Fall Asleep with Audio Books

In the long history of parenting, few methods for putting a fussy baby to sleep have gained a reputation for tried-and-true success like good old-fashioned storytelling. As it turns out, adults often aren't all that different from fussy babies when it comes to falling asleep-- we too can sometimes be gently lulled into dreamland by listening to a good (or maybe not so good) story. Listening to a story allows an active mind to remain active-- initially-- but keeps it distracted from the cares and concerns that might otherwise keep one awake. The trouble, of course, is finding a devoted and willing storyteller to do the job for us once the diaper days are over. Luckily, technology offers an easily accessible substitute: the audio book. In addition to providing a convenient way to "read" great literature, audio books can double as effective (and safe) sleep aids to rival the sedative powers of pro bedtime storytellers. Whether you're a seasoned insomniac or are soon to embark on a red-eye flight, audio books might be your ticket to a good night's sleep (or at least a great nap).


  1. Choose your listening device. An iPod or other MP3 player is ideal, but any portable CD/cassette player or computer that can be set up next to your chosen sleep location will work. Headphones may be necessary or preferred when traveling or sleeping in a noisy environment, but in a private room, regular speakers (if your device has them) might also be preferred.
  2. Collect a variety of audiobooks to try out. Most public libraries offer audiobooks on CDs or cassette tapes, and some now also offer access to these in MP3 formats. Or, if you're using a personal computer, there are many options for (legally) downloading audiobooks, which can be easily transferred to another portable music player. (See the "tips" below for some sites to explore). You might find that a book you've already read works best, since you'll be less inclined to stay awake and find out what happens next. If you want something new, try and avoid books that you might find particularly absorbing, suspenseful, or disturbing. You may ultimately find that dry, technical, or nonfiction books are most effective, as you'll be less likely to hang on every word.
  3. Press play. Once you're set up, turn down the volume on your listening device until it's just barely audible. As the book begins, follow along, but not too closely-- the trick is to simply relax, enjoy, and, eventually, drift off to a restful sleep.
  4. If it works, repeat! When incorporated into a regular bedtime routine, this can become a conditioning habit: the sound of narrative talking voice will cue body and mind that it's time for sleep.


  • If you're using an iPod, most models have timer features that will help to avoid draining the battery. For the iPod nano and iPod touch, select "Clock," then "Timer"; specify the time you want the ipod to play for (two hours should suffice), then select "Sleep iPod." For the iPod classic, select "Extras," then "Alarms," then "Sleep Timer," and again set the time you want your audiobook to play before shutting off. Check the instruction manual or website for other MP3 players that may have similar features.
  • Podcasts may also work well. There are a variety of sites with podcasts available for free download (try, for instance, NPR.org). The iTunes store also offers a wide selection of podcasts and lectures for free download.
  • Books on history, travel narratives, poetry, and long-winded fiction may be most effective. This is a great way to get all of the 19th century British classic novels under your belt, for instance.
  • When audiobooks aren't an option, you might find listening to an AM talk radio station similarly effective.


  • While this method may prove highly effective, it is generally inadvisable to become dependent upon listening to audiobooks in order to fall asleep. For one, this may make it exceedingly difficult to fall asleep when, for whatever reason, you can't practice your listening habit. If you think you may be prone to this kind of dependency, try to reserve this trick for special situations like plane rides, or if your sleep schedule has become disrupted and needs to be re-set. This practice might also harbor the danger of making you more susceptible to falling asleep when you aren't actually trying to-- for instance, during lectures, meetings, speeches, or movies.

Things You'll Need

  • Listening device: a CD player, cassette player, computer/laptop, or MP3 player.
  • Headphones (though not always necessary)
  • Audiobooks, in device-compatible format (CD, cassette, MP3, etc.)

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