Explain a Termination in a Job Interview
If you've been terminated from a job, you may be nervous about having to explain the circumstances to potential employers. You want to make yourself look good, but you also don't want to get caught up in a lie. No matter what led to your termination, it's important to be honest and confident. You will also need to learn how to turn a negative into a positive so that your interviewer will look right past your previous termination.
Answering the Tough Questions
- Be honest.
- Think about what your employer might say if the interviewer calls to follow up on your story. It's very important that you don't say anything that will be contradicted by your former employer's story. This means if you were fired for misconduct, you need to own up to it instead of saying you resigned.
- It's also important to address the question at hand. Trying to dodge it by changing the subject will only make you seem suspicious.
When your interviewer asks you why you left your last job, the best thing you can do is be honest. Making up stories will only make you seem irresponsible and untrustworthy.
- Stick to the facts. Try to avoid getting emotional when explaining why you were fired, even if you feel strongly about it. Instead, offer a very brief description of the events that resulted in your termination.
- Sticking to the facts will help you avoid coming across as overly apologetic. While you should take responsibility for the termination to a reasonable extent, apologizing for your actions during an interview will only make you seem desperate.
- For example, instead of saying, "My boss was really mean to me and I couldn't handle the pressure, so I made some dumb mistakes, which I know was really bad," try saying something like, "The way I work is very different from the way my former boss works. He thrives on the pressure of last-minute deadlines, while I prefer to prepare for projects well in advance. Because of this I was not always able to get the results he was looking for."
- Don't point the finger. A prospective employer is not likely to believe you if you blame your termination solely on your former employer and don't accept any personal responsibility. Be sure to comment at least somewhat on your own role, even if you just say that you were not the right fit for the company's culture or the specific job.
- Don't say "Everybody in that organization violated company policies now and then but never got caught. I am just unlucky for getting caught." Blaming others for your own mistakes only shows that you are self-righteous and irresponsible.
- Don't dwell on your wrongdoings either! Keep this very brief and then move on to more positive comments.
- Don't complain. It's never a good idea to say anything negative about your former employer during an interview, no matter what the circumstances.
- Do your best to stay calm and collected, even if you're still angry about being terminated. You do not want to look like a person who holds a grudge.
- Save the details about wrongful termination. Even if you feel you were discriminated against, it's usually best not to let your interviewer know that you are pursuing or are considering pursuing legal action against your former employer. While it is technically illegal to not hire you because of this, the interviewer may see it as a red flag nonetheless. You don't want to give your prospective employer any reason to believe that you will cause legal problems for them in he future.
- Show that you have learned from your mistakes. Once you acknowledge what went wrong at your last job, it's important to communicate what lessons you've taken away from that experience.
- If you were fired for violating company policy, try saying something like, "I didn’t realize that violating the policy would be taken seriously. But this incident helped me become more responsible and respectful of rules. I understand the gravity of what I did, and as a result have more respect for the company, the position, and the responsibility that came with it."
- Make it very clear that you will not repeat the same mistake again.
- Do not be overly critical of yourself, or you may come off as lacking in confidence and desperate for the job. Just talk about the lessons you have learned in a subtle and positive manner, never berating yourself to show false modesty. You should be selling yourself, not selling yourself short.
Talk about how you have grown and how you would confront the same situation if it happened today.
- Surround the negatives with positives. If you need to say something a little bit negative in order to explain your termination, make sure to surround the statement with positive remarks to avoid sounding overly negative.
- If, for example, you were fired because you had a difficult time getting along with your coworkers, try sandwiching this information between statements about your enthusiasm for doing a good job and the lessons you've learned about teamwork.
- Turn the attention to your other work history. If you have only been fired once and have an otherwise good record, focus on your past achievements, emphasizing that being fired was an anomaly for you.
Minimizing the Importance of the Termination
- Don't be ashamed of a layoff. Being laid off is not the same thing as being fired. It likely had more to do with the company's bottom line than it did with your performance, and your interviewer knows that. If you were laid off, try not to worry too much about how it will look.
