Eye Flirt
Have you always wanted to flirt with that guy or girl way across the room, but without disrupting class? Now you can do it without passing notes. Being a master at silent Eye Flirting is a good tool to have.
- Start off by getting the other person's attention. Do not ask the person next to you to get it for you. Always get their attention yourself. Sometimes you can just sense someone staring at you.
- When he or she looks at you turn away quickly, then look back. They'll probably still be looking at you.
- Then start a staring contest. Usually, especially the first time, they will look away instantly. If they hold for more than five seconds, let them win. At this point, they'll probably be smiling, and wondering, 'What the heck are they doing?'
- Now you can get more creative. Try to make them laugh (not out loud). Make funny expressions, check them out, and always use your eyebrows. Remember, you're trying to be funny.
- Narrow your eyes and raise your eyebrows quickly, and break it off. Focus intently on your work. Check every once in a while to see if they are staring at you. If they are, go in for round two.
- Make sure to talk to them right after class, or ASAP. Start the conversation with, 'Wasn't class so easy/hard today?' If the conversation goes the way you want, one of you will end up saying, 'Yeah, as if you were looking at your work.'
- If you were successful, do it again the next day. And after that, only once in a while. You'll end up talking frequently to him or her, and may eventually get a number, or even a date!
- Make sure that they are looking at you and not someone else, or else you may look like a fool.
- If you are a girl, watch how often they look at you. If you keep looking at them and they don't look back, someone sitting next to them may notice and tell your crush. Don't look too often, but keep them interested.
- Don't let the teacher see you, they will probably call you on it.
- Don't spend all day trying to get their attention, try again tomorrow.
- When making expressions, be subtle and mature. No big movements.
- Don't do anything to make them think your weird ,don't do too much eyebrow.
- This is only for flirting. Expect a friendship, don't expect a date.
- Remember, eyebrows are very important. Even an amateur can make someone laugh here.
- Keep your mouth a thin flat line as often as possible, let your eyebrows do the talking, and raise them often.
- DO NOT SMILE yourself, it will ruin the whole thing, you have to seem genuinely concentrated on what you're doing.
- Mess with them like point at them so they think you're talking about him.
- Don't let other girls or guys see you eyeing them. Rumors will be spread. Especially if you are in 5th to 9th grade.
- Remember to pay attention to the class work. It would be embarrassing to have the teacher call on you and not hear them.