Do Water Aerobics
Water aerobics is a great way to get in shape. If you have difficulty doing aerobics on land, water aerobics can give you a little bit of extra support. The water also increases your buoyancy, can minimize inflammation and keep your blood pressure more constant, which makes it ideal if you have medical issues like arthritis. Make sure you have the right equipment so you stay comfortable. You can sign up for water aerobic courses at a gym. If you have a pool at home, you can do water aerobics without leaving the house.
Getting the Correct Equipment
- Get a chlorine resistant bathing suit. Water aerobic classes are usually about an hour, so you want to make sure you have a suit that can deal with hour long classes a few times a week.
- You can wear a one or a two-piece suit, but a one piece is probably more comfortable. Some gyms might require that you wear a one piece. If you’re taking water aerobic classes at a gym, make sure you find out.
- Purchase a cover up. You’ll need to walk from where you changed to the pool and back again. A cover up can help you feel a little more comfortable if you’re not used to making that walk in just your bathing suit.
- Use water shoes. A lot of water aerobics courses require you to walk in the pool, or lift your legs, or move in some fashion. Wearing water shoes that grip the bottom of the pool not only prevent you from slipping, they also protect your feet.
- Water shoes are rarely required for a course, so if you prefer not to wear them that's ok too.
Taking a Water Aerobics Class at a Gym
- Talk to your doctor. If you have any medical issues, make sure you check with your doctor before you sign up for a water aerobics class. Water aerobics are relatively low impact, but your doctor will know best if it will exacerbate any issue you have.
- Sign up for the right class. Some gyms will have more than one type of water aerobics class, usually based on age of the participants or intensity level. If you’re unsure which course you should sign up for, ask one of the gym attendants or speak to the instructor. Typically, if any equipment is needed for the class, like weights, they will be provided for you. If you aren't sure if you need to bring something, just ask ahead of time.
- Shower before entering the pool. Most gyms require that you shower before you enter the pool. This doesn’t have to mean a full shower, but you should at least rinse off. This way dirt and body oils don’t get into the pool water.
- Get ready to move. Water aerobics instructors will lead you through the moves you need to perform. You should be prepared to move for the entire hour, including a warm up and cool down.
- You'll be:
- Walking and bouncing.
- Lifting and stretching your arms, legs, waist, and abs.
- Using water-exercise equipment, like "noodles" and dumbbells.
Doing Water Aerobics at Home
- Get the right equipment. Most water aerobic moves use only the resistance of the water to give your body a good workout. For some water aerobic workouts, you'll also need a pool noodle or kick board and some light hand weights.
- Target your core with lunges. You can work your core in the water by performing underwater lunges. You can hold light weights loosely in your hands when you perform this move to make it a little bit harder.
- To perform a lunge, stand in waist deep water, with your right foot forward and your thigh parallel to the pool floor. Your left knee should be slightly bent, and your hands should be at your waist. Jump up and switch feet so that your left leg is forward and your right knee is slightly bent.
- Do underwater bicep curls to work your arms. Stand with your body underwater up to your shoulders. Let your arms rest at your sides with your hands facing up. Then curl your arms up toward your shoulders in an even motion. It should feel like you're trying to scoop water up and out of the pool.
- To add extra resistance, you can hold a pool noodle or kick board in your hands as you perform the move. The water will push against the noodle or board, making it harder to lift.
- Try other upper body exercises. Work your chest and the front of your arms by pulling water forward with your hands. Your back and the back of your arms are targeted when you push water backwards or down.
- Use a pool noodle for resistance. Push a noodle down in front of the body, from the sides or from behind the back.
- Work your legs. Being in the pool automatically adds resistance to anything you’ll do with your legs. You can walk or jog the length of the pool, do jumping jacks, or kick underwater.
- To kick underwater, stand with your legs shoulder-width apart in waist deep water. Kick your right leg up as far as is comfortable and then lower it smoothly back down. Then repeat with the other leg.
- You might want to hold on to the side of the pool to keep your balance while you're walking or jogging.
- Pushing a pool noodle to the bottom of the pool with your foot or tying the noodle in a loop around your leg can add resistance to leg work as well.
- Get a bit creative! Really any movement that kicks or pushes water can be an effective exercise in the pool. Avoid any kind of motion that causes pain, tension or holding your breath for long periods, but aside from that feel free to try out any different motions or exercises you might come up with.
- For example, if you have practiced yoga or tai chi before, you might try doing some of these movements while in the water. Experiment with adding more resistance by holding a pool noodle in your hand in different positions while doing them.
- Water aerobics are especially great for people with arthritis or problems with your knees or back.
- If you're sore or tired, take it easy in the pool.
Things You'll Need
- A health club or gym with a swimming pool
- A one-piece bathing suit
- Shampoo and soap for showering
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