Do a Number Magic Trick

Magic tricks can involve a sleight of hand or a delicate use of misdirection to achieve the illusion of magic. But sometimes, a magic trick can done with just sheer brain power and a simple understanding of mathematics. Here is wikiHow to do a number magic trick.


  1. Ask the spectator to think of a number (Between 1 and 10).
  2. Multiply with 2.
  3. Add 10.
  4. Divide by 2.
  5. Subtract 5 from the result.
  6. Then you will have the original number.

Additional Method

  1. Tell someone to think of a number in-between one and one-hundred. Tell them to write it down, but not to tell you.
  2. Tell them to add two onto their number.
  3. Tell them to multiple their new number by five.
  4. Tell them to add fifteen to their number.
  5. Multiply the number by two.
  6. Ask them to tell you their answer. Once they do, take off the last digit and subtract it by five.


  • Practice this first with a friend.


  • Never ask the same person twice, Never share the method.

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