Do a Chapter Outline

A chapter outline can be a very useful tool. It can help you to organize material in a way that is easy to comprehend. An outline can also be really useful in helping you to find the main points of the chapter. Outlines can help you study for tests. Sometimes, an instructor might assign an outline to be completed for a grade. Whether the outline is for personal use or an assignment, you can take steps to make an organized and useful outline.


Writing Your Outline

  1. Skim the material. An outline is a useful way to help you summarize information. Your first step to understanding the chapter is to read the material. Skimming means to read quickly and somewhat superficially.[1]
    • Focus on key terms. Many textbooks will put these significant words in bold print to help you quickly locate them.
    • Do not spend too much time trying to read each word. On your first read through, scan the information to get a sense of what the chapter is about.
    • Skim the chapter, reading the introduction and conclusion. Also read the first sentence or two of each paragraph. You are trying to figure out what the main points of the chapter are.
  2. Format your outline. Once you understand the basic concept of the chapter, it is time to prepare your outline. Most outlines are formatted using a combination of numbers and letters. Typically, the main points are denoted with roman numerals, and the sub points are marked with letters.[2]
    • For example, if you are writing an outline for a chapter about the American Civil War, you want to start by organizing your outline with the main points.
    • It might be something such as: I. The Origins of the Conflict II. Significant Battles III. Impact on the North IV. Impact on the South V. Reconstruction.
    • Once you have your main points, you can add sub points. For I. The Origins of the Conflict, you could add A. Slavery B. State's Rights
    • Make sure that the points of the outline are based on the main points of the chapter. You could consider using the subheadings of the outline as your main points.
  3. Write the outline. Your outline will include additional components. After you have a format, you can work on writing the introduction. The introduction for your outline should be one paragraph long.[3]
    • The most important thing to include in your introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis is the argument, or main point, of the chapter.
    • For example, the thesis in the chapter on the Civil War might be, "The Civil War was a victory for the North because of more material resources, such as metals, and a larger population base."
    • Rewrite the thesis in your own words, and include it in your introduction. Your introduction should also give a brief overview of the significant points in the chapter.
    • The introduction should be at the beginning of the outline. Once that is finished, you can fill in the numerals and numbers with your main points.
  4. Annotate your outline. An effective outline will be succinct. You do not need to rewrite the entire chapter. However, you will want to add enough information to each of your points to give you a clear idea of what you are trying to comprehend.[4]
    • An annotation is a comment or explanation. Include an annotation for each of your sub points.
    • For example, you could annotate I. The Origins of the Conflict, A. Slavery, by saying something like, "The South was resistant to reforming society without 4 million slaves. This was also an ideological cause of the war.
    • The annotations should provide enough information to be useful, but not enough to overwhelm you when you are trying to review your outline. 2-3 sentences is about the right length.
  5. Be flexible. It's a good idea to have a pretty clear picture of what you want your outline to look like. However, you should also be open to making changes. Remain flexible while you're working on your outline so that you can shape it to best fit your needs.
    • Leave room to add points. Maybe you originally planned to have only 5 main points, but you realized there are actually 6 topics that you need to cover.
    • Go ahead and add an additional point. Just make sure that what you add truly does need to be a key point. If it would work just as well as a sub point, it's probably best to make it one.
    • You can also remove material. Maybe your initial impression is that submarine warfare was a major factor in the outcome of the Civil War. If you later change your mind, you can remove that point.
  6. Follow instructions. Sometimes your instructor might assign an outline as a graded assignment. It is a useful way to help you learn new skills. Your outline can also help your teacher tell if you are focusing on the right concepts.[5]
    • Complete all of the requirements. If your teacher asks for an 8 point outline, then your outline should have 8 points.
    • Ask for clarification. If you have questions about how to format your outline, ask your instructor for some specific guidelines.

Reading More Efficiently

  1. Scan the chapter. Outlines are a great way to help you learn and retain material. You can also learn to improve your reading skills so that you can become a more efficient learner. There are several things you can do to read faster and retain more information at the same time.[6]
    • In order to read efficiently, you do not need to focus on every word in the chapter. Instead, skim the chapter quickly to get a clear picture of the material covered.
    • Scanning does not mean that you should read in a sloppy manner. It simply means that you are reading with the purpose of finding specific information.
    • When you scan, consider your objectives when reading. For example, if you are looking for information about the root causes of the Civil War, don't let yourself get bogged down in a paragraph about the distance that a rifle could shoot.
    • Reading more efficiently will help you figure out what material belongs in your outline. The more effectively you read the material, the easier it will be to outline the chapter.
  2. Focus on the introduction and conclusion. The introduction and conclusion are often the most important parts of a chapter, book, or article. In the introduction, the author will generally lay out the thesis and other main points. The conclusion should reiterate the points that are most important.[7]
    • Read the chapter and the conclusion first. This will help you discern the main points and you will know what to focus on when you read the rest of the text.
    • Look for signposts. Authors will often help you by clearly stating what is most important.
    • For example, a sentence that begins, "I will argue..." is a good indication that the thesis will follow. You should also take note of paragraphs that begin with phrases such as "It is important to understand..." or "One of the key points is..."
  3. Read actively. Do not just let your eyes slide over the words without really focusing. Reading is an activity that requires you to engage with the content. Try using the SQ3R method to help you read more efficiently.[7]
    • "S" stands for "survey". Scan the material, paying careful attention to the introduction, conclusion, and subheadings.
    • "Q" is for "question". Write down any questions that you have about the material that you skimmed.
    • The 3 "Rs" stand for "read", "recite", and "review". Carefully read each section to answer your questions.
    • Recite your answers out loud. Verbalizing can help you retain material. Then, review your notes.
  4. Make notes. As you are reading, make sure to take notes. Try to get in the habit of using an outline as your note taking method. If you can format your notes, they will be much more useful to you.[8]
    • Don't try to write down everything that you read. Focus on noting main points and any questions that you have.
    • Prepare the outline before you read the chapter thoroughly. Then you can fill in the numerals and letters as you read.
    • Avoid over-highlighting. Many students find highlighting very helpful. Just make sure that you are also reading and retaining, not just marking passages.

Using the Best Study Methods

  1. Review material frequently. An outline can be one of the most helpful tools when you are studying for an exam or writing a paper. Used in combination with other methods, an outline can become even more effective. Making a study schedule is another way you can help yourself succeed.[9]
    • Look at your notes several times a week. It is better to study in small increments rather than trying to "cram" for several hours straight.
    • Set aside 10-15 minutes a day most days of the week. Use this time to look over your outlines and any other notes.
    • Review your notes after class. You will retain material best if you look at it within 24 hours of making the outline or taking notes.
  2. Individualize your study plan. Studying can be difficult, and at times, even boring. Try to look for ways to tailor your study sessions with your personality in mind. For example, if you love being outdoors, try doing your reading outside.[10]
    • Maybe you are a very social person. Ask some classmates to form a study group with you.
    • Look for methods that are helpful to you. For example, maybe you learn best by making flashcards to go along with your chapter outlines.
  3. Choose the right environment. It's important to pay attention to your surroundings when you are studying. Look for a room that is not too loud. Avoid watching TV when you are looking over your outlines.[10]
    • Make sure the room is a comfortable temperature to you. Your mind will wander if you are too hot or too cold.
    • Try having a light snack before you study. A banana or some nuts will give you energy and help you focus.


  • Don't make something complicated that is simple.
  • Allow yourself plenty of time to do your outline. Don't rush through it.
  • Find the outlining style that is right for you.

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