Do the "Blue Steel" Pose from Zoolander

Whether you're a model, a party goer, or just want to impress the babes, this is the perfect pose for you! We have the secret formula for the pose made famous by Derek Zoolander, and we're ready to share! Read on, and set your inner catwalk free!


Mastering the Blue Steel Pose

  1. Strike a pose. Pop your collar, and grab a handful of attitude. Spike your hair if you have time to plan ahead.
  2. Tilt one of your shoulders towards the camera. If there's no camera, aim for the person who's the target of your killer pose.
  3. Face the camera. Look head on at the camera or your target. Don't even think of blinking.
  4. Pucker your lips. You want an insouciant blend of booboo lip, lemon-sucking, and kiss.
  5. Suck in your cheeks. Suck hard so your cheeks cave in.
  6. Look surprised. Eyebrows up, eyes bugged.

Perfecting the Variations

  1. Do the Ferrari pose: Master the Blue Steel pose. Call it the Ferrari.
  2. Do the Le Tigre pose: Master the Ferrari pose, and call it Le Tigre.
  3. Do the Magnum pose. Whip your head to the left as you do the Blue Steel pose. This Magnum pose can stop a shuriken in mid-flight. Use sparingly.


  • Look into the center of the lens, which will make your eyes look stunning in the photograph.
  • Breathe in and hold it to make your chest look bigger.
  • Do this around ladies if you want them to be attracted to you.


  • Does not work as well for men.

Things You'll Need

  • A face
  • Attitude
  • An expert photographer and/or woman
  • A pose-off competition

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