Eat More Calcium

Calcium can help us build strong bones and healthy teeth. It's never too late to start eating more calcium to improve your health, and you may even find some new foods that you enjoy! If you are uncertain about how much calcium you need or worried about whether you are getting enough, check with a doctor.


Consuming Calcium-Rich Foods

  1. Consume dairy or fortified replacements for an easy-to-find source of calcium. Milk is usually what people first think of when they want calcium from dairy products, but many other high-calcium options are available. Many non-dairy replacements like soy milk, almond milk, soy yogurt, and similar products are fortified with calcium and can meet your needs if you don't eat dairy. Just check their labels to find one that works for you.[1]
    • Swiss, cheddar, and mozzarella are popular cheeses that are calcium-rich. Slices can be included on sandwiches, or shredded cheese can be added to salads. Shredded parmesan can be added to many dishes, such as sprinkled on top of pasta or incorporated into a sauce. Cottage cheese makes for a healthy high-calcium snack all on its own. Gruyere is a rich cheese that has become more popular recently, which is low in sodium.
    • Yogurt is another calcium-rich dairy food that can be added to smoothies or eaten on its own. Add fruit, such as strawberries or blueberries, to yogurt for a quick snack.
  2. Eat green leafy vegetables that contain calcium. Vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collards, kale, and Swiss chard are all calcium-rich foods, though you will still need to eat other sources of calcium to meet your daily requirements. These green veggies are also high in vitamin C, which helps your body to absorb the added calcium.[2]
    • Kale has recently become popular due to its health benefits, but one of the most impressive is that it contains calcium. Spinach is a versatile leafy vegetable that is nutrient-dense that can be eaten on its own, used in salads, and can also be cooked numerous ways. Kelp is less popular but is also a calcium source.
    • Sweet potatoes are a root vegetable and not leafy, but you should not overlook them as a way to eat more calcium. They can be served as a side dish or as a dessert.
  3. Add beans to your diet for another great source of calcium. Soybeans can be eaten boiled as edamame. Tofu, which is made from soy milk, can be flavored with nearly any sauce, making it a great source for calcium as well as protein. Tempeh is a fermented soy product that is also a popular meat substitute with a nutty flavor.[3] Black-eyed peas and white beans are other healthy beans that provide protein and calcium all at once.[4]
  4. Consume more nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds both contain calcium and can be easily worked into your diet. Nuts have the added benefit of being high in protein, almonds having one of the highest concentrations among nuts.[5]
    • Nuts can always be eaten as just a snack, or added to a spinach salad, for example, to up your calcium numbers. Seeds can be added to dishes to increase calcium. For example, sesame seeds can be sprinkled on a salad. Chia seeds, another good source, can be added to smoothies.
  5. Eat calcium-rich fish for a high-protein, non-dairy calcium source. Canned sardines and other preserved fish are one of the highest sources of calcium around. Canned pink salmon has similar properties. However, note that the bones in the fish are where the calcium is located. The bones in canned fish are edible and will go a long way in improving your bone health.[6]
  6. Choose calcium fortified foods. Many foods such as fruit juices and cereals are being offered in calcium fortified varieties. Choosing these instead of the regular variety will allow you to add calcium by way of foods that you would have consumed anyway.
  7. Try new recipes that incorporate these foods into your diet. Consider adding broccoli to your stir-fry or roasting Brussels sprouts with some flavorful seasonings. You can add beans to chili, soups, Mexican foods and egg dishes, as well as many other everyday foods to intake more calcium. Revamping dishes you already enjoy will help make the transition to a higher calcium diet much easier.

Taking Calcium Supplements

  1. Research different types of supplement. If you plan to take the supplement with food, calcium carbonate requires food to properly digest and absorb. Calcium citrate can be taken without food. Some supplements contain both, so as with any supplement, always read the label.[7]
    • As with all supplements, calcium supplements are not regulated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for content or potency. Look for a third party verification, such as the United States Pharmacopeia (USP).
    • Always talk to your doctor before adding any supplements to your diet.
    • Calcium supplementation usually isn't required for most adults. However, older people can benefit from taking calcium supplements to support their bone health.[8]
  2. Take the correct dosage for your needs. Your doctor can help you decide what dosage you need based on your diet. The recommended amount of calcium per day for an adult is 1,000 milligrams, but everyone is different. Calculate how much calcium you receive from food and use supplements to add to that.[9]
    • Women over the age of 50 need 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day.[10]
    • The best way to know how much more calcium you need to be getting is to get a blood test done.[11]
  3. Increase your vitamin D intake. Vitamin D goes hand-in-hand with calcium absorption. Without vitamin D, your body will only absorb 15-20% of the calcium you consume. Limited sun exposure, approximately 15 minutes, will provide your body with ample vitamin D. The amount of time you expose yourself to the sun is important as burning your skin doesn't allow you to get the proper benefit from the sun. Wear sunscreen to help you avoid burning.[12]


  • Discuss all dietary changes with your healthcare provider.
  • Tell your doctor if you are considering a calcium supplement. Some may have interactions with medications, so it is important to talk to your doctor and get a recommendation.
  • While too little calcium can lead to bone loss and weak teeth, too much calcium from supplements can also lead to health problems. This is mostly an issue when the overabundance of calcium leads to the malabsorption of other essential minerals.

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