- If you were laid off, emphasize this by saying something like, "My position was eliminated" or "the company let many employees go due to financial issues."
- Cut yourself some slack. Even if you were fired for some kind of wrongdoing, it's important not to eat yourself up about it. If you do, it may have a negative effect on your confidence, which can come across to prospective employers as a lack of competence.
- Talk to your former employer. Depending on how exactly things ended with your last employer, you may be able to get their support. Talk to your former employer about providing a reference for you when you begin looking for a new job. Even though you were fired, it's important to maintain a positive relationship since the employer will always be part of your work history.
- You will probably have to be willing to own up to your mistakes. If, for example, you were fired because you weren't efficient enough, try admitting the mistakes you made and explaining what you've learned from them. Your former employer might be willing to recommend you on the basis that you've learned your lesson.
- Even if you can't get the support of your manager, you may be able to get a good reference from someone else you worked with at the company. Don't be afraid to ask.
- If you did something really bad, like stealing from the company or assaulting a coworker, you probably won't have much luck with this.
- Save the details. You don't need to state why you left your last job on your resume or in your cover letter, unless the question is specifically asked. Even if you are asked to provide an answer in writing, keep it brief and nonspecific. You can offer more details during your in-person interview.
- In some cases you may feel that it would be beneficial to explain a termination immediately before you are put on the spot about it. This is entirely up to you, but keep in mind that you might be better able to explain it during a face-to-face conversation, rather than with a few sentences in your cover letter or on an application.
- Boost your resume. If you were out of work for a while after being terminated, you may be worried about how your extended absence from the workforce will look on your resume. Instead of looking like you were doing nothing during this period of unemployment, show your prospective employer that you spent the time enhancing your skills.
- If possible, improve your employability by getting a new degree or certificate, or just by taking a few classes to learn some new skills.
- Try your hand at freelancing or consulting. Even if you don't have much business, it will help fill the gap and it will make you look like a leader.
- Volunteer work can be a resume booster too, especially if it's related in some way to your field.
- Ooze professionalism. If you want your prospective employer to look past your termination, one of the best things you can do is put some extra effort into being professional. Don't give your interviewer any reason to doubt your ability to get the job done.
- Be sure to practice good interview etiquette by dressing professionally, arriving early, and silencing your phone.
- It's also important to do your research about the company and be well-prepared to answer questions about the industry and job requirements.
- Always express that you are grateful for what you learned from past experiences, no matter how they ended.
- The more positive and confident you are, the less this prospective employer will suspect anything incriminating.
- Being fired is not the end of the world. Don't give up on searching for the perfect job!
- [v161390_b01]. 29 April 2020.
- http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/2013/08/15/how-to-explain-being-fired-on-a-job-interview
- http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/2013/08/15/how-to-explain-being-fired-on-a-job-interview
- http://career-advice.monster.com/job-interview/interview-preparation/how-do-i-explain-getting-fired/article.aspx
- http://www.careercast.com/career-news/what-do-i-say-interview-when-ive-been-fired
- http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/21/AR2008052102019.html
- [v161390_b01]. 29 April 2020.
- http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/2013/08/15/how-to-explain-being-fired-on-a-job-interview
- [v161390_b01]. 29 April 2020.
- https://www.ziprecruiter.com/blog/what-to-say-when-a-job-interviewer-asks-you-why-were-you-fired/
- http://www.careercast.com/career-news/what-do-i-say-interview-when-ive-been-fired
- http://advice.careerbuilder.com/posts/explaining-previous-employment-issues-during-your-job-interview
- [v161390_b01]. 29 April 2020.
- http://advice.careerbuilder.com/posts/explaining-previous-employment-issues-during-your-job-interview
- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140623182203-368344-5-tips-for-how-to-explain-gaps-in-your-employment-history
- http://www.careerealism.com/how-handle-terminations-interview/