Do a Reverse Lunge

This low-intensity exercise, like the forward lunge, strengthens your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. It's a great alternative to the forward lunge for those who are worried about knee injury, as it does not allow your knees to extend beyond your toes. However, you should still be careful when performing this exercising, especially if you have a history of poor knees.


Getting in the Starting Position

  1. Stand up straight in front of a mirror. Keep your shoulders back and your hands resting at your sides.
  2. Take a big step backwards with your left foot. You should now be standing with your feet apart.

Performing the Exercise

  1. Lower your hips to the floor until your front (right) knee forms a 90-degree angle.
  2. Push yourself up. Most of the strength should come from your front (right) foot. Return your back (left) foot to the starting position
    • As you work through the sets, really focus on pressing the heel of your front foot into the ground as you lift up in order to engage your glutes to their full potential.
    • Resist the temptation to put your hands on your knees to help push yourself up. Not only does pushing on your knees lessen the effect of the exercise, but it can cause injury.
  3. Repeat the exercise. This time, do it with your right leg back. Switch sides for each rep.

Advanced Version

  1. To make this exercise more challenging you can hold barbells at your sides.
  2. You can hold a medicine ball at your chest to increase the intensity of this exercise as well. Increase the weight of the barbells/medicine ball as you become more experienced.


  1. Do 20 repetitions of this exercise per set on each side. Repeat until you've completed 3 sets.
  2. In order to start seeing/feeling results, aim to do 3 sets 3 days a week for 5 to 6 weeks. For faster results, increase the number of sets/times per week you do this exercise.


  • The benefits of these exercises are increased strength and flexibility in your glutes, hamstrings, calves, and quads
  • Keep your torso as upright as possible. Make sure that your movements are steady and slow—jerky movements can place extra stress on your knees
  • To make this exercise less challenging, start very slowly and avoid dipping down too low. You'll be able to lunge deeper as you progress.


  • Those with poor balance or unstable knees should be careful when performing this exercise.
  • Potential injuries, specifically to the knees, may be incurred if this exercise is performed incorrectly.

Things You Need

  • Medicine ball (optional)
  • Dumbbells (optional)
  • Water bottles (optional)
  • Towel (optional)

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