, they may do a re-tightening free of charge.
  7. Have your braids redone every 6 to 8 weeks. By this point the braids will have loosened and your hair will probably become frizzy.
    • If you don't want to have your braids redone, simply remove them. Begin at the ends of the braids at the back of your head, undoing the braids and removing the extensions as you go. This process should be easy and painless, although it might take awhile.


  • You may want to go to a professional the first time you get tree braids. An experienced hairstylist will have the knowledge to give you the result you want, will be faster than an amateur, and they will be less likely to give you braids that are too tight.[5]


  • Avoid using mousse or hairspray on hair extensions. This can damage the extensions and can be unsightly.
  • The process of putting tree braids in your hair should not hurt. If you are feeling pain while getting them put in, notify the person doing your hair that the braids are too tight.[5]

Things You'll Need

  • Hair extensions
  • Comb
  • Hair clips and/or a ponytail holder
  • Sleeping cap
  • Spray in conditioner and detangler
  • Hair oil

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