Do the Sexy Walk

Want to walk in a sexy way? Having good posture is key. Throwing your shoulders back and standing up straight as you walk conveys bold, sexy confidence. After you get the hang of walking in a sexy way, you'll be able to do it without thinking!


  1. Keep your head held high. This shows that you have self confidence and it will get you some hot guys looking at you.
  2. Square back your shoulders so you can see the girls.
  3. Swing your arms back and forth. Do not go crazy on this one because you will just make you look less attractive.
  4. Put all your weight in your heels.
  5. Approach at an angle - Do not walk straight up. Approach at an angle, tilt your head over your shoulders, and say your piece. Done correctly, you raise your value significantly by demonstrating that you do not need their attention or approval.
  6. Slow down your movements, as if moving underwater.
  7. Movement should be bold, sporadic and purposeful.
  8. Relax your eyes.
  9. Slightly Purse your lips, as if you’re about to kiss them.
  10. Keep an inquisitive look of mild arousal on your face.

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