Draw a Cartoon Bee

Have you ever tried to draw a bee? Do you sit down and take forever trying to make it look good but it still looks like a bee that has been shoved into a blender? This article will show you how to draw a cool and effective bee!


Drawing a Plump Bee

  1. Start by drawing an oval that fills most of your paper. Be sure to leave enough space to draw the wings, legs and antennae!
  2. Draw six lines coming from the bottom of the oval. You can draw smaller ovals onto these to look like feet if you like.
  3. Draw two curved lines coming from the top left of the oval. Then add two circles. These are the antennae.
  4. Now draw the wings. These are a bit like wonky circles but with a bit chopped off.
  5. Draw the sting at the back of the bee. This is just a triangle on the right of the oval.
  6. Draw a smile and two big eyes! Give the bee some character!
  7. Color it in any way you want to! Remember to add stripes to the bee!

Drawing a Bee Looking at You

  1. Draw a round circle for the head, and cartoon-style eyes.
  2. Draw the antennae and the smiley mouth. Or angry, sad or surprised if you wish! If you are in the creative mood, the circles on the antennae could be heart shaped, or star shaped.
  3. Draw the body, six little legs, and that nasty stinger!
  4. Draw the stripes on its body, and the wings on it's back.
  5. Now, just color it in, and you are done! Feel free to add a background! Sky, grass or whatever you would like!


  • Outline your bee with a black marker. It will make it stand out more.
  • Don't do too many stripes on the bee. Keep it simple.
  • You can feature your bees in books, comics, poems and you can decorate things with them. Get creative!
  • You can do the bee's expression any way you want to. Why don't you make a whole swarm?


  • Be careful with felt tip pens/markers. They can stain clothes and that does not make mum and dad happy people!
  • Always take your time when drawing. Drawing is supposed to be a relaxing thing. Don't rush as it will affect the end results of your picture.

